
A diabolical look flashed by in his eyes as he glanced over at Tosen. Tosen immediately felt his heart increase in palpitation as a foreboding sense of danger descended on him. He had no idea why, but he felt that he was in danger of losing his life.


Kishin defended a strike to his leg from Komamura before ducking his head feeling the back of his hair rustle in the wake of the wind left behind from dodging Komamura's arm swipe.

"Keh!" Komamura grunted in frustration at being unable to land a successful hit on Kishin the entire time. After exchanging dozens and dozens of blows with Kishin alongside Tosen he had finally realized just how skilled Kishin truly was. No matter what the two Captains did and no matter how they coordinated their attacks they never even placed any pressure on Kishin.

Just as Komamura was about to go in for his next attack he paused and widened his eyes in shock. He had instantly lost sight of Kishin.


Kishin shook his head and rested his palm against Komamura's back while saying nonchalantly, "Captain Komamura. I hold no grudge against you, but I want you to remember this for future references. You attacked me first."

"GRRRR!" Komamura growled and attempted to twist his body to counter, however Kishin just smirked and said, "Hado #71: Sodai Sho."


"ARRRRRGGGH!" Komamura's loud shout was heard in the wind as he was blasted through the sky by the powerful force of Kishin's Kido spell. Kishin then turned his attention to Tosen and tilted his Zanpakuto towards the light of the sun letting it gleam off the edge of his blade. "If you thought you could use Captain Komamura to help kill me then you were too naive, Captain Tosen. Not holding a grudge over our fight from a while back now are you?"

Tosen gritted his teeth feeling a bead of nervous sweat drip down his back. "Chigetsu Kishin. I will cut you down here and now to rid Soul Society of a stain amongst its ranks."

"Ha! Hahahaha! That's a good joke. I guess we'll see in the end exactly which of us is the stain."


Kishin arrived before Tosen with such speed that Tosen barely had time to react. By the time Tosen registered Kishin's presence he had already lost wind of him again. This time Kishin was right behind Tosen.

"Slow." Kishin remarked as he slashed with his Zanpakuto.


A large gashing wound ripped down from Tosen's right shoulder across his back and down to his lower left waist.

"Ugh!" Tosen groaned in pain. He tried to turn and slash to get his own hit in, however Kishin simply kicked him in the head before he could even finish his movement.


The force of the kick sent Tosen crashing down into a large tall building nearby. A contemptuous look was the current expression that Kishin was making as he glanced at Gin from the corner of his eye. Gin merely watched with an amused expression on his face, however he definitely wasn't feeling at ease. Toshiro watched with wide-eyes in shock as he felt conflicted. Obviously because he didn't know the truth about Tosen so he couldn't quite understand why Kishin had actually stuck around to fight and injure Tosen and Komamura.

If the two Captains watching everything were having mixed feelings then there was nothing much to say about the Lieutenants watching the whole ordeal. They were simply dumbstruck and scared at how easily Kishin was tossing around Captain Tosen and Captain Komamura like they were two plastic ping pong balls. It was only now that they realized that the limits of Kishin's abilities were already far beyond that of a Lieutenant.

"K-Kishin…" Toshiro finally managed to say, though with great difficulty.

Kishin just waved his hand and gave Toshiro a reassuring glance. "I know what I'm doing. Trust me." His eyes didn't hide his murderous intent when he said those words as he took a step forward in Tosen's direction. It was then a loud shout could be heard in the distance. Everyone recognized it as Komamura's voice.

"BANKAI! Kokujo Tengen Myo'o!" An immense amount of reiatsu erupted into the air before coalescing into a giant titan-like humanoid golem hundreds of meters tall. It took on the form of a black armored samurai that had a red cloth covering its face. The giant held a large black and white katana in its hands and mirrored every move of Komamura's.

Kishin raised his eyebrow curiously at the giant completely unfazed in the face of Komamura's ability. "Ehhhh? To think a Captain of the Gotei 13 would release their Bankai against me? A mere Lieutenant. I'm honored."

Komamura frowned, noting how unperturbed Kishin was in the face of his ultimate weapon and growled, "Any last words, Lieutenant Chigetsu?"

