
The doctor came in the room said they babys is fine and mom is healed good you guys can go home. I will release you tomorrow morning . Afther words Rose fell asleep. Don sent the babys to the Nursery then went out to by stuff for Annabelle. He got nother pink crib to add to the girls room with a fairy blanket to go in it he also got a cute swing and bounce chair and c pellow for the play room . Jane came in to see everything. she thought it was beautiful. Don said to Jane everything is ready for them to come home tomorrow unless Rose has a nother surprise. They both laughed .

Don went back to the hospital. Rose was already awake . Don told her what he did and show her all the pictures he had tocken. She said she tought the kids was gonna love it and be very happy. That she couldn't wait to go home tomorrow and starts there new lifes as a big happy family . They had dinner got a good night's rest and they woke up they was released and on there way home .

Travis had Alexander brought him in the house and put him in the baby swing in the play room . Next came in Jane she had Annabelle and also put her in her baby swing next to Alexander. Then came in Marie with Ariel and put her in her swing next to Annabelle . Last came in Don he was helping Rose in and helped her to the couch. he said thinks everyone for helping them get home gave them all a big hug and sat down with Rose . Everyone decided to go home let them rest and enjoy there 1st day home and left jane who was staying the next few weeks to help them get use to there new. life and Rose heal completely went to her room .

Rose said to Don What scould we do now? Don repone with how about you rest and I will read a book to the babys . He went to go get a book off the bookshelf and trip over a baby shoe and he went rolling into the book shelf cusing the books to fall on him all 3 babys laughed and Poff Poff Poff.