Chapter 8: The Aftermath

AN: Here's chapter 8! Hope everyone is doing alright. Thanks for everyone's reviews and support of the story. I'm a couple chapters ahead so it shouldn't be too long until I post chapter 9...probably...

Reading the story:

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 8

Silent. Incredibly silent. Here in this place the world around was completely red. Crimson red. The sky above, even the lake below. In fact the lake itself was made of pure blood. The mountains that surrounded the lake were dark red in color and the clouds rolling in the sky were made out of a bloody mist. Only three things in this world were contrasted in color. The dark black obsidian forest that enclosed the lake around the shore, the small dark obsidian lotus shaped island centered in the middle of the lake of blood, and a crescent moon that was as dark as night that shone in the crimson sky.

Currently a single person was lying down on the small dark island completely unconscious. They were uninjured and seemed to be in a deep slumber. This person was precisely Kishin. His chest rose slowly and fell with every breath he took. As ominous as this world seemed one could even say that it was a world filled with peace and quiet, however that peace and tranquility had become disturbed. The howling of a beast echoed throughout the dark black forest. Its fearsome roar caused ripples to form on the giant lake of blood. Even though the noise rang loud it did nothing to disturb Kishin's sleep, almost as if he could not be woken.

Soon after the roaring echo was heard appeared a monstrous Hollow from the edges of the forest. It was 2 meters tall and humanoid looking, however it was dark black in color. Its body was covered in red tattoo marks and it donned a worn and tattered black colored hakama on the lower half of its body. It was completely bare chested and a giant gaping hole could be seen on its upper torso where the sternum would usually be. Two large black colored wings that were torn and riddled with holes in them extended from its back. Its white masked face was demonic looking as it had razor sharp teeth that were stained with blood. Its eyes were completely black with a yellow colored iris and a black centered pupil. One long bloody scar ran diagonally across the face of this Hollow and bloody tears were stained down its eyes to its cheeks. Two large jagged horns protruded from the side of its head and one shorter horn from the middle of its forehead. It also had long flowing black hair atop its head that fell down past its waist. Its large hands and feet had long nails as sharp as swords extending from them.

It screeched once more and approached the bloody lake, however the moment it came within a few feet of the lake's edge a ripple appeared on the bloody surface. The ripples became larger and larger until the entire lake began to tremble and shake. A violent wind picked up in the area as an enormous geyser shot forth from the lake and straight into the blood red sky. As the residual blood began raining back down onto the surface of the lake a figure appeared and remained standing in place of where the geyser had erupted from. It had a similar appearance to Kishin, however it seemed much older as if it were an adult version of him in his mid twenties, human years. It was 1.9 meters tall and wore a red tattered and torn hakama. A black chain belted around its waist area holding the hakama in place. Its upper body was bare naked revealing its strong defined muscles. It had long flowing red crimson hair that fell down to just below its waist and its eyes were completely crimson red. It had a red crescent moon tattoo in the center of its forehead and there was a large red lotus tattoo mark on the middle of its back as well as small red lotus tattoo marks on the back of its hands and the top of its feet. A long red tail protruded behind it and the tip at the end was razor sharp and dagger-like. It too had razor sharp teeth like that Hollow. Dark black shackles were wrapped around its neck, wrists, and ankles with long black chains attached to them binding him to the small island in the lake's center. This figure was actually Kishin's Zanpakuto spirit. The Blade of Crimson Carnage, Sekiken Zansatsu.

Both sinister looking creatures stared at one another in silence. Zansatsu on the lake's surface and the Hollow on the lake's shore. An ominous wind blew in the air as several minutes passed by before that Hollow let out an angry screech. Zansatsu merely grinned. His ominous yet striking presence made one feel a mix of assurance and fear. Assured of their safety, but also fear that at any moment he could turn against his own ally. He then spoke in a relaxed manner. His voice was deep, but not too deep. It had a comforting dark weight to it that resonated and echoed throughout the entire world.

"Hahahaha! So you finally found your way here! Hollow." Zansatsu glared condescendingly at the Hollow as it cautiously took one step forward. Zansatsu narrowed his eyes and directed his words at the Hollow mockingly and tauntingly. "Very well. I understand your intention. You wish to cross over and take the young master's body for yourself. Unfortunately I can't let you do as you please. Heed my words! This is my world! Hollow! Choose your next actions carefully!"