A mischievous glint sparkled in Kishin's eyes as he said, "Actually yes." Without warning he quickly chanted, "Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro!"

"Uh!" Komamura's eyes widened in shock as he attempted to slash down with his sword, however it was too late. The six rods of yellow light appeared around his waist binding his body in place. He was no longer able to move, rendering his Bankai useless.

"Bakudo #63: Sajo Sabaku! Bakudo #62: Hyapporankan!"

Whoosh! Cling!

In mere seconds four yellow chains of Kido wrapped around Komamura's body further restraining him before several rods of white blue Kido embedded themselves in the joints of his body making it even harder for him to move his limbs. Kishin took a moment to appreciate his handiwork before pointing his finger at Komamura's hand and finally said, "Hado #1: Sho."


The power of Kishin's simple Kido spell was enough to force Komamura to unclasp his hand around his Zanpakuto causing it to fall to the ground. His Bankai mimicking his actions also dropped its large samurai sword causing a giant dust cloud to rise in the air as the giant weapon fell to the ground.

"Captain Komamura. I ask that you wait there and not pursue me any further. Though I didn't kill Aizen, that doesn't mean that I won't kill anyone."

Komamura growled and raised his reiatsu attempting to break free of Kishin's Kido with spiritual and brute force, however no matter how hard he tried he remained completely stuck. He glared at Kishin with anger and frustration. "Damn you Lieutenant Chigetsu! Just why are you doing this?! Why did you kill Aizen?! Why have you decided to rebel against Soul Society?! Answer me!"

Kishin just sighed and shook his head. "Weren't you listening to anything I said before Captain? I told you, I didn't kill Aizen. Well, not that me saying that will change anything. You'll get it, sometime soon probably."

Just then Iba snapped back to his senses and pulled out his Zanpakuto. "CAPTAIN!" He shouted in panic and worry, however before he could move an inch from his spot Komamura shouted back, "STOP! Iba, don't yet throw your life away. You aren't his match."

Komamura then turned to look at Gin and Toshiro as he questioned, "Captain Ichimaru, Captain Hitsugaya, I understand where you're coming from. It is true that it is dishonorable for a Captain of the Gotei 13 to stoop so low and gang up on a Lieutenant, HOWEVER, Lieutenant Chigetsu is no longer a Lieutenant. Surely you can see that. And while it may also be disgraceful to gang up on an enemy, that is only if the enemy is of equal strength to oneself. Rather, when an enemy is greater in strength then there is nothing disgraceful about attacking in numbers. It is a testament of that person's might. We must not fail in capturing or killing such a dangerous criminal in the Soul Society!"

Kishin listened at Komamura's attempt to enlist the help of Gin and Toshiro with an amused grin on his face. He already knew that no matter what, Toshiro and Gin had no interest nor the desire to fight. Or rather, he knew that Toshiro had no desire to fight. Gin on the other hand he didn't quite know, after all he and Tosen were taking orders from Aizen. It's possible that Gin was ordered to help if Tosen was on the verge of dying.


The sound of rubble being shifted around echoed on the air as Tosen finally re-emerged from within the building he had crashed into earlier.

"Oh? Captain Tosen, you're still alive? You should have ran away when you had the chance. Coming back out here and showing yourself to me was a bad move."

Just as Kishin turned to fully face Tosen he paused and took note of the new person standing in the way. They were male with fair skin and dark gray eyes. They were approximately 181cm tall and had a lean built body. Their hair was short and colored black. Three scar lines ran down the right side of their face while the number 69 was tattooed on the left side of their cheek. Another tattoo in the form of a blue horizontal line also ran across the left side of their face crossing the bridge of their nose. A black choker was laced around their neck with matching armbands around both of their upper arms. They wore a sleeveless shihakusho with the Lieutenant's emblem wrapped around their left arm.

Kishin narrowed his eyes with an unappreciative look as he said with a dark murderous undertone, "Lieutenant Hisagi. Move."

Hisagi gulped in nervous fear and shook his head. "No. I won't let you kill Captain Tosen!"

