Here we go again!

Don found it hard to find time to talk to Rose. His friends was allwise around and when he thought he had ditch them and starts heading towards Rose one or more pops up out no wear . One day Ted (one of Don's friends) wanted go try to talk to Rose . Don decided to tag along in hopes he would be able to talk to her too . That was the worst thing he ever did for some reason Rose really talked to them and she immediately regretted it because Ted did nothing but make fun of her and made her cry. Don just stayed quiet he didn't know what to do or what to say when Rose cried . Ted finlay left and Don fallow . (Rose Pov) Rose was so excited to see the boy she liked and his friend came over to talk to her but that excitemint turn into her crying real fast he did nothing but made fun of her and Don the boy she liked just sat there with a stupid cute smile he didn't say or do anything . After Ted left he just left too didn't even look at her . Everyone allwise said Don "so nice" , "so funny" ," so great" . Rose larn he just a complete butt whole she hated him she never talk to anyone again and stop looking at him , avoid him all she could . She wasn't going to cry anymore she was done . (Don Pov) she dosen't look at him no more wont give him time a day. He use to catch her looking at him all the time now he barely seen her at all it was liked she was going out of her way to avoid him . This made him mad he didn't make her cry why was she hating on him .He decided he would get her attention the way he use to .He would pull her hair ,Tiipped her as she walked by ,Smacked books out her hands. He loved that one because he would larn what she like to read. She allwise seems to have a book in her face . He did everything to upset her, Get her to look at him ,Yell his name like she use too and some times she would hit him . He found this cute she hit like child it never hurt that didn't stop her from trying her hardest . He made shure to never make her cry and never let the other boys do anything to hurt her even try fight a few who spoke bad of her. He never understood why she couldn't see how he felt. That he liked her, She all he tought about , He been in love with her scents the first day he saw her way back in first grade .why did she always turn away from him ? (Rose Pov) This month drag on she didn't know what was Don problem it seems he did something new to upset her every day. She tried to anore him that made it worst .She tried avoiding him but he seem to be everywhere and she even tried standing up for her shelf nothing hurt him. Then one day he pulled her hair it hit her. This wasn't some random boy hurting her this was the same bully who made her cry way back in frist grade. After what felt like forever something amazing happen summer break hit and she didn't have to deal with him no more and if she was lucky she wont see him next year .