Chapter 24: I Won't Leave You 1/2

AN: Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well and continuing to stay safe, but also enjoying your summer. Next chapter the rating will CHANGE to M. Having said that, for those of you who don't wish to read the Rated M scene then don't worry. There'll be an indicator when reading the story so you can skip that scene and read on.

Chapters 24 and 25 are heavy on Kishin x Rukia.

BTW, the story is getting close to when Canon timeline starts.

As always, thanks for your continued support!

Vocabulary Terms:

*Baka (Bakamono) = Fool/Idiot

*Onii-sama = Big Brother

*Obasan = Aunt

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Rated M Scene: "XXX"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)

-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 24










The sound of a compressed reishi ball flying through the air across Kishin's personal training ground could be heard followed by the sound of Rukia's voice as she shouted and swung her Zanpakuto at it. She was currently starting the next stage of Kishin's training plan for her. Kishin had asked Akon to build a certain machine for him where he would supply it with his reiatsu and in turn the machine would condense it into a small mass of reishi in the form of a tennis ball. The machine would then fire out the reishi ball towards Rukia where she would practice her Zanjutsu forms. Of course much to her chagrin, Kishin didn't ease up on her training. She still had to practice all basic Zanjutsu forms 1000 times, but with the added difficulty of trying to accurately and precisely hit the reishi balls that he sent her way.


Once again another reishi ball flew through the air as Kishin leisurely read a book while sitting on the chair that was attached to the small cannon-like machine fueling it with his reiatsu.

Huff. Huff. Huff.

"Haaa!" Rukia shouted with a winded breath as she performed the very last swing of her Zanjutsu forms.


The reishi ball immediately exploded into small harmless reishi particles from her last successive strike. A relieved smile graced her lips knowing that she was not only done, but that she had actually made no mistakes today. The strength in her hands immediately left her, causing her Zanpakuto to fall to the ground. She was completely exhausted. In fact it wasn't just her hands that lost their strength. Her legs were just as tired and buckled beneath her, no longer strong enough to keep her up right. Her eyes slowly began to close from her worn out state painting her vision darker and darker.

Kishin immediately dropped the book in his hand and arrived by Rukia's side, catching her before she could completely collapse on the floor.

"Mmmm…" She unknowingly hummed in comfort as she lay buried in his arms. Her chest heavily rose up and down as she continued to take in deep breaths. Her entire body was drenched in sweat from the intense training she had just completed. She couldn't think of anything right now because her mind was completely spent from focusing for so long at her previous task. If anyone saw this scene right now then to them it would look as if Rukia lay dead in Kishin's arms. That's how utterly and completely exhausted she was.

Kishin couldn't help but grin in amusement as he held her close to his chest. She felt incredibly warm due to her workout. In fact, he slightly frowned as he noticed that even for an intense workout she was a bit too warm. Soon after he noticed her stirring a bit in his arms. Her face scrunched up a bit in discomfort.

"Rukia?" He softly called out to her in question.

"Hngh…" She lightly groaned out. She slowly opened her eyes to see a blurry image of Kishin's face. Her lips curled up into a slight smile as she struggled to speak.

"I...I did it."

Kishin just frowned even more. Her voice sounded a bit too weak for her to simply be tired. He immediately cradled her even closer to him and picked up her Zanpakuto on the ground before disappearing in a blur with both of them.


Soon after they appeared in his bedroom. He tossed her Zanpakuto to the side and gently leaned Rukia against the wall of the room. A concerned look showed on his face.

"'re burning up…"

She gave him the best smile that she could muster. "I'm...huff...fine…"

He furrowed his brow and leaned in closer pressing his forehead against hers. His eyes immediately widened in alarm. "You! have a fever. Don't tell me you were already sick before we started training this morning?"

She remained silent at his question and didn't meet his gaze. He immediately scowled at her reaction to his question knowing that he had guessed correctly.

"Tch. You have two choices. One, go clean yourself up right now and get out of these sweaty clothes, or two, I'll do it for you."

She immediately widened her eyes in panic. Her exhausted body immediately felt like it had gained some semblance of strength as she immediately got up and with great difficulty, crossed her hands over her chest looking like a rabbit in a wolf's den.

"Y-You wouldn't dare…" She tried to speak out in a commanding tone of voice, however it came out quiet and meekly instead. Any other time and Kishin would have teased her, but given her body's current state he couldn't help but feel a bit angry and worried. He immediately grabbed her hands and pulled them away from her chest causing her to yelp in shock.

