Chapter 2

After a few days

Elsa was working in her cabin when a peon came and said-" Madam boss is calling you."


She went towards his cabin and knocked on the door saying-" May I come in?"

Simon smiled and said-" what is this Elsa? There is no need to take permission. Come inside."

Elsa too smiled and entered in and sat down on a chair.

Elsa -" What happened?"

Simon gave her a file and said-" This is the head office file from Bangkok."

Elsa took the file and Simon continued-" The day after tomorrow there is a meeting..."

Elsa -" So, you are going... "

Simon smiled and said-" yes. But there is a little change."

Elsa(still looking in the file)-" What?"

Simon-"This time, you will lead the board meeting."

The file from Elsa's hand almost slipped but she saved it and looked at him saying-" Are you joking?"

Simon-" Why?"

Elsa(tensed)-" How can I do that.."

Simon-" Else... you have 50% partnership... so how much I have the leadership... you to have that much..."

Elsa-" I know... I don't have that much capability..."

Simon sat opposite her and held her hand saying-" Elsa... I have trust in you and trust me, everything will be alright."

Elsa smiled and said-" when you have trust in makes to trust myself.."

Simon-" That's like Elsa... now you study the file...we will meet in the evening..."

Elsa(confused)-" evening?"

Simon-" You forgot... today is Alvin's birthday... there is a party in the evening. .."

Elsa smiled and said-" l know. .."

Simon- "Then why did you give a confused reaction ?"

Elsa-" You didn't invite me."

Simon-" Is there any need to invite you?"

Elsa-" Ok. I did only for fun."

Simon smiled and said-" I know.. "

Elsa too smiled and got up saying-" ok bye. ."

Saying this she went out of the cabin and Simon thought-' she is childish...but I can't stay without that child... I'll tell you one day that I love you very much...'

He smiled to himself and continued his work.

Meanwhile in college

Alvin was sitting with his friends when a girl came towards him.

Girl-" Hi Alvin... happy birthday..."

Alvin looked at her smiling forcefully and said-" thanks, Samantha..."

She sat on the chair next to him and said-" so what's the plan today..."

Alvin-" Nothing much... just a small party at my house..."

Samantha-" Wow... it will be fun...I'll be there on time..."

Alvin's POV-' Who called you...'

Samantha-" Where are you?"

Alvin came to his senses and said-" Nothing..."

She kissed his cheek and said-" got to go... have a class... bye..."

She went and Alvin said-" I hate her..."

Steve-" Then why are you with her..."

Alvin-" I don't know... I want to break up with her... anyhow..."

Just then, he saw Zoe coming into the canteen.

She went towards the counter and said-" One coffee..."

She took the coffee and sat on a chair.

Alvin said to his friend -" Now see the power of Alvin..."

He winked at Steve and went towards Zoe.

Alvin- "Hey... can I sit here..."

She looked up and said-" There are many vacated seats."

Alvin-" I know but I want to sit here..."

She instantly finished her coffee and got up saying- "Okay. Sit."

Alvin grabbed her wrist and said angrily-" What is your problem... every girl in this college will die to talk with me.... and here, I am trying to talk with you..."

She jerked his hand and said-" I know you very well Mr Alvin... and all the girls want a drunker...but I am different.."

She went from there and he stood there angrily.

Steve came and said-" Come on Alvin. leave her..."

Alvin- "How can I leave her... I will teach her a lesson... "

Steve-"Okay relax... we are getting late for class..."

He forcefully dragged Alvin to the class.

Evening at Simon's house;

Alvin was getting ready when Simon entered his room.

Alvin noticed this but didn't say anything.

Simon came towards him and said- "Happy birthday..."

He forwarded a gift and Alvin said-" there is no need for this.."

Simon- "I have some right to give a present to you..."

Alvin looked at him and said-" you have total rights my brother if you utilize them properly..."

Saying this, he took the gift and went out of his room leaving Simon hurt.

Simon" Don't treat me as a stranger Alvin.."

He wiped his tears and went to the party.

Everyone was enjoying the party when suddenly Simon's gaze turned to the entrance and he stood there stunned.

There, Elsa was standing wearing a purple-colored silky evening gown that ended till her knees. Her hair was left open with matching accessories and a little makeup that enhanced her beauty.

She came towards Simon and said-" Hey..."

Simon came to reality and said-" Are you, Elsa?"

Elsa(confused)-" Yes... but ...why are you asking me like that?"

Before Simon could say anything, Alvin came and said- "Because you are looking very pretty..."

Elsa smiled and said-" Happy birthday Alvin..."

Elsa-" Thanks."

Elsa realized something and said-" where is she?"

Simon-" Who?"

Elsa-" My sister....see she came"

Alvin and Simon turned in the direction where Elsa was looking and Alvin was stunned to see her.

Zoe came towards them and was shocked.

Zoe and Alvin(together)-" You.."