Kishin took a step forward with an indifferent expression on his face. "Last chance. I'll kill you myself if you won't move."

Even though Kishin's tone of voice was emotionless when he said that, to Hisagi it felt as if a knife was being held to his throat the entire time. Every step Kishin took made Hisagi feel like he was that much closer to death.

Toshiro couldn't bear to watch anymore as he didn't want Kishin to do anything that he'd regret. No, rather he couldn't bear to watch Kishin do something that might implicate his future when he knew that Kishin hadn't done anything wrong yet, so he stuck out his hand and shouted, "KISHIN!"

Kishin paused and felt his mind return to reality. He had momentarily entered his killing mode and was simply about to slaughter everyone who stood in his way without a second thought, however Toshiro's voice brought him back to the bigger picture.

Toshiro also took notice that the look in Kishin's eyes returned to those that he was familiar with instead of the demonic ones Kishin had when wanting to kill everything in his path. He let out a deep sigh in relief before continuing, "Kishin, ju-just think about this. Think about what you're doing. Don't do something that'll cause some major problems later on for yourself. What about Rukia?"

Kishin immediately retracted his killing intent at the mention of Rukia's name and let out a sigh. He stared at Tosen before glaring at Hisagi. "Tch. You really aren't going to move are you?"

Hisagi took a step back and held out his Zanpakuto in front of him. "Like I said. I won't let you k-UH!" Hisagi never got to finish his sentence as he instantly lost sight of Kishin.

Kishin didn't care for someone like Hisagi. Someone of Hisagi's level could never have stopped him from fighting Tosen in the first place so he merely blitzed the Lieutenant and arrived before Tosen.

"Wha-!" Tosen couldn't even get in his involuntary exclamation before he was hit.


Blood spurted out as Kishin's Zanpakuto pierced right into the right side of Tosen's waist greatly impeding his ability to maneuver around. Kishin smirked and retracted his blade before swinging it once more going in for the kill.


Tosen dashed back just in time managing to avoid a fatal blow, however he was severely injured as he crashed down into the ground below.


The sound of blood spewing into the air and onto the ground filled the deathly still silence in the area from everyone's stunned expressions. Tosen groaned and panted struggling to stand as he used his right hand to cover the left side of his shoulder, the shoulder that was now missing a left arm.

"TOSEN!" Komamura shouted in alarm. His shout was soon followed by Hisagi's. "CAPTAIN!"

Hisagi angrily turned towards Kishin blinded in rage and hate as he took one glance at the ground where Tosen's chopped arm laid before glancing at Tosen's left shoulder spewing blood on the ground. Without being able to form any rational thought he brandished his Zanpakuto and dashed right at Kishin.


Hisagi dashed so fast with his Shunpo that he left a powerful wind in his wake. In mere moments he arrived by Kishin's side and struck out with his Zanpakuto aiming to kill with all his might.

"AHHH!" He shouted in anguish, however Kishin never even glanced at him.



In but a mere fraction of a second, before Hisagi could even swing his Zanpakuto 1cm from its original position he was slapped into the distance by the back of Kishin's hand as if he were a fly being swatted out of the sky. Kishin simply stood on the rubble of the building completely unfazed and faced Tosen acting as if nothing had just happened whilst he nonchalantly commented, "You shouldn't have joined Captain Komamura in attacking me. I might have simply left then. Clearly you didn't learn your lesson from our last fight."

Everyone but Gin was confused as Kishin kept mentioning something about him fighting Tosen before, however no one ever elaborated and Tosen never commented on it. Just as Kishin was about to attack once more and land the finishing blow on Tosen, he paused and noted several more Captain signatures heading his way.

"Tch." He clicked his tongue and sheathed his Zanpakuto. "Just know Captain Tosen, had I really wanted you dead, then you'd be dead, but I digress." He gave Gin a curious look and Toshiro an encouraging one before he disappeared, Shunpoing off into the far distance leaving everyone stunned and dumbfounded at what they just witnessed.