The Hollow screeched in anger and let out a bellowing war cry before letting go of all reservations and dashed right on the surface of the bloody lake aiming for the small island behind Zansatsu where an unconscious Kishin still lay. Zansatsu merely laughed hysterically and almost manically with a hint of anger laced in between at the fact that the Hollow actually dared make such a brazen move before him.

"Ha! Hahahahahaha! Fool! Begone!"

In less than a second the bloody lake shook and quaked, splitting itself apart opening a giant cavity right beneath the Hollow's feet. The Hollow tried to escape, however the moment the Hollow dashed in the air to prevent itself from falling deep into the hole it was smacked in the face by Zansatsu's powerful tail and was quickly forced down into the abyss. The surface of the lake quickly closed up and locked the Hollow down below in a dark grand prison leaving it unable to escape. Zansatsu smirked proudly to itself and spoke to no one in particular.

"I will allow you to stay. Hollow. However you shall be my prisoner. I won't allow you to take the young master's body. For now remain beneath the lake inside your lonely prison. Despite your monstrous look, the form that you possess is very similar to my own which means that you've successfully bound yourself to the young master's soul. Unfortunately I do not have the power to kill you. I can only suppress you. For now. You've underestimated the power of the young master's soul. Even though I can't get rid of you, you were gravely mistaken to think that you possess the strength to outmatch me, the original manifestation of Kishin's soul. Then again I suppose your existence isn't a terrible thing. The power that you could potentially grant the young master is a positive side effect. Hahahaha! One day, when the young master is ready, I shall let the two of you meet. When that day comes you and I will merge into one complete being, however...the time is not yet right. After all, the young master still hasn't even met me."

Zansatsu then turned away from the spot where he sealed the Hollow and walked over to a still unconscious Kishin. "It is still too early for you to come to this place. Young master. You must confront the darkness in your heart and soul first. The madness and anguish that plagues you. Then we can finally meet. For now I'll do my best to suppress your inner Hollow." He then placed his hand atop Kishin's forehead and caused him to disappear from the inner world. Zansatsu stared at the empty spot where Kishin once lay and smiled with anticipation. "I am waiting. Young master. Free me from these chains that bind me. Hurry and master the power of Shikai. Show me that you are worthy of my power! Muahahahaha!"

It was then Kishin stirred in his sleep. "Ugh…" He groaned as he felt a pounding headache hammering away in his brain. The last thing he remembered was calling out the name of his Zanpakuto. After that the only thing he saw was red and the only thing he felt was a strong desire to kill. He felt like he had gone mad. Insane even. After a few minutes went by the pounding headache in his head finally subsided so he took in a deep breath and opened his eyes, however he was slightly startled at the sight before him. He was currently resting on a bed in a large spacious room. He knew this room well as it belonged to the medical ward in the 4th division barracks. The lights were dimmed and there were two couches in the room. What made him startled wasn't the fact that he was in the medical ward of division 4, but rather the sight of the two people asleep on the couches. On the left couch slept Toshiro and on the right was Kinji. The both of them were completely knocked out and seemed completely exhausted. It was then the memories of that fight came back to him. He recalled how Kinji had attacked Toshiro and how Toshiro had cut him from behind. This caused him to frown and scowl.

Aizen! That bastard must have been nearby. There's no other explanation for what happened. We were clearly about to defeat that Hollow, but then Kinji shifted his attack to Toshiro and Toshiro attacked me from behind. Aizen must have at some point shown Kinji his Kyoka Suigetsu while he was still at the academy. I don't know how Aizen did it but he somehow kept himself completely concealed and used his powers to disrupt Toshiro and Kinji's senses. But why though? If he wanted us dead he could have just killed us? Is it because he wanted it to look like the Hollow killed us? Then why are we still alive? Why didn't he finish us off in the end? And what was that strange Hollow? What exactly was Aizen trying to do with it?

Kishin was brought out of his thoughts at the sound of the door opening revealing Unohana who quickly and quietly entered the room. She widened her eyes in surprise as she saw Kishin awake so she went to his side. "Kishin-kun. How are you feeling?"

Kishin stretched his back and arms a bit before answering, "Mn, no pain. Everything feels fine."

Unohana nodded in relief. "That's good."

"Captain Unohana, how long was I unconscious?"

She gave a soft sigh before responding, "Haaah...about a week."

Kishin slightly flinched and accidentally raised his voice, "A week?!" His loud voice stirred Toshiro and Kinji awake as they both groggily opened their eyes and turned to the source of the noise. When they noticed that Kishin was awake they were immediately jolted fully alert and dashed over to his side.

