( Rose POV) Rose goes rushing into Lee room she busts open the door crys out Lee I need you ! Wear are you ? Lee here's worry in her best friend voice she goes rushing out of the bathroom to see whats wrong. She grabs Rose gives her a big hug and said oh hunny what's wrong ? Are you ok? Rose pulls away steps back with big wide eyes this scares Lee. Rose pulls something out of her back pocket and shows Lee with excitement she yells at Lee I am Pragnet.
Lee said Oh my goodness congratulations have you told Don yet ? Rose saids no I want do this big thing and I want it be a surprise he gonna be so happy and you got help me Lee said I am down . What are we doing? Rose saids frist we got go shopping buying blue and pink stuff set up in the men cave with it all and Leroy will bring him in and I go up and say congratulations your gonna be a father and hand him the pragncey Test. Perfect let's go Shopping lee sing grabbing her car keys .
They go shopping grabbing a bunch pink and blue balloons , steamers, flowers, a big banner that said congrats. They got Leroy to take Don out as they set up the man cave and when everything was ready and set up they started calling family and friends to come over for a big surprise when everyone came in she ran up to Don said congrats your a father and hands him the pragncey test he jaw dropped to the ground.
Jane came in yelling with excitement I am gonna be a grandma ! Giving Rose a big hug everyone starting celebrating and saying congratulations haveing a good time and Rose was so Happy . When all sudden in a loud voice Don goes up to Rose and yells YOUR WHAT !