"Ah! Wait! What ar-"

She never got to finish her sentence as she noticed that Kishin was holding her hands as gently as he could as if afraid he'd break them. He concentrated with all his might and started to use the little skill he had with Kaido to begin restoring the strength in Rukia's fingers, palms, and arms. A green light glowed in the space between them for a good few minutes before Kishin let out a huff. Without saying anything he simply knelt down and placed his hands near her legs and once more, focused on restoring as much strength as he could back into her calf muscles. After 5 total minutes passed by he huffed out an apologetic sigh. He just sat on the ground with his head lowered feeling a bit guilty.

"I'm sorry, senpai. I didn't notice you weren't feeling well and put you through all that training."

Rukia's eyes just widened in shock. She never imagined that she would one day witness Kishin with such a frustrated look about him. She wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but he cut her off as he commanded, "Go wash yourself up. I'm not particularly good at Kaido but for now you should be able to walk and move your arms enough to bathe yourself. That is...unless you actually want my help?" His question at the end was filled with a bit of hope.

Rukia just dashed into the bathroom and replied, "I-I'll be fine. Thanks." She immediately shut the door behind her.

Kishin remained seated in place on the floor and didn't move until he heard the shower turn on. He let out a sigh and instantly blurred out of the room.


He moved with Shupo at an incredible speed and immediately arrived before Kiyone.

"AH!" She cried out in startlement before letting out a sigh taking note of who it was that appeared out of nowhere. "Haaah...Jeez! Lieutenant, what was that for? You nearly scared me to death!"

Kishin just gave her a pleading look in his eyes and said, "Kiyone, I need a favor."

"Eh? A favor?" She inquired to herself. But then she recalled that one time that Kishin disappeared for 3 days right after he became the Lieutenant and left his work for her and Sentaro to finish so she gave him a suspicious and doubtful look. "You...aren't going to make me do your work again are you?"

Kishin immediately shook his head. The serious and sincere aura around him caused Kiyone to realize that he was actually serious about needing something. In the end she let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. Alright Lieutenant, what favor do you need of me?"

His eyes immediately perked up. "Can you lend me one of your shorts."

Kiyone's face instantly turned beet red in embarrassment from what Kishin just asked of her. "Y-Y-You w-w-want my s-s-shorts?"

He immediately knew what she was probably thinking so he put on a serious expression. "Kiyone...please."

She came back to her senses and awkwardly coughed. "Ahem. At least tell me why."

"It's for Rukia."

"Oh, so it's for-AH?! What? Kuchiki-san? Why doe-"

Kishin cut her off and interjected, "It's a long story. Can you lend me one? Or some?"

Kiyone just stared at him for a good long minute before sighing in defeat. "Alright. This all sounds suspicious but...fine. I'll help you out. Just wait one second." She disappeared in a flash of Shunpo for several long moments before returning with a bag of clothes. "Here. While I'm curious why YOU need to borrow clothes for Kuchiki-san, I won't pry. I'm a bit taller than her, but not by a whole lot. With her...ahem...lower asset she should fill out quite nicely."

Kishin nodded and thanked her before taking the bag and disappearing just as fast, however the moment he got back to his room he mentally cursed Kiyone for painting a mental image of Rukia's perky ass in his head.

I can't be having these kinds of thoughts...she's sick.

It was then he noticed that the sound of the shower had just turned off.

"Rukia. I'm leaving some clothes on the bed here. Let me know when you're done changing. I'll be right outside the door."

He rummaged his closet for a shirt and tossed a snow white colored one on the bed next to the bag of shorts. He then walked out of the bedroom and shut the door. Not five minutes later and he heard the door open behind him along with Rukia's soft weak voice. "I'm done."

He immediately turned around and felt some butterflies in his stomach the moment that his eyes laid eyes on her attire. His large white shirt fell down to the mid of her thighs covering a majority of the blue shorts she wore. It almost made it look like she wore nothing beneath the shirt.

She nervously looked away from him when she noticed his piercing gaze. "Is...everything okay?"

Kishin could only grit his teeth. He was getting turned on. He could smell his shampoo and body wash on her body. He noted the way his loose fitting shirt propped up a bit by her upper chest no doubt from the mounds that pushed against it. Her pure violet eyes sparkled in the light accentuating both the cuteness and gracefulness she carried in her every move. Thoughts and feelings of wanting to take her right here and now plagued his mind, but he held back because he really didn't want to hurt her. One side of him wanted to have his way with her, but the other side of him simply wanted to hold her as gently as possible. He had no idea how someone could feel two different extreme emotions at the same time for the same person. A closer glance at her face told him that she was still feverish and that she was struggling to just stand here in front of him. In the end his reason won him over and he quickly pointed to the bed.