"K-Kishin! You're awake! Are you okay? Do you feel any pain?" Toshiro and Kinji started questioning and shouting in panic and worry as Kishin could only wait for them to get everything off their chest. After they finished their frantic questionnaire Kishin gave them his signature smirking smug expression and replied, "Don't tell me you two have been here the whole week I was out?"

Immediately Kinji and Toshiro's faces turned red in embarrassment as they were caught red handed. Kishin just laughed at their reaction. It was then both Toshiro and Kinji reigned in their emotions as their expressions became solemn and regretful. They both spoke in a soft and despondent voice, "Kishin...we're sorry. We don't know what happened. W-We...We attacked and hurt you…"

Kishin closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. As Kinji and Toshiro waited for the hateful words that they were expecting Kishin to say to them, instead they felt Kishin ruffle both of their soft white hair. Kishin lightly chuckled and shook his head.

"There there little puppies. Everything's going to be okay."

Kinji and Toshiro widened their eyes in shock and their jaws dropped in disbelief as Toshiro stammered, "Y-You? What are you doing?! Why are you treating us like puppies?"

Kinji nodded in agreement. "Y-Yeah! This is serious! We did something terrible! How can you be so lax about this?"

Kishin simply shook his head in amusement. "It's not your fault. I know you both didn't intentionally attack me. Something strange happened during the heat of battle. I'm not angry over it and I didn't die right? So it's fine. You both shouldn't beat yourselves up over this. I'm not even mad."

Toshiro and Kinji could only continue to stare in disbelief. "Y-You're not mad? Or sad? Or angry at us? You don't hate us? Don't you distrust us now? I mean...we did something horrible that could have cost you your life!"

Kishin let out a sigh as he was getting bored of this conversation. "Look. I said it's fine so it's fine. I know you both weren't in your right state of mind when it happened. So drop it. I forgive you both even though there's nothing really to forgive. Now don't pester me about it again okay?" He noted that both of their eyes still carried a heavy weight and sorrow in them so he rubbed his temples unsure of how to beat some sense into them. In the end they were all interrupted as Unohana coughed to get their attention.

"Ahem. Hitsugaya-kun, Tsunayashiro-kun, Kishin has accepted both of your apologies. We have also heard both of your testimonies and it doesn't seem like Kishin is refuting what you both said, which means very likely that something strange did happen during the battle. Now, Kishin-kun, if you feel okay to walk then will you come with me to the 1st division quarters? You need to give your account of what happened that day. We've already taken Toshiro and Kinji's statements."

"Okay, Captain Unohana. Just give me a second." He quickly got out of bed and got dressed before walking over to where his Zanpakuto was currently leaning against a wall. The memories of his first release played back in his mind and the name of his Zanpakuto continued to echo inside his ears. He noted the changes to his regular Zanpakuto after it had undergone its Shikai transformation. Before it just looked like a regular Zanpakuto with no distinctive features, however after the transformation and returning to its base sealed state the spirit of his Zanpakuto had completely imprinted its soul into the sword. The hilt of the Zanpakuto was now crimson red instead of the neutral gray color it was before. Black standard diamond patterns were engraved on the sides of the hilt and the guard was a thin rectangular shape also crimson red in color. As he slowly gripped his Zanpakuto in his hands he let out a soft whisper of its name.

"Sekiken Zansatsu…"

He was brought out of his trance as he heard Unohana call his name inquisitively, "Kishin-kun?"

Kishin quickly strapped the blade behind his back and smiled amiably. "Right, I'm ready."

He looked over to where a worried looking Toshiro and Kinji still stood and simply shook his head in amusement. "Oi, if you two keep looking and acting like that you really will become puppies. Cheer up. See, I'm fine. I don't blame you for what happened so don't blame yourself. It was the enemy that did it so stop sulking. If you both keep acting like that then I really won't forgive you. Besides, you could also look at it this way. Kinji, I got hit by your level 63 Kido and Toshiro, you slashed me at point blank range with your sword yet both of you failed to kill me. What does that mean? Obviously you both need to work harder."

With those words he let out a loud laugh and left a completely stunned Toshiro and Kinji in the room. He amiably followed behind Unohana as she gave Kishin a curious glance and commented, "You don't seem overly fazed by what happened Kishin-kun. Most people would lash out or feel some sort of frustration and anger."

Kishin simply placed his arms behind his head in a relaxed manner and grinned. "Well I'm not like most people, Captain. And I know Kinji and Toshiro. They wouldn't attack me unless someone was interfering or influencing their actions."

Unohana furrowed her brows as she questioned, "You believe someone was interfering in that battle?"

