chapter 15

Elsa was shocked and surprised seeing her mother standing in front of her after a long time.

(Elsa's mother name is Clara)

Clara(teary)-" Elsa… you… here…"

Elsa too was teary and she said-" l am also asking the same … that you are here … l mean … in plane crash… you…"

Clare-" l escaped from the plane crash.."

Elsa (shocked)-" what.."

Clara-" yes Elsa … l lost my memory … l didn't remember anything …till 18 years …"

Elsa-" then how you got all your memories back …"

Clara-" one year ago l was hit by a road accident … l got all my memory back …"

Elsa-" then why you did not come back …"

Clara didn't say anything.

Elsa-" speak mom… why you didn't come to meet us…"

Clare-" l don't have guts to see you…"

Elsa-" but why…"

Clara looked at Lara and said-" Laura go to the orphanage.."

Laura-" yes aunt.."

Laura went from there and Clara said-"Elsa… when I, your father and Simon's parents were planned to go for a tour… before that day they finalized your marriage with Simon …"

Elsa-" what?"

Clara-" yes… that day they agreed that after marriage all the property will go to Simon and then it goes to you..."

Elsa (confused)-" but mom…you said that Simon's father cheated father and took his property..."

Clara-" I told lie Elsa…"

Elsa-" but why mom?…"

Clara (teary)-" because l wanted to make all the property mine… that's why I said you like that … when you will handover all those properties and make them yours… then l will take those from you… and…"

Clara wasn't able to say anything further.

Elsa too was stunned after listening to this.

Clara-" please forgive me … l did a big mistake …"

Elsa-" you are right mom… you did a very big mistake...if l don't find you today I would make a big mistake…"

Clara-" means…"

Elsa wiped her tears and said-" now it is time to correct my mistake…"

Meanwhile in the college;

The classes got over and Zoe was sitting in the canteen with Samuel waiting for Alvin.

Suddenly she heard some boys sitting on the seat adjacent to her talking about her.

Boy1-" these days the girls have become very fast forward…"

Boy2-" yes… they are changing the boyfriends once in a month…"

Boy3-" right… first Alvin… next Steve… and then again Steve…"

The trio laughed at this and boy1 said-" but Alvin and Steve are best friends…"

Boy2-" yes … they don't have any problem with whom she is staying …"

Boy3-" what we know… l think they both share her..."

Zoe got teary listening to this and Samuel said-" Zoe come…"

Zoe nodded and got up to go when Alvin came in front of her.

He looked at Zoe, wiped her tears, held her hand, and marched towards the boys.

Zoe tried to stop him but he didn't.

He went towards the boys and slapped one of them hard.

Alvin-" if you are showing your figure pointing towards a girl's character first see your character once… and… if you don't know anything completely… then don't weave stories on your own…"

He turned to go but again turned towards them and said-" and to talk about Zoe… she is my wife… dare you to say anything against her... then let prepare for your death…"

He held Zoe's hand and said-" come, Zoe…"

Zoe smiled and followed him.

Upon reaching their car, Zoe said-" Alvin.."

He turned to her and said-" yes…"

Zoe hugged him instantly and said-" I Love You…"

He hugged her back and said-" I Love You Even More…"

They separated and he said-" today let's have dinner at a restaurant… okay…"

Zoe-" okay… l will call…"

He (cutting her)-" only we two…"

Zoe smiled and said-" ok…"

In the evening;

The couple had gone for dinner and Simon was sitting in his room completing a file.

He was tried had but was unable to concentrate on the work.

Finally, he closed the file and went towards the balcony.

It was raining a bit and Simon smiled remembering his first date with Elsa… how happy l was to be with you… but the next day when l came to know about yours intentions, my heart broke but wait l will make you fall in love with me and we both can live happily without any issues.

He turned and saw his and Elsa's marriage photograph on the wall. He smiled remembering the day and their dance.

Suddenly, he heard the doorbell.

Simon-"why Zoe and Alvin came early …"

He opened the door and was smiled seeing Elsa.