Rukia tilted her head to the side in confusion as she traced where his finger was pointing to. "What?" She inquired.

"You. Bed. Sleep. Now." He said without room for discussion.

She bit the bottom of her lip wanting to argue that she was fine, but she began to feel dizzy and so she simply obliged. As she got into his giant fluffy bed she felt a bit of deja vu setting in. This was now the second time she was sleeping in his room and she couldn't help but relish in the scent of his smell. As she settled in, Kishin carefully draped the blankets over her small frame doing his best to make her comfortable. He then knelt down on by the edge of the bed so they were eye level with one another.

"Tell me how to help you."

"Hm?" She blinked a few times at his sudden request.

Kishin couldn't help feeling a bit useless as he repeated, "I said tell me how to help you. I've never taken care of a sick person before. What do you need? What can you eat? How long will you sleep? I only learnt how to treat physical wounds and restore someone's reiatsu from Captain Unohana. We never covered illnesses…"

Rukia just gave him a blank stare as she didn't know what to say. She was definitely not expecting this. She was going to ask Kishin how he even acquired the shorts she was currently wearing. In fact when she saw them her mind wandered to unsettling conclusions such as the shorts belonging to the many women that Kishin might have...copulated with...obviously she had no right to judge or tell him what to do. He was an adult in his own right and could make his own choices, but it unknowingly bothered her when she thought of that being a possibility. Before she could ask her own questions she felt her eyes grow heavy. Tired from over exhausting herself. The scent of him while resting in his comfy bed made her feel safe and relaxed.

"Kishin…" She whispered out with a quiet breath. "I just...need...sleep."

"Huh? Wai-" He was still waiting for her to give him instructions, but in the end she had completely shut her eyes falling into a deep slumber. Kishin just stared at her cute sleeping face feeling somewhat conflicted.

"Senpai...why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well today?" He softly whispered to himself as he brushed away a fallen lock of her smooth dark hair from her cheeks.

"Nghh…" She groaned out, slightly stirring on the mattress. Her body began to shiver a bit beneath the covers causing a serious frown to appear on Kishin's face. He immediately picked up his denreishinki and dialed Akon's number. A few rings later and he heard Akon's voice.


"Tell me all the information you know on how to cure a fever."

"Eh? Fever? Who's si-"

"Senpai. Please." Kishin said, cutting Akon off. His stern and somewhat pleading tone made Akon curious about what happened, but in the end he knew better than to stall Kishin when he seemed to be getting impatient.

"Ahem. Well, a fever huh? If it's just a normal fever with no other illnesses accompanied with it then treatment is simple. Just mix a few drops of our fever reducing serum into a cold water bath and drench a towel in it before using it as a cold compress. The fever should go away within the next 8-10 hours."

Kishin's mood immediately became more joyful. "Since when did the 12th division have something like that?"

"What, we always did. We have a lot of stuff. You probably didn't notice it while you were here since there's so many things to look at. Plus, there was no reason for you to take notice of something like this."

Kishin just nodded. "Hold onto one for me. I'm coming to get it."

"Eh? Right now?"

"Yeah. Right now."

Akon wanted to say something more but it was too late. Kishin hung up and disappeared in a flash. In no time at all he shocked Akon with his speedy arrival, grabbed the medicine, exchanged a few more notes with him, and returned to the bedroom where a sick Rukia currently lay. He quickly filled a basin with cold water and placed a few droplets of the clear colored fever reducing medicine that Akon gave him into it. Then, taking the towel in his hands he dipped it in the cool bath and wrung out the excess water making a cold compress before gently placing it atop of Rukia's forehead. He noted that her uncomfortable facial expression soon began to ease up after he applied the cool towel on her head.

"Akon-senpai said the fever should go away sometime in the next 8-10 hours."

He noticed that her breathing had become a bit shallow and so he hovered his hands over her chest and immediately started easing the physical strain on her body with Kaido.

Akon said that it's best to just let the fever run its course. The medicine should help with reducing how long the fever lasts. All I can do is wait and try to make her more comfortable.

A green light was soon generated from his hands casting a warm glow over Rukia's body. He focused as much as he could on easing her body's physical functions. A minute went by. Still no sign of improvement. Three minutes. Five minutes. Seven minutes. Finally ten minutes later and he let out a relieved sigh. Her breathing had finally returned to normal. No longer strained and shallow. Her facial expression was soft and gentle showing that she was resting comfortably. Kishin just continued to kneel down by her side occasionally changing the cool compress on her forehead when needed. As he did so he couldn't help but scold her a bit in the process.