Kishin nodded. "I do. There's no other real explanation. It's possible that Toshiro and Kinji were influenced by an illusion of some sort."

"An illusion? Could it possibly be the ability of that strange Hollow?"

Kishin thought carefully of how to answer as he replied, "Captain, that kind of Hollow wouldn't exist naturally would it? Or at least if it does, why would it find its way to Soul Society all alone like that? There must be someone behind this. Something that strong crossed over and remained largely undetected by the Soul Society. Something is definitely strange."

Unohana frowned and asked cautiously, "You aren't suggesting that a Captain was behind this are you?"

"I...couldn't say. But out of curiosity do you happen to know what the other Captains were doing at the time?"

"Captain Ukitake, Kyoraku, and I were having tea. Captain Aizen was giving a lecture to his division members. Kaname and Komomura were seen walking around the Seireitei. The only ones left unaccounted for are Captain Soi Fon, Ichimaru, Kuchiki, Shiba, Zaraki, Kurotsuchi, and the Captain Commander."

Kishin could only frown as he noted that Aizen had already prepared an alibi. It wasn't long before they both arrived in front of the giant double doors of the 1st division leading into the Captains meeting hall, however they didn't go in, which confused Kishin. "Captain Unohana, is there a reason why we're waiting outside?"

She simply smiled and amiably replied, "Yes. We're waiting for all the Captains to gather first including the Head Captain before we enter."

"Eh? Then...I'm not giving a report only to the Head Captain but to all the Captains?"

"That's right. As you said earlier the existence of a Hollow like the one you, Toshiro, and Kinji fought seems highly unnatural. This is a big concern for Soul Society. We all heard Toshiro and Kinji's report already but they don't know how the Hollow ended up disappearing so we'd like to hear from you."

It was then Kishin felt a hand on his shoulder and the concerned voice of Ukitake. "Shin-chan! Are you alright? Are you feeling okay? No lasting damages right? Did it hurt? Are you sure it's okay for you to be walking right now?"

Kishin just awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck at Jushiro's overly doting and worried concerns. "Uhhh...Yes. Yes. Right. Yes it did hurt. And no problems walking."

"Pheeew…" Jushiro let out a long sigh of relief.

In mere moments the rest of the Captains had gathered and the giant double doors leading to the Captain's hall opened as Yamamoto walked through first. Everyone followed suit and took their spot standing either on the left or the right side of the hall. Kishin stood in the middle of all of them and knelt respectfully before all the Captains. He secretly took a quick glance at Aizen and inwardly cursed him.

Yamamoto then began his address in his old wise sounding tone of voice. "Chigetsu Kishin. I am sure you already know why you are here. Recount to us what you can in as much detail as possible of the events that happened that day."

Kishin closed his eyes for a moment and nodded. "That day Toshiro and I ran into Kinji on the Seireitei grounds. Kinji informed us of what he was doing as we chatted. Toshiro and I decided to join Kinji on his way to Rukongai southern district 60 after hearing how potentially dangerous it could be. When we arrived on site it was too late. We discovered that everyone in the vicinity had either died or suffered heavy injury both citizens and Shinigami alike. As I was about to contact reinforcements to rendezvous to our location and provide assistance I was attacked by a strange Hollow. It was completely white and had a black mask. It had two large horns on its head and was bipedal. It was roughly 2 meters in height and the hole on its chest was nearly closed completely. Its right arm was blade-like and its left arm was humanoid. Its speed and physical power was unnaturally strong. Furthermore it had the ability to fire Ceros. The most dangerous thing about this Hollow was that it moved and fought like a Shinigami. In the sense of battle it was highly intelligent even though it was not capable of speech. During the battle with the combined might of Kinji, Toshiro, and myself we were able to pressure that strange Hollow and nearly defeat it, however something strange happened in that moment. For some odd reason Kinji had fired his Kido at Toshiro. I was able to intercept the attack, however Toshiro struck me from behind. Somehow their minds were adversely affected. I reckon it must have been some sort of manipulation or illusion technique from a third party otherwise there's no way Kinji and Toshiro would have mistaken an ally as a foe. I was gravely injured in that fight. When the Hollow rushed to kill me I was able to strike a fatal blow to its head killing it. I don't remember much beyond that point as I had lost consciousness."

The room became deathly silent for a minute or two before Gin chimed in. "Yaaaah...I'm glad you're alright though Chigetsu-kun. It must have been pretty tough on ya' and the others."

