Chapter 9

Simon-" who did all this?..."

Suddenly he saw that door of Alvin's room was opened.

He went in and was stunned to see Alvin crying.

Simon-" Alvin..."

Alvin looked at Simon and hugged him saying-" brother... I love Zoe... "

Simon was both surprised and happy.

Simon-" what?"

Alvin-"yes brother... I love her... very much...but.."

Simon- "what but Alvin?..."

Alvin-" she is not eligible for my love..."

Simon instantly separated and said-" what..."

Alvin-" yes brother... I thought that she is very good but..."

Simon-" but what..."

Alvin-" after the day we got breakup she went to Steve... I mean she is just characterless.."

No sooner did Alvin say this, than he received a tight slap from Simon.

Alvin was shocked and Simon said-" mind your words Alvin... think thrice before you speak about Zoe..."

Alvin-" why brother... why... because she is the sister of Elsa..."

Simon-" no Alvin... because she is loving you very much... she is playing the trick along with Steve so that you can accept her...."

Alvin was shocked to hear this.


Simon-" yes Alvin... "

Albin-" but brother what l saw today..."

Simon (cutting him ) ‐" what you saw..."

Alvin-" they both hugged each other and they didn't know that l am there..."

Simon signed and said-" your thought is wrong Alvin... Zoe is loving only you..."

Saying this, he went out of the room and Alvin sat on the bed thinking about Simon's words.


Zoe was sitting near the window of her room lost when Elsa entered her room.

She felt bad seeing Zoe like this and went towards her.

Elsa-" Zoe..."

Zoe wiped her tears and looked at her saying-" yes sis..."

Elsa sat opposite her and said-" what happened to you...why are you sitting like this..."

Zoe-"I'm sorry..."

Elsa( confused)-" why sorry?"

Zoe-" l did a big mistake... without thinking, l make with..."

She was unable to say further.

Zoe held her hand and said-" Zoe.. you didn't do anything wrong... don't be sorry... "

Zoe-" sister... my decision about leaving this place is right? ..."

Elsa-" to speak the truth no... but in one way it is correct..."

Zoe-" how?"

Elsa-" this distance may show its influence on Alvin and he can know that he too loves you..."

Zoe hugged her and said-" it may... but l lost my hope sis..."

Elsa hugged her back and said-" Zoe... don't tell like this... everything Will be good... now you go to sleep... you need to take rest..."

Zoe nodded and they went to sleep.

Next morning in the college;

Zoe was walking hurriedly as she was getting late for the lecture when she saw that someone was dragging Alvin in the corner.

Alvin followed them and was stunned to see the person with the gun.

Same time, Steve came and said-" Zoe..."

Zoe cut him and said-" ssshhhh... come with me.."

She dragged him and Steve said-" where?"

Zoe-" Alvin's life is in danger..."

They followed Alvin and saw that the person took Alvin towards the beach where no one was present and they heard their conversation.

Alvin-" why you brought me here?"

Person-" for punching you for your acts..."

Alvin-" what l did?"

Person-" someone said you to help him to bring the exam papers... but you refused and complained to the police.

Alvin ‐"yes....then what? "

person‐" because of you my brother went to jail... (taking out his gun) now you will go..."

The bullet was fired and before it could hit Alvin, Zoe came in the middle and the bullet hit her near her stomach.

Alvin( screaming)-" Zoe..."

The person tried to run but Steve caught him.

Zoe-" Al... Alvin... nothing...nothing should happen to our child..."

Saying this, she got unconscious and Alvin was shocked beyond words.

Steve‐"Alvin... call an ambulance..."

Alvin came to his senses and immediately called the ambulance.

In the hospital;

The operation was going on and Alvin and Steve were standing outside OT.

Alvin was remembering the moments he spent with her, their closeness, their dance and suddenly he started crying.

Steve kept his hand on Alvin's shoulder and said -" Alvin..."

Alvin-" I am very bad.. very bad... I did such a mistake with her... Steve, I love her... I seriously love her..."

Steve smiled and said-" she too loves you..."

Just then, Elsa and Steve came running and Elsa asked-" is Zoe ok?"

Alvin-" l don't know Elsa... operation is going on..."

Simon-" how it happened?"

Steve told them everything and Elsa and Simon were shocked. Elsa sat on the bench while crying and Simon tried to console her.

All are waiting for the doctor.