"Senpai, you idiot. Who told you to push yourself like this?"

As if she had heard him she shifted a bit in bed and pleasantly moaned, "Mnnnn..."

Kishin smiled and shook his head. "Senpai. Can you not be so cute even when you're sick..."

He remained by her side for an undetermined amount of time. Before he knew it he had fallen asleep still kneeling by the bed. His head lay down on the edge of the mattress and at some point, he had unknowingly snaked his hand beneath the blanket lightly entangling his fingers with hers. They had simply remained like that for the remainder of the evening and night.

It wasn't until the next morning when Rukia stirred awake. She felt...incredibly light. Light as a feather in fact. That wasn't all. She was incredibly refreshed. No semblance of her ever being sick or having a fever could be seen. Her skin was glowing and healthy. The strength in her arms and legs were strong as ever. And her chest didn't hurt from struggling to breathe, but she furrowed her brow in confusion as she felt a comfortable weight on her left hand so she turned her head to take a peek.

"E-Ehhhh? Kishin?" She whisper-shouted. It was then she noticed that he was still fast asleep in an awkward position. His head rested on the edge of the mattress, a basin of water lay down beside him, his hair a disheveled mess, his clothes ruffled and crumpled, and what made Rukia nearly burst out laughing was the little bit of drool that fell from the corner of his lips.

"This idiot. What's going on here?"

As she slowly sat up in bed she felt something drop from the top of her forehead and onto her lap.

"Eh? A towel?" It was then she put the pieces together. "He...stayed here all night taking care of me?"

She looked back down to where their fingers were slightly laced together. A warmth washed over her body, but it wasn't caused by a fever. "T-This idiot...I told him I only needed some sleep. He didn't have to do all of this."

She couldn't help but smile as the sound of his soft even breathing entered her ears. With her free hand she lightly patted the top of his head. Her cheeks burned a hint of crimson red as she never did something like this before. "K-Kishin does this to me all the time so it should be fine right?"

Her eyes involuntarily sparkled as she noted how soft his hair was. "Is his hair naturally this smooth or is it because of his shampoo?"

An unknowing playful glint flashed in her eyes as she began to play with the top of his hair. "It really is crimson red. Almost like...the color of blood, but it feels nice."

"Having fun there senpai?"

Rukia nearly jumped out of her skin in shock at the sound of his sudden voice. "AH!" She immediately retracted her hand. "'s not what it looks like!"

Kishin slowly lifted his head and wiped the drool from his mouth with the sleeve of his shihakusho. "It looks like you were playing with my hair."


"Ow!" He groaned out and rubbed his head from where Rukia had hit him. "What the-why'd you hit me?"

She just blinked a few times staring blankly at him before answering, "Ah...well, I was hoping to knock you out with that one hit."

Kishin narrowed his eyes at her, his lips curled up in a mischievous look. "Oh? I see you're feeling a LOT better, senpai."

"Hehe...w-wait, Kishin. Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't mean it. I was just making sure that it wasn't a dream. That's all!"

Kishin just tightened his hold on her hand where their fingers were already intertwined and replied, "A dream? I'll show you that it's not a dream!"

Just as he stood up at his full height and was about to press her down into the mattress he was flung across the room from Rukia kicking him with both feet in the chest.


"OW!" He groaned out as he laid against the wall of the room rubbing the back of his neck. "What gives Rukia?"

She just stared at him with a flustered expression. Her cheeks burned bright red as she hid herself behind the blanket revealing only the upper half of her face as she responded, "B-Baka! What were you about to do?!"

Kishin relaxedly sat on the floor and inwardly breathed out a sigh of relief noting that she was really all better since she was so lively. He just stared at her a bit playfully and replied, "I was only going to check if your fever was really gone. Why? What did you think I was going to do?"

She refused to answer and instead just huffed out in defeat. "Hmpf."

He just grinned at her reaction. "Okay senpai. It seems you're feeling better. Are you okay to move around? You didn't have dinner last night so you need to eat a lot today."

As if on cue her stomach began to loudly growl at the mention of food. Kishin just smirked in amusement at her current disposition. He could tell that she was feeling completely defeated, but Rukia's facial expression was anything but amused. She instead glared at Kishin with a flustered look in her eyes. Her cheeks were red and she mentally cursed him as well as her stomach. It was then she came to a realization.