It wasn't long before he arrived back inside the secret training grounds beneath the Sokyoku Hill. To his surprise he found that he wasn't the only one here. "This reiatsu. Yoruichi and Ichigo?"

He slowly walked over to where he felt the spiritual pressure of a battle happening and found Yoruichi in her Human form standing nearby watching Ichigo battle what appeared to be the manifested spirit of his Zanpakuto. Yoruichi immediately took notice of his presence and gave him a questioning glance. "Kishin? What are you doing back here?"

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. "Things got a bit too crazy up top so I decided to wait things out down here."

"Hm? Exactly what happened?"

"Ah nothing much. Aizen framed his death on me and now I'm a wanted criminal of Soul Society. What's up with you? I see that you started Ichigo on his Bankai training."

Yoruichi was too shocked to care about explaining Ichigo's progress in Bankai training and instead questioned him about Aizen. "Y-You're a wanted criminal of Soul Society now? What the...and Aizen faked his death? For what purpose does that serve? Where's he going to go for the next 3 days?"

Kishin took a seat on the ground and placed a reigar between his lips before answering nonchalantly, "Pretty much, but it's not anything to worry about. I figured this might happen. Anyways my guess is that Aizen's hiding himself in the Seijotokyorin."

"Eh? Seijotokyorin? The residential district of Central 46? I see...that place is forbidden for anyone to enter regardless of who they are. That would make sense. Why go through the trouble though?"

"I've got two guesses. One, to mess with me because I slightly intervened in his little plan. As for the second, to passively watch over everything happening in Soul Society for fun."

Yoruichi slightly frowned. "He's gone through this much trouble to set everything up. You don't actually believe that he'll sit around and let us succeed in rescuing Hinamori and Rukia do you?"

Kishin smirked and nodded. "Actually I do. Extracting the Hogyoku from Hinamori by using the Sokyoku is just his first plan. He never actually banked his chances on it working in the first place."

"Just his first plan? Then what's the second? Isn't the Sokyoku the only method to remove the Hogyoku from Hinamori's soul?"

Kishin furrowed his brow and shook his head. "Seems like Urahara didn't tell you. There's actually a second method."

"What?! Damn Kisuke. Why didn't he say anything?"

"I don't know. Ask him yourself, but if I had to guess then it was probably because he didn't expect that Aizen would actually find the second method. And now that you mention it, that's probably the third reason why he faked his death to hide beneath the Central 46 Compound in the Seijotokyorin."

"And what exactly is this second method you speak of? Are you implying that it can be found within the Central 46 Compound?"

"Well, to answer your questions I'm not really sure what the second method is. At least I can't really tell you in great detail. I only know that it has something to do with Urahara's research that was sealed away deep within the Daireishokairo. With that information Aizen can personally remove the Hogyoku from within Hinamori as long as he gets his hands on her. After that he probably intends to spend the remaining days until the execution in the Seijotokyorin."

"Tsk. Then we need to ensure Hinamori's safety above all else once Yushiro and Kinji destroy the Sokyoku."

"I know. That's why I'm having Yushiro and Kinji assist Toshiro in protecting Hinamori."

"I see, but what about Rukia? What exactly are you going to be doing?"

Kishin frowned and seemed to stare off into space a bit before taking a quick glance down at Ichigo who was still in the middle of fighting his Zanpakuto spirit. "I'll...entrust Rukia's safety to Ichigo."

Yoruichi narrowed her eyes, focusing her complete attention on Kishin. "You still haven't answered my question. What will YOU be doing?"

He sighed and took a whiff of his reigar. "Well, someone's got to stop Aizen or he'll just go after the Hogyoku."

"Eh?! You're planning on taking on Aizen?"

"Unfortunately I'm the only one that can."

"But by yourself?"

"It has to be by myself."

"But why?"

"Because I'm the only one not affected by his Kyoka Suigetsu."

"Still, to take him on by yourself? At least having others with you will help distract him."

Kishin laughed and shook his head. "Yoruichi-san, you're smarter than that."

Yoruichi frowned at his remark. "What? You thi-" she paused in her retort as realization struck her.

