At the Snake bar he gets him a snake and sat down at a table. When something wired happen. A cool looking guy came up to him he was just a little shorter then Don but would of been talker then Rose. He had about same body built as Don but his arms was just a little bigger . He had dark brown sort hair and eyes to match . He goes up to Don and saids What's up ? Don kinda confused said what's up back. The guy sat down with him said his name was Leroy . He said dont freak out I can smell your a fox will I am "special " too I am dog deamon this cought Don Attention . He never meat a nother kid like him before. He said you look down are you having girl problems too ? Don couldn't bleave it not only was this kid like him but he knew he was having girl problems and he was going trew the same thing .
Don started talking to Leroy they became friends right away . He told him about Rose and how he shown her his ture from and she ran and now wont talk to him . He feels in his heart that she is his mate and he couldn't love a nother. Leroy said I understand my girl is the Best . She has the most beautiful bounce shoulder link fiery Red Hair and a attitude to match but he love it . He said that is just one side of her if you didn't piss her off and treated her right she was the most nicest person in the world he said she has beautiful blue eyes the ones you can get lost in .
He too shown his girl his ture form . He young still so when he turns kinda of looks like a Chihuahua . He gets cute pointy black dog ears his hair turn black gets dog fangs and a small black tail and he shrinks in side. He hates that part .
She still with him but hurt his pride .She laughed at him and pick him up he was a tiney helfy human helf Chihuahua so cute . He can't stop his instincts in that form so he liked his tummy rub and ears scared but the thing he hated is if he feels treated he sakes after picking him up she rub his belly but keep calling him her tiney man when he shakes she always saids dont worry tiney I will protect you . No one can step up to R.E.D this breaks his pride he came here to get his mind off it and that when smelt Don .
Don kinda wanted to laught to but didn't said to Leroy . Tell her how you feel . She will understand I wish I had your problem . That's when Leroy eyes open wide he never tought about telling her he didn't like it . Could it really be that easy ? He Look at Don and said listen up bro . Women are like roller coasters they are up then down . She will come around just give her time . She got a lot to take in if she really loves you she will be back just dont stop trying then Leroy phone rings he saids I got answer this it Lee . Oh ! Lee is your girl ? Oh man! You wont bleave this Rose is her best friend. Leroy said ain't that some shit guess that makes us brothers then and ran off to go talk to Lee .