"It is a shame that you weren't present, Captain Ichimaru. You saved me once before from a Gillian. Had you been there then we surely wouldn't have suffered."

Mayuri started complaining about how it was unfortunate that the Hollow couldn't be captured, greatly annoying everyone in the room.

Kyoraku fixed the straw hat on his head as he asked, "Kishin-kun, you mention interference from a third party. What makes you say that? Was it not the ability of that strange Hollow that caused Kinji and Toshiro to become confused?"

Kishin furrowed his brow as he thought about how to carefully answer this question. "I...can't say definitively, however I just feel that it is strange. If the Hollow did have such an ability then surely it would have used it much earlier on in the battle, but it didn't. In the end only when it was about to be defeated did this strange occurrence happen. Another strange thing is that only Kinji and Toshiro seemed to be affected. I feel quite certain that I remained unaffected."

"Hmmmm…" All the Captains deliberated in their heads for a moment until Tosen chimed in. "Perhaps it was a defense mechanism and it could only activate that strange ability when it feels that its life is truly threatened."

Unohana frowned and responded, "But if that is the case wouldn't it be highly likely to have an area of effect ability since Toshiro and Kinji were affected. If that is so then why was Kishin unaffected?"

Komamura voiced his opinion next. "It could be that it is a targeted ability instead and it only had time to affect Toshiro and Kinji."

Yamamoto slammed his staff on the ground as he finally decided to speak. "Hmm...Captain Kurotsuchi. We will leave this matter in your hands. Have the R&D department continue to keep a steady monitor on the situation in Rukongai. See if you can find anything related to a Hollow's ability to affect the mind of a Shinigami. It is possible that this strange Hollow could have been an Adjucha, an intermediate Menos. Captain Soi Fon, Captain Ichimaru, Captain Komamura, and Captain Kaname. Your squads will be in charge of patrolling the area of Rukongai for the next month. Each squad will be in charge of one full district in Rukongai. The North, South, East, and West districts. Report any strange activities or findings you may have. Captain Unohana. Have your squad ready on standby for the next month just in case. Meeting adjourned."

After Yamamoto gave out his orders everyone began to trickle out of the room. Just as Kishin was about to return to the 2nd division barracks he was stopped by the call of his name. He frowned as he recognized it as Aizen's voice.

"Chigetsu-kun. Are you sure you're alright? From what Hitsugaya-kun and Tsunayashiro-kun said, you took a hit from a Cero and were out for a week. Is it okay for you to be up and walking already?"

Kishin inwardly cursed Aizen but outwardly smiled. "It's no problem. I'm tougher than I seem."

Aizen smiled amiably. "I see. That's good to know. I'm glad you're feeling okay. Just know, if you ever need help you can always ask me. I'm always willing to lend a helping hand."

"Hm? Well, if you put it like that then what do you think about the whole ordeal Captain Aizen? Any thoughts on why Toshiro and Kinji's minds were afflicted?"

Aizen inwardly sneered in amusement as he politely replied, "Hmm...that is a good question. Since I wasn't there I can't say for certain, however it does seem that it may have been some sort of ability of that strange Hollow. Perhaps it possessed an ability to momentarily confuse and lead astray its targets. It could have a time delay effect or perhaps willpower could play a role in resistance. What do you think, Chigetsu-kun? As you were the one who personally fought it, how does my theory sound in practice?"

Kishin put on a pondering look, however he inwardly cursed Aizen.

This bastard knows exactly what happened because it was all his fault. Tsk. His answer would make sense as well and I would seriously give it some thought if I didn't already know the real reason. His Kyoka Suigetsu really is a frightening power.

Kishin let out a sigh and just shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose there's no use thinking about it now. The battle against that Hollow is over and I just regained consciousness. Whether or not we'll see another one like it is questionable, but if we do then we'll be better prepared to face it. For now I'll go get some more rest. Thanks for your input Captain Aizen." He then walked off leaving Aizen to his own thoughts.

Very interesting. So he survived the ordeal. Did the Hollow virus work or did it not? During this past week he didn't suffer any affliction that would present itself as a symptom of Hollowfication. All of my past experiments caused some sort of outward change. Shinji, Hachigen, Kensei, Rose, and the others several decades ago had very strong reactions to Hollowfication, however Kishin doesn't show any change. Perhaps his soul is so overwhelmingly powerful that it immediately assimilated the virus into his being. Or perhaps his soul had completely crushed the virus. I suppose it could also be as Kaname had hypothesized. That while Black entered the final stage of Hollow transference, it had in the end, failed to actually perform a proper transfer. Hmm...I suppose I can only continue to wait and see.