Simon-" Elsa … come inside…"

He stopped in the middle seeing Clara.

Simon(stunned)-" aunty… you…"

He immediately smiled and said-" you are alive… means… l…"

Elsa-" l will tell you everything Simon… can we come in?.."

Simon(happily)-" why not… come in…"

They entered in and he said-" I will bring water…"

He served them water and said-" you know aunty l am very happy to see you alive....l am speechless…"

Clara controlled her tears and said‐" Simon...l need to talk to you …"

Simon-" first you take some rest… l will bring.."

Elsa (cutting him)-" Simon we need to and it is important…"

Simon sensed something wrong and said-"is everything alright …"

Clara-" no son… nothing is good …"

Simon‐" means? …"

Clara told him everything about her plan and said-" please forgive me son… l did a big mistake … l …"

He smiled and said-" aunty please… don't blame yourself..."

Suddenly they heard a voice-" mom…"

They turned and saw Zoe and Alvin standing.

Zoe rushed and hugged her mother saying-" mom are you alive… really… l…"

She started crying. Clara separated and wiped her tears saying-" look how big my angel became…

you are very small when mom left you… and now you are going to become a mom…"

Alvin introduced himself to Clara and she said-" live long my son…"

Zoe-" mom, where you are these days?…"

Clara-" l lost my memory in the plane crash and…"

Simon (cutting her)-" you can also talk later...first you eat something…"

Clara-" son I ate in the restaurant… Elsa didn't eat anything… you and Elsa go and have dinner…"

Simon-" then you go and take some rest aunty…"

Zoe-" today l will sleep with mom…"

Alvin smiled and said-" ok…"

Zoe smiled and she went along with her mother. Alvin too went into his room.

Simon-" Else you go and change...l will bring food …"

Elsa nodded and went towards the room.

After some time, Simon brought food and after having dinner, Simon said-" have some rest Elsa … I need to complete a file…"

Elsa(teary)-" Simon ...l need to talk to you…"

Simon-" what happened Elsa … why are you crying …"

Elsa-" l want to confess something.."

Simon-" what?"

Elsa held his hand and said-" l married you to take revenge … like what mom said.. she told me that your parents took the property of ours … from that time onwards l decided to take revenge … I'm really sorry Simon … "

Simon wiped her tears and said-" l to want to confess something …"

Elsa nodded and he said-" l know … that you married me to take revenge …"

Elsa looked at him shocked and he told her how he came to know about this.

Elsa-" you already know … but then also you married me… why?"

Simon-" because l love you … and l have confidence and trust … that one day you will also love me… but u don't worry Elsa.. l don't want you to live with me if you don't like … if you want we can apply for divorce and…"

Simon was unable to say anything further as Elsa blocked his lips with hers.

Simon was too stunned to react and didn't respond.

Elsa separated after sometimes and said-" your trust won Simon… I Love You…"

Simon hugged her instantly and said-" I Love You Too Elsa…"

They separated after sometimes and Simon said-" actually l don't know.."

Elsa-" what…"

Simon caressed her lips and said-"that you are very bold…"

Elsa blushed and said-" one minute…"

She got up from the bed and was about to go when Simon held her hand from the back and she stood at her place.

He got up and kept his hand on her waist and pulled her to him.

Elsa shivered on his touch and said-" Simon…"

Simon (husky tone)-" Elsa please… not today…"

Elsa smiled and closed her eyes surrendering her to him. Simon bends down kissing her neck and Elsa's breath became more uneven on his touches.

Simon turned her towards him and caressed her cheek saying-" l am waiting for this moment, Elsa…"

Elsa opened her eyes and said-" to speak truth l too don't know that how badly I want you…"

Simon smiled and they kissed each other passionately.

They separated and Simon picked her in his arms and laid her on the bed.

He half laid on her and said-" ready to be mine forever…"

Elsa smiled and said-" I want to be yours forever…"

Simon smiled and bent down kissing her and Elsa closed her eyes feeling him and soon they drifted to their Loveland…