Simon and Elsa looked at each other and then at Zoe and Alvin confused.

Alvin" What are you doing here..."

Zoe -" Me...what you are doing here?"

Alvin -" Listen... this is my birthday party okay..."

Zoe(shocked)-" What? you... you are the brother of Simon... it's unbelievable..."

Alvin glanced at Simon and said-" it's unbelievable..."

Saying this, he went from there and Simon controlled his tears.

Elsa kept her hand on his shoulder and Zoe said-" Mr. Simon... this fool is your brother..."

Elsa-" Zoe... what are you speaking? ..."

Zoe-" He is a big fool.."

Elsa-" Zoe..."

Zoe-" Okay fine... sorry..."

Simon smiled seeing their fight.

Zoe went to have some snacks.

Elsa -" You are okay..."

Simon just nodded and said-" Alvin told correctly.."

Elsa(confused)-" What..."

Simon smiled and said-" you are looking beautiful.."

she blushed a bit on hearing this. Simon noticed this and smiled wider.

He offered her hand and said-" will you dance with me..."

Elsa blushed more and kept her hand on his saying-" yes..."

They went towards the dance floor and Zoe smiled seeing them. The song was playing...

Simon twirled her and she lost her balance and bumped into him. He gently removed her hair from her face and she shivered a bit. They looked at each other and shared a cute eye lock...

They were lost in each other and Zoe tried to click their pic but accidentally her drink fell on her dress.

Zoe-" Oh no..."

With this, the couple came to reality and went towards her.

Elsa-" What happened?"

Zoe-" sister... on the dress.."

Simon understood and said-" you go to that room and clean your dress..."

Zoe-" Thanks..."

Zoe went to the room where he pointed and straightaway went into the washroom.

Meanwhile, Alvin entered the room to change his shirt.

Alvin -" What the... don't know where the shirt got stuck ...damn it..."

He looked at his shirt from where the sleeve was half torn and he removed his shirt. He opened his cupboard took out another shirt and went towards the washroom.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zoe and she too looked at him.

Zoe(screaming)-" You..."

She immediately came out and Alvin said-" woo... what the hell are you doing in my room... I mean the washroom... you are in that much hurry to come near me..."

Zoe-" Shut up.. l am cleaning my dress....okay..."

Just then, Samantha came into his room and was stunned to see Alvin shirtless and with Zoe..."

Samantha" Oh my god... Alvin... with this girl....."

Before Zoe could say anything, he pulled her and said-" Yes Sam.. now you saw all this and there is no need to keep. this secret..."

Zoe(trying to free herself)-" No... listen..."

Alvin(cutting her)-" Don't worry... let her go...then my full time is yours..."

Samantha" Oh god... you..."

Samantha went crying and Alvin left Zoe.

Zoe-" Are you a fool... you broke the heart of a woman..."

Alvin" Madam... drama is over .. so you can go...(smiling) unless you want to stay with me..."

Zoe "You are thinking yourself greatly... you don't even think that you have any effect on me, you idiot...'

Zoe turned to go but Alvin held her wrist and pulled her towards him. With this, she bumped into his chest.

Alvin-" no effect..."

Zoe looked at him for the first time... his black eyes... his smile... they were perfect that could make any girl fall for him...

She jerked her mind and said-" no effect..."

He pulled her more closely and smoothly caressed her cheek saying-" no effect?"

Zoe shivered a bit on his touch and she closed her eyes. He smiled internally and leaned closer. He gently pecked her lips. With this, Zoe came to reality and immediately pushed him.

He looked at her and she slapped him saying-" no effect..."

She went out of his room and Alvin said angrily-" I will take the revenge... you will have to pay for this..."

Outside Simon and Elsa talk to each other.

Simon-" Don't be nervous Elsa..."

Elsa-" I am leading a meeting for the first time... nervousness will be there ..."

Simon -"I am also coming with you know.."

Elsa-" That's why I am a little nervous..."

Simon smiled and said-" what if I don't come..."

Elsa -" I will also don't go ..."

Simon" Why?"

Elsa-" Because your presence is very important to me...."

Simon-" Why?"

Elsa-" You are my best friend ..."

He signed and said-" yes..."

Suddenly Zoe came to them and said-" sister... can we go home please..."

Simon-" Zoe ...but dinner has not yet started"

Zoe-" My friend called me and said tomorrow is the last date to submit the assignment. .."

Elsa was in a fix... not knowing what to say.

Zoe understood and said-" then give me the car keys... I will go..."

Elsa -" Then how will I come..."

Before Zoe could say anything, Simon said-" I will drop you..."

Zoe" Brilliant... now give me keys..."

Elsa sensed something wrong and she said-" are you all right."

Zoe snatched the key and said-" ha .. only the tension on that fool"

Simon -" What?"

Zoe-" I mean assignment ..."

Elsa went from there and Simon said-" come let's go for dinner."

Elsa smiled and said-" ok...."

They went to have dinner.