As Kishin was walking through Seireitei in the direction of the 2nd division he quickly paused in his step when he heard the sound of Rukia's voice.


He did a quick turn and saw her running over to him so he lightly waved in greeting. "Rukia-senpai, what are you doing?"

She huffed and puffed, catching her breath before responding, "I went to visit you in the medical ward but Toshiro and Kinji told me that you left to the 1st division to give a report."

Kishin smirked in amusement and slightly shook his head. "Those two are still there? I hope they know that I'm not returning to the medical ward."

Rukia frowned as she took a quick walk around him inspecting for injuries. "A-Are you sure you're okay? That you don't need to return to the medical ward?"

"I'm not that brittle senpai. I feel good as new."

"Phew...that's good. I was really worried when I heard what happened you know."

"Haha! Me too!"

Rukia gave him a confused look as she questioned, "What do you mean me too? You were the one who was there and took the brunt of the attack!"

Kishin just grinned. "I know. That's why I was also worried. Who knows if I would have made it out alive."

Rukia could only give him an incredulous look in disbelief at how nonchalant and relaxed Kishin was behaving. "Y-Y-You! How can you say that so unconcernedly?! We're talking about your life you know!"

"Haaaah...senpai, it's fine. I don't really worry about the what ifs after something has passed because it already passed. Since it happened it happened. I focus on the right now and plan for the future."

Rukia didn't know how to respond but Kishin's response made her feel a little better and alleviated some of her concern.

"You're quite the optimist Kishin."

He just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Not really. But it's a waste of time to dwell on the what ifs right? Instead, if I practice harder and get stronger then something like this won't happen again. Even if something unexpected happens I just need to gain the strength to completely overcome those odds."

Rukia couldn't help smiling a bit at his words. She nodded her head in agreement. "Mn. I'm glad that you're doing okay then."

Just as Kishin was about to walk off he noticed that Rukia seemed to have something else on her mind so he ventured to ask, "Are you okay senpai? You look like you have something to say?"

She fidgeted a bit before asking, "Umm...I know you've been transferring divisions a lot, but...I was just the reason why you don't transfer to the 13th division is because you don't like it…"

There was a momentary pause in the air as a silence filled the space between them so quietly that crickets could be heard. It was then broken by the sound of Kishin's laugh.


Rukia pouted and stammered, "O-Oi! Why are you laughing?"

Kishin laughed some more before wiping some tears away from his eyes. "Why senpai? Did you miss me?"

Rukia stomped her feet and turned away with her arms crossed. "Hmpf. Me? Miss you? Idiot. Who misses you? I-I was asking for the sake of the C-Captain. And you know, for the other d-division members. That's all."

Kishin grinned in amusement and took in a gulp of air to catch his breath. He took notice of a presence nearby but elected to ignore it for now and responded, "Don't worry senpai. I actually plan to return to the 13th division. Just not yet."

Rukia flinched in startlement at his answer and turned back around to face him. "Y-You are? Really?"

Kishin simply nodded his head. "Mhm. After I finish doing everything I want I'll come back."

"Mn. Okay, you better!"

"Yup. I'll be back before you know it."

"Mn, then...take care Kishin. I have to run some errands for Kiyone and Sentaro so I have to get going now. Take care of yourself okay?"

Kishin nodded and waved goodbye as he watched Rukia disappear off into the distance. He then turned his attention to that nearby presence he felt earlier and said amiably, "Captain Ichimaru. You really like playing hide and seek."

Gin had his usual smiling facial expression as he stepped out from the corner of the wall. "Ahya, I said it before and I'll say it again. Your reikaku sensing is pretty good."

"Just a bit."

"Ohya ohya, that's the same answer you gave the last time I complimented ya' on it."

"And you gave me the same exact compliment all those years ago as well."

"Hehehe, I see...Do ya' perhaps...have your guard up against me?"

Kishin tilted his head to the side with an innocent look on his face. "Whatever do you mean Captain?"

Gin studied Kishin's expression for a moment, unable to glean much so he let it go. "How are ya' feeling?"

"Mnnnn...perfectly fine. Thanks for asking."

Gin was inwardly shocked and surprised that Kishin was feeling so well after supposedly being infected by the Hollow, then again the keyword was supposedly. There's no guarantee that it had actually worked as Black was still a prototype.

"Ya' served in my division before. While short, I truly enjoyed your company so it's only natural that I was a bit concerned."

"Hm. Well as you can see I'm doing well Captain Ichimaru."

