chapter 11

on March 20, the marriage occasion:

The couples were getting ready for the marriage which was to be held in a hotel.

Elsa was wearing a white-colored frock with cream color print with makeup and accessories. Simon was stunned to see her and was staring at her.

Elsa looked at this from in the mirror and said-" what happened... why are you looking at me like that.."

Simon came to reality and said-" Elsa ... you are beautiful.."

A faint blush escaped from her cheek she doesn't know why and she said-" thanks..."

He came towards her and gave her a box saying-" Elsa.. take this.."

Elsa took the box and said-" thanks Simon... but what is this?"

Simon-" this is the necklace of my grandmother... which she gave to my mom... and now it is yours.."

Elsa smiled looking at the necklace and said-" it is very beautiful.."

Simon-" this is not simply a necklace Elsa... this is trust... like how my grandmother and mother kept this family very happy and safe... now you will also keep this family both happy and safe... "

Elsa looked at him but was unable to say anything.

.Simon turned her towards the mirror and made her wear that necklace and said" l know l am giving a big responsibility to you... but l have trust that you never take your responsibilities down... right.."

Elsa slightly nodded and Simon said-" I love you, Elsa..."

Elsa controlled herself and said-" I love you too.."

Simon-" can we go?"

Elsa-" first you go... l will come..."

Simon went out of the room and Elsa thought-' he is trusting me this much... what I am doing is right? ...( she jerked herself ) yes.. yes this is right.. l will take my revenge... be strong Elsa... be strong...'

Thinking this, she got ready and all four headed towards the party.

In the party; at marriage day evening

The two couples reached the party and were warmly welcomed there.

Steve was hosting the party and he took hold of the mike saying-" so ladies and gentlemen, the most awaited moment.. here comes the two grooms and two beautiful brides..."

The hall echoed with clapping and the two couples came on the stage.

Steve-" many many congratulations to both of you... we all wish you a happy married life... so guys... raise a toast for them..."

They all raised a toast for both the couples and Steve continued-" so this much is not enough.. we want a couple- dance... so give it up for both the couples..."

All clapped and the two couples started dancing to the song...

The song ended and they were totally lost in each other and all others smiled seeing them.

They came to reality on hearing clapping. They blushed a bit and came down the stage.

Zoe, Alvin, and Steve were talking to each other.

Steve-" marriage is over... what about honeymoon plans?"

They blushed a bit and Alvin said- " what Steve.."

Zoe-" yes Steve... we are having the final exams in the next month... l am not yet prepared... and you.."

Alvin( cutting her)-" one second.. what exams.. you are not going to college... "

Zoe-" what... but why?"

Alvin-" what do you mean why... you are pregnant and l don't want you and our child to have pressure..."

Zoe-" but Alvin this is my final year... how can l leave it in the middle? .."

Alvin-" l don't know... you are not going to college means you are not going...that's it.."

Zoe-" that's not done, Alvin..."

Elsa and Simon came there and Simon said-" what is going?"

Zoe-" brother‐in‐law... please say to your send me to college.."

Simon-" Elsa.. please tell your sister not to be stubborn... there is no need to go to college for her... directly she can attend to exams..."

Zoe-" brother‐in‐ are the best brother‐in‐law in the world... you only tell your brother that how can l attempt exams without attending classes.."

Simon-" okay okay enough... Alvin! Zoe is right... there is only one month left... and you will also be there with her.."

Alvin-" but.."

Elsa-" no buts Alvin... and Zoe you will not go to college daily... you will only go on alternate days... okay.."

Zoe( happily)-" okay sis.. "

Steve-" problem solved.. let's go to dinner.."

They all nodded and went to have dinner. After the party got over, they all headed towards the house.

In Simon and Elsa's room;

Elsa was removing her accessories when Simon said-" Elsa.."

Elsa-" yes.."

Simon-" don't remove that necklace.."

Elsa( confused)-" why?"

Simon held her hands and said-"my grandmother said that when this necklace will be in the neck of this house bride... there will be no problems with this house... I know these are all logic less sayings... and you won't believe in such sayings... l am not forcing you Elsa but.."

Elsa( cutting him)-" It's okay Simon... I won't remove this necklace... promise.."

Simon smiled and Elsa continued-" Simon l need to ask you one thing.."

Simon-" what?"

Elsa( a bit hesitantly )-" tomorrow evening.. l.. actually ..l should go to Los Angels.."

Simon–" why?... I mean you have any work?"

Simon–" haa. I need to meet my lawyers... some confidential matters are there... I can't explain it to you now... I'm sorry.."

Simon-" hey don't be sorry... if you want to go you can... okay.."

Elsa-" thanks..."

Simon-" anytime... "

Elsa-" l will change and come.."

Elsa went in the washroom to change and Simon thought-' you don't have to tell me the reason ... l know that you are going to Los Angels to make papers... but I promise you Elsa... l make you love me... and l will see how you will get my sign on those papers.. l have faith on my love Elsa and I know you..'

In Alvin and Zoe's room;

They entered the room and Alvin straightaway went in the washroom and Zoe was confused about his behavior.

He came out and lied on the bed.

Zoe sat beside him and said-" what happened?"

No response.

Zoe -"are you angry with me?"

Still no response.

Zoe leaned and kissed his cheek saying-" what happened?"

Alvin turned to her and said-" you are very stubborn...why you want to go to college.."

Zoe-" what l will do alone at home.."

Alvin-" do rest.. what else?"

Zoe leaned towards him and said-" no... I will miss you and become sad... if l will be in college l can see you..."

Alvin held her waist and said naughtily-" oh oh... you will keep an eye on me... if l there with any another.."

Zoe hit his arm and said- "l will kill you.."

Alvin laughed at this and said-" it will not happen ..because l only love you.."

Zoe -" me too.."

She leaned towards him and they shared a passionate kiss. They separated when they were out of breath and Zoe hugged him tightly.

He hugged her back and after a long make-out session, they slept peacefully in each other's arms.