Kishin took another smoke of his reigar and grinned at her reaction. "Seems you finally realized. That's right. As long as I fight alongside someone who has been affected by Kyoka Suigetsu, then I'd be fighting a losing battle from the very start."

Yoruichi clenched her hands into fists as she understood what would happen. "You're right...most likely he'd have his Kyoka Suigetsu affect your allies in making them think that you are him and have them attack you instead."

"And that's why for right now, only two people stand a chance against him."

Yoruichi let out a sigh and glanced down to where two beings were locked in a fierce battle. "I see. So it's down to you and Ichigo huh…"

"That depends."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"For right now Ichigo would be of no help at all. He's too weak. Even if he learns how to utilize his Bankai before the execution date the level of strength he would possess at that time would amount to nothing against Aizen. In essence, it's really down to whether or not I can stop Aizen. If I can't, then yeah. Ichigo can have a turn at him in the future."

Yoruichi gave Kishin an odd look as she curiously inquired, "Exactly what are your chances against him?"

Kishin let out a conflicted sigh. "Haaah...forty percent? I can't really say. Aizen is a bit hard to gauge since I've never seen him actually fight."

Yoruichi narrowed her eyes deep in thought. "Forty percent huh? That's still pretty good. In that case you should be able to stall him long enough for us to return to Karakura Town with Hinamori and have Urahara do something about the situation."

"Hahaha, you have too much confidence in me. Aizen is a tricky opponent. Not sure what he's got planned. And does Urahara have a plan? What's he going to do? Lock her up in a cell with a powerful barrier until all of her reiryoku completely dissipates turning her into a Human? Then what? Alter her memories and have her live life as a regular Human? How long will that last for? Unless Urahara relocates entirely there's no way he can keep Hinamori completely hidden away. Besides, there's also Toshiro..."

Yoruichi just shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I'm not the one with the plans. Leave that to Kisuke. By the way, I thought you wanted to wait until Aizen revealed his true nature to the Gotei 13? If you confront him beneath the Seijotokyorin then what happens after?"

"That's easy enough. He already faked his death and pinned it on me. When he finds out that the execution failed he'll attempt the second method in extracting the Hogyoku, but I'll stall him and if I'm lucky, I'll kill him. Then I'll simply make his framed death a reality. Oh, by the way I hope you guys didn't touch my room back at the Urahara Shop because I'll be living with you all if I'm actually lucky enough to kill the bastard."

Yoruichi smirked in amusement. "Oh? Is that so? Well if you can kill Aizen then there wouldn't be a need for Hinamori to carry the Hogyoku inside of her and become a Human."

Kishin just waved his hand in the air dismissing Yoruichi's comment. "Just stick to the plan. If I don't show up in an hour in this place after the execution then that means I failed at stopping Aizen...or that I'm dead."

"Dead? That's pretty extreme don't you think? I thought you wouldn't leave Rukia so easily."

Kishin furrowed his brow. "I'm not...honestly what I'm doing goes against what I would originally have done, but Aizen's too annoying to leave alone so it leaves me no other choice really. Tch. If only I never got involved with Toshiro, Yushiro, Kinji, Rukia, and Captain Ukitake."

Yoruichi glanced down at Kishin's sitting form as a look of appreciation flashed in her eyes. "Kishin, I realize that you're sacrificing a lot. I know this might not mean too much to you but...thanks. Aizen won't likely be able to obtain the Hogyoku because of you."

Kishin smirked as he watched his reigar completely disintegrate into pure reishi particles. "You're right. Your thanks doesn't mean anything to me."

Yoruichi blinked a few times a bit speechless, but in the end she let out a loud boisterous laugh. "Pffft! Ha! Hahahaha!"

Kishin just glanced at her with a curiously raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Hahaha! Haaaah..." She wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye before responding, "Nothing. It's nothing. That's just a very Kishin-like answer that I had expected from you."

"Well I am the guy in question."

"Hahaha! I know I know."

Kishin shook his head at Yoruichi before changing topics. "By the way Yoruichi-san, I have a question."

"Oh? What is it?"

"You said that you brought everyone to see Kukaku before leaving with Yushiro right?"