"It would seem so. That's good. Since division 2 is one of the patrolling parties you might be sent out again to do some recon. Best take some precautions in case another strange Hollow shows up."

"Oh? Do you think there could be more of them out there Captain?"

"I don't see why not."

"Hmmm, is that so? Well then I guess I should go train some more to ensure I don't get caught up in a mess like that again right?" Kishin grinned unconcernedly.

Gin gave Kishin a strange and confused look unsure of Kishin's true feelings on the matter. On the surface it seemed like Kishin truly was doing well and was simply unaffected by the whole ordeal. On the other hand most people would feel stressed, frustration, anger, confusion, and a host of other emotions after going through what Kishin went through.

I'm usually pretty good at reading what people are truly feeling and thinking, however I can't get a good read on Kishin. If I push too much more he'll only place his guard up higher against me.

Kishin broke the momentary silence between them as he asked, "So Captain, is there anything else you need of me?"

Gin simply shook his head and began walking off. "Nah, I just wanted to check how you were doing. Since you seem fine I'll take my leave first."

Kishin smirked and waved goodbye at Gin's back before turning and leaving himself.

That was odd...why does it feel like Gin was trying to glean something from me like he was expecting something to be wrong with me after fighting that Hollow? Wasn't it just one of Aizen's experimentally enhanced Hollows? Was it supposed to do something other than be powerful enough to kill strong Shinigami?

As Kishin furrowed his brow and continued on his way back to the 2nd division barracks he lightly touched the crimson hilt of his katana.

My Zanpakuto...came to my aide but…

He recalled how he couldn't remember much of anything after releasing his Zanpakuto except for the raging desire to kill. He felt that he had gone mad and insane for a moment.

I told you didn't I? Not to lose yourself to the madness.

Kishin was momentarily startled as he heard the voice of his Zanpakuto.

Sekiken Zansatsu?

You can refer to me as Zansatsu for short young master.

Zansatsu...all those times I focused on my meditation you never once answered me.

Of course not. You weren't ready to meet me yet. Surely you know that by now.

Kishin slightly frowned as he once more recalled the driving madness that clouded his mind from that fight.

What happened to me?

Heh. That was a small side effect of you activating the Shikai without being ready to handle its power.

Side effect? What do you mean? Are you saying that will happen every time I activate the Shikai?

I am not a very forgiving Zanpakuto. I am not meant for dueling or fighting. I am meant for killing. For slaughtering. For murdering. If you want to control the power of Shikai without losing your mind to the madness then train. How you decide that is up to you.

Hmmm...I see...Is that why you refused to answer me whenever I tried to communicate with you?

Yes. I didn't want you nagging me about learning Shikai when I knew you weren't ready for it. thoughtful of you.

Tch. You forced my hand.

I did? So you only decided to lend me a hand after seeing that my life was in danger huh?

Don't flatter yourself. I know what your personality is like, young master. I'm not so easy to rile up like you do with the others around you.

Tch. You're no fun.

And you're a cheeky brat.

Oi, that's no way you should be talking to your young master.

Learn to control the power of Shikai first.

And you say I'm the cheeky o-

"Ugh…" Kishin couldn't finish his mental sentence as he felt a pounding headache in his mind. His entire body felt like it was burning up for a split second before everything returned to normal.

"W-What the hell was that?"

Tsk. That bastard is acting up.

Kishin frowned at Zansatsu's words.

You know what that was?

Of course I do. It's that damn Hollow.

Kishin's eyes widened in shock and in confusion.

What are you talking about?

Heh. It seems that the weird Hollow you fought did something. Somehow it was able to infiltrate your soul and attach itself to it creating a Hollow in your inner world. I was able to suppress it, however it has already melded itself with your soul like myself. For now I'm the dominant one and can keep it at bay, but because it's still a part of you I reckon you're feeling its rampage within.

Kishin was extremely shocked.

That Hollow infected my soul?! So that's why Aizen created that Hollow? How is that possible?

I don't know myself. All I know is that I won't be able to hold it back forever. For now I can suppress it, however as it continues to grow and mature inside of you, at some point its soul and my soul will have to merge into one. And you must be the one to do it.

And how am I supposed to do that?

You must defeat the Hollow inside of you. Only then will it be completely subjugated and integrate smoothly with your soul.

How did I not die? This is essentially Hollowfication, however doesn't it usually result in soul suicide?