"Wait...I spent all night here…"

Kishin cocked his head to the side at her anxious comment and slowly stood back up. "Yeah. I mean you did so before so there shouldn't be any problems right?"

She immediately flung the blanket off of her and jumped out of the bed. "No problem?! It's the opposite! I was supposed to return to the Kuchiki Manor yesterday to continue my studies on Noble etiquette. I'm definitely going to get yelled at by my teacher!"

Kishin just blinked a few times with a blank stare on his face as he watched at how quickly Rukia dashed out of the room, then dashed back into the room to grab her Zanpakuto, then dash back out of the room before stumbling by the entrance door and opening it running and dashing outside. He was now left all alone in the messy room. His lips curled up in an amused grin as he simply shrugged his shoulders and dashed after her.


Rukia took note of his sudden appearance beside her dashing through the Seireitei and questioned, "E-Eh? Kishin? What are you doing?"

He simply smiled back at her and amiably commented, "I'm coming with you."

"Huh? What do you mean you're coming with me? I'm going to the Kuchiki Manor!"

"I know. I've never been there before so I'll be in your care."

"AH? B-Bakamono! You can't just decide that on your own!"

"I can't? Huh...then, will you invite me?"

She gave him a completely dumbfounded look. "Why do you want to visit the Kuchiki Manor so suddenly?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders as he sported the look of an abandoned puppy. "Please?"


For several long moments she stared at him trying to refuse, but in the end she couldn't fight the look in his eyes so she let out a defeated sigh. "Haaah...Fine, BUT! Don't cause any trouble okay?"

His expression immediately perked up. "Hahaha, sweet! Ahem...I mean thanks."

Rukia just shook her head and buried her face in the palm of her hand. "I'm going to regret this aren't I…"

Tip. Tip.

The sound of their feet abruptly stopping could be heard as they stood in front of a large luxurious Japanese style compound. Rukia glanced over to Kishin and coughed to clear her throat. "Ahem. You behave yourself okay?"

Kishin smirked and nodded. "Of course. You know me."

"That's why I'm begging you to NOT do something reckless."

"Okay okay, I won't kill anyone."

"Goo-Hey what?!" She widened her eyes in alarm after realizing what he just said. "You! I changed my mind! You can't co-"

She was interrupted by the sound of the giant entrance doors opening, leading into the compound. The first thing that Kishin took note of when the doors opened was a woman who seemed to be in her mid to late thirties, physically wise. She was dressed in a pink colored kimono with a purple obi, was 158cm tall and quite slim, had fair colored skin, semi-long black flowing hair that fell down to her chest, and had a gentle but elegant aura about her. She had somewhat similar features to Byakuya.

Rukia widened her eyes in shock and immediately greeted this person with great respect. "A-Ayumi-obasan. Please pardon my rudeness. It was not my intention to shout and loiter by the entrance."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity at Rukia's overwhelming politeness in front of this person.

"Hm? What?" He sounded out as he felt her lightly tap his foot.

His nonchalant behavior really made her want to slam his head into a wall and then bury herself into a hole and not come out so she wouldn't have to feel so embarrassed. She quickly let out a cough and straightened her back. "Ahem. Ayumi-obasan, this is Chigetsu Kishin, the Lieutenant of the 13th division."

Ayumi let out a small light hearted laugh in amusement as her lips curled up in a gentle smile. "I see that you two are quite close."

Rukia's cheeks turned a shade of light pink. "Ah...ummm...w-well we are from the same division so-"

Kishin smirked at Rukia struggling to try and explain what their relationship was like so he lightly patted her head and interjected, "That's right. Rukia-senpai and I have a SPECIAL relationship."

Rukia was about to retort, but she was interrupted by the sound of Ayumi's voice. "Oh? Is that so?" She then turned to look at Rukia and continued, "Then...don't tell this your boyfri-"

Rukia immediately shook her head in embarrassment. "No! I mean...ahem. Please forgive my outrageous behavior Ayumi-obasan. Lieutenant Chigetsu was just escorting me back to the manor. He will be LEAVING now."

Kishin stared into Rukia's eyes with a look both mischievous and unwilling. She just stared back with a look that told him that he should leave before he causes more trouble. In the end they were interrupted by Ayumi's lighthearted laugh.

"Hahaha! I see. It appears you both are VERY close." She commented with a curious and knowing glance. She then turned around and began to walk back inside as she said, "Come in. Rukia, you should probably go see your etiquette teacher. I don't think they are very happy right now. Oh, and Lieutenant Chigetsu is it? Please, come in as well. We would be happy to have you."