"That's right. What about it?"

Kishin furrowed his brow as he recalled his conversation with Isshin a long while back. "Regarding their demotion from being one of the Great Noble Clans...did Kukaku happen to mention anything?"

Yoruichi narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Kishin. "What are you implying?"

Kishin felt a tension build up within Yoruichi and immediately knew that she knew something. "Did they happen to lose a mirror?"

Yoruichi widened here eyes in shock and quickly inquired, "What do you know about that item?!"

Now Kishin was curious since Yoruichi had such a strong reaction from just him mentioning it. He put up his hands defensively and nonchalantly replied, "Calm down. I don't know much. I only know as much as Isshin told me."

A look of understanding flashed by in her eyes at the mention of Isshin's name. "Haaah...I see. So that idiot was the one who told you. That makes sense."

"Hm? By the sound of it you seem to know what this Dark World Mirror is."

Yoruichi slapped her palm to her face. "Haaaaah...so that idiot Isshin even told you its name."

"Haha, guess I really shouldn't know about it. What's so important about it anyways?"

A blank look appeared on her face as she simply shrugged her shoulders. "Actually I don't know what it is either."

Kishin immediately felt like a bucket of cold water was dumped on him as he was expecting Yoruichi to know more since she had such a strong reaction to him knowing about the item. She just let out another sigh and continued, "I don't know what the Dark World Mirror is, however the less people who know about it the better. Only the head honcho's of each of the Great Noble Clans know about this item. We don't know what its use is, but we do know that its important and dangerous."

"Is that so? Then its true. The Shiba Clan lost the item?"

Yoruichi's look turned serious as she nodded her head. "Yeah. That mirror was currently sealed away with multiple protective barriers and seals. All of them incredibly powerful, however when Isshin disappeared it left the order of things in the Shiba Clan completely in disarray. As you know there aren't many Shiba's left. One day while Kukaku and Ganju were out of their headquarters someone broke into the place and stole the mirror."

"What?! Someone just waltzed into the Shiba Clan headquarters and broke through multiple powerful ancient seals and barriers and took it? How does that happen?"

Yoruichi closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "I don't know. Kukaku said that there was barely any residual reiatsu left by the thief, however she did say that whoever it was, their reiatsu was incredibly powerful. Almost beast-like. Anyways the trail of the thief's reiatsu didn't permeate beyond the Shiba Clan's headquarters so they must have used a method to conceal themselves when they left so as not to be easily tracked."

Kishin rubbed the bottom of his chin lost in thought. "Will something bad happen now that the mirror is gone?"

"No. Well...not yet. I'm sure Isshin already told you that the Dark Mirror World that the Shiba Clan had sealed away was broken so it can't really be used."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity as he ventured to guess a theory. "You said that the other Great Noble Clan heads are aware of the Dark World Mirror too right? And the fact that the one that the Shiba Clan was guarding is broken and the fact that you say that the broken piece doesn't pose a threat on its own means...Yoruichi-san, are the other Great Noble Clans protecting another piece of the mirror?"

Yoruichi slightly frowned and sat on the ground with her arms crossed by her chest. "I'm not sure if I should praise you or scold you for your intellect. Don't speak a word about what you know to anyone else got it?"

Kishin was inwardly startled that he actually hit it on the mark. "Then...the other Great Noble Clans really do have another piece of this Dark World Mirror. And the seals..." He recalled a conversation he had with Yoruichi a long time ago and curiously guessed, "The reason why you don't carry around your Zanpakuto...you're using it as a keystone to hold together a seal that locks away a piece of the Dark World Mirror?"

"You?! How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Well, I've come a long way since the last time we talked. I'm quite a master at Kido now you know. I might even be better than Kinji, the current Kido Corps Commander, so I know a thing or two about barriers and seals."

Yoruichi clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Enough of this conversation. I already revealed things that I shouldn't have. Damn Isshin. Even if he left his position he still shouldn't have mouthed off about something like this. That idiot." She then glared seriously at Kishin and continued, "Since you know now you had better keep your mouth shut. Even though I don't know what the Dark World Mirror is the records of our family does mention that it needs to remain a secret and locked away for eternity. So don't go digging your nose in this stuff again okay?"