Heh, that's only if your soul and reiatsu are weak. Both of which are far from it. My existence is a testament to that. Also, that Hollow you fought didn't seem to be a pure Hollow. It had traces of the souls of Shinigamis. But there's no point in worrying about it. I can keep it contained and prevent it from overtaking your body...for the moment. You've yet to even learn how to control the full power of the Shikai so forget about the Hollow inside of you.

Tch. Damn Aizen...No wonder Gin was probing my thoughts and feelings. He was curious to see if anything about my condition had changed…

Well it has.

You're quite talkative after all these years.

Since you know my name and the release command for the Shikai there's no point in blocking you out anymore.

Then help me learn to control the power of my Shikai.

I can't. You must learn to do that on your own. The bloodlust and raging desire to your doing.

Kishin frowned in confusion.

What do you mean?

I am your Zanpakuto. I was born from your very soul. When you train to control the power of your Shikai you will understand. That which you have rejected and what you must accept.

Kishin wanted to reply since he was becoming more and more confused, however he was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the sound of Soi Fon's voice.

"Aren't you too young to be thinking that hard? Your hair will turn gray if you keep that up?"

"Uh? Captain?"

Soi Fon nodded as she took a quick glance over Kishin's small frame. "Hmpf. You're the unit leader of the detention unit. How'd you get yourself beat up over something like a Hollow?"

Kishin was about to answer but Soi Fon cut him off. "Never mind. Don't answer that. Are you still fit to continue your duties?"

"I am."

"Good. The 2nd division is in charge of the eastern district of Rukongai. We'll be patrolling the area for a month. I'm putting Omaeda in charge of district 1-20. You're in charge of district 21-40. The 4th seat will be in charge of district 41-60 and the 5th seat will be in charge of district 61-80. We start tomorrow. Make sure the unit under you is prepared."

"Okay, I got it Captain." He watched as Soi Fon immediately disappeared before he let out an unfortunate sigh. "Haaaah...darn. Seems I'm going to be busy after just waking up. How should I go about training in my Shikai...and what does Zansatsu mean that I'm the reason for the uncontrollable bloodlust..."

He waited for a few seconds hoping Zansatsu would answer him, but to no avail. He walked to his quarters where Kasumi stood patiently waiting for him.

"Kasumi, I want you to inform our unit that we've been assigned to patrol the eastern Rukon district of sectors 21-40 starting tomorrow. Have them prepare all necessary items they need to complete the task. This will be our duties for the next month."

Kasumi knelt on the ground and bowed her head in respect. "As you wish."


She fled into the shadows after receiving her orders once again leaving Kishin all alone. He unstrapped his Zanpakuto and laid it across his lap, closing his eyes attempting to meditate on his soul. He blocked out all sound from the outside world and focused only on himself.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The sound of steady water droplets falling into a bath of water resonated in his mind. He saw nothing but darkness and felt nothing but a faint ripple that flowed through his body at the sound of every drip of the falling water droplets. Then...smoke. Fog. Mist. His mind became cloudy. His body felt heavy. And he began to feel as if he were being squeezed into a tightly enclosed box. Everywhere he turned within his mind felt as if he were hitting a brick wall. His heart rate sped up and he began to unknowingly heavily breathe. He felt trapped. Trapped within his own mind.

In silence.

In stillness.

In heaviness.

In fog.

In darkness...then he heard it.

No...he heard THEM. The whispers in his mind.

"You killed him."

"You killed her."

"I've come for your life."

"You will die."

"This is the end."

"At last, I've found you."




"Heartless beast!"



"How could you?"

The voices that began as whispers started to become louder and louder and louder. They rang in his ears and he couldn't help but clutch his head in pain as he said in agony, "Go away!"

However the voices only continued to echo louder.


"You deserve this!"

"You aren't human!"

Kishin clenched his teeth and gripped his hair so hard he swore he was going to rip it clean off of his head. The voices only got louder and louder and it started becoming painful down to his very soul. In the end he couldn't take it so he shouted with all his might, "STOP IT!"

It was then he opened his eyes. He found himself lying on the floor of his silent room completely drenched in sweat. His chest rising and falling rapidly from his heavy panting. His Zanpakuto still clenched in his tightly enclosed hands. He took a good minute to calm down before sitting back up and looked around. He was alone.

"What...what just happened."

Just as he voiced out his own words a sudden thought struck him. "Is this...what Zansatsu was trying to tell me...what I have rejected and what I must accept. In order to control the power of my Shikai…?"

He glanced down at his own Zanpakuto still clenched in his hands and for a brief moment, he thought that he felt something. A deep connection that resonated within him.

A connection that felt...lonely...? was anguish.