Kishin awkwardly scratched the side of his cheek and nodded. "Alright alright, got it. Promise." He then coughed and attempted to steer the conversation away. "Ahem, anyways, enough about that. How's Ichigo's Bankai training going?"

Yoruichi sighed and turned her focus back to Ichigo. "He's doing quite well. He fought and surprisingly defeated Kenpachi. Even though he sustained some heavy damage in that fight, after his training with you he was able to come out on top. The problem was we ran into Mayuri afterwards. He took advantage of Ichigo's wounded state and placed a poison on him, knocking him out. Ishida arrived just in time to intervene so I took Ichigo and brought him back here. He was out for a few days before making a full recovery. Seems the drug Mayuri used wasn't life threatening since he most likely wanted to keep Ichigo healthy as a test subject."

Kishin laughed and nodded. "Hahaha, that definitely sounds like Captain Kurotsuchi. So? He woke up and you decided to train him in Bankai?"

"That's right. The drug kept him out for a while. He just woke up a few hours ago. With only three days left until the execution there isn't enough time to storm the Senzaikyu and grab both Rukia and Hinamori and escape. Especially with Ichigo's current level of strength so Bankai training is the only thing left."

"Is that so? Well, it seems he's not doing too horribly. He's managing to hold his own against his Zanpakuto for now. What's your estimate?"

Yoruichi gave a thoughtful look for a moment. "He's a natural talent. After his short time training with you his fighting spirit became even stronger. I think you set a new bar for him. He's aiming to become stronger than you. Probably another day or two and he'll have succeeded in learning Bankai. Either way I'm confident that he'll be able to attain Bankai before the time of the execution."

"Ehhh? That's some high praise you give him Yoruichi-san. So? What do you think then?"

"Hm? What do I think about what?"

"Heh. What do you think about him surpassing me? Any chances?"

Yoruichi gave a hesitant smile and relaxedly leaned back on her hands. "Hard to say. Who knows what the future holds, but presently? It'll be hard for Ichigo to match you in combat. You still outclass him in Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and Hoho. Don't even mention Kido. That kid doesn't have a knack for it. He's more like Kenpachi. He has high spiritual pressure and great physical capabilities, but when it comes to using refined techniques like Kido then he's a lost cause."

"Well, I expected as much."

"Are you really planning to wait here for the rest of the three days?"

Kishin nodded. "I am. If what you say is true and it'll only take Ichigo a day or two before he learns Bankai then that means I've got a little bit of time to teach him how to fight in his Bankai state."

An awkward look appeared on Yoruichi's face as she recalled the time when Kishin first started training Ichigo and how Ichigo suffered greatly at his hands. "A-Are you sure that's a good idea? You aren't going to traumatize the kid again are you?"

Kishin just smirked. "That would depend on his attitude."


Great Noble Clans:

1. Kamunushi Clan (Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror)

2. Tsunayashiro Clan (Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror)

3. Shiba Clan (Dark World Mirror piece stolen)

4. Shihoin Clan (Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror)

5. Kuchiki Clan (Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror)

Komamura's Zanpakuto: Tenken (Heavenly Retribution)

Bankai: Kokujo Tengen Myo'o (Divine Retribution, Black Ropes of Ruination)

-Summons forth a giant black armored Samurai standing at about 100 meters tall that wields a giant blade. There is a red cloth that covers the front of its face. The giant has tremendous physical power and mimics each and every one of Komamura's own movements.

KIDO: (If the spell is underlined then that means it's an original Kido Spell I made that does not exist in canon)

-Hado #1: Sho (Thrust)

-Hado #71: Sodai Sho (Grand Thrust): A much stronger version of Hado #1 that generates a powerful thrusting force from the palm of one's hand.

Unnumbered Kido:

-Hakufuku (White Crawl)

-Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro (Six Rods of Light)

-Bakudo #62: Hyapporankan (Hundred Steps Fence)

-Bakudo #63: Sajo Sabaku (Ethereal Binding Chain)