Chapter 33: The Truth 1/3

AN: Hey everyone, back with another Chapter. The climax of the Soul Society Arc has arrived. Thanks everyone for reading and reviewing!

Anyways, as always, thanks for your continued support!

Vocabulary Terms:

*Baka (Bakamono) = Fool/Idiot

*Onii-sama = Big Brother

*Obasan = Aunt

*Chappy = Most popular soul candy with a cutesy personality and depicted as a bunny.

*Ryoka = Traveling Evil(s)/ outsiders not associated with the Seireitei

*Senzaikyu = Palace of Penitence/Repentance Palace

*Sekkiseki = Spirit reducing stone, a special mineral with properties that allows it to repel all reiryoku.

*Shakonmaku = Soul-Warding Membrane. A large spherical barrier surrounding the Seireitei that vaporizes any reishi that tries to pass through the barrier.

*Sokyoku = Twinned Punishment. A giant halberd currently sealed on the Sokyoku Hill and used to execute nefarious criminals of the Soul Society.

*Seijotokyorin = Tranquil Forest of Residential Towers. The living quarters of the Central 46 members that is completely forbidden to all except the members of the Central 46.

*Daireishokairo = Great Spirit Book Gallery. A repository of all the knowledge and history of the Soul Society with restricted access to very few. Even many Captains are unaware of its inner workings.

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Rated M Scene: "XXX"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)

-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

-"Hello, how are you doing?"(Hollow Ichigo taking over Ichigo's body and speaking)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 33



Gin and Tosen stood off to the side in the far distance of the Sejotokyorin with different inward feelings. Tosen felt that the fight was over as he stared at the giant black coffin that stood in the space where Kishin was enveloped. Gin on the other hand felt somewhat conflicted. He didn't actually dislike Kishin, however he also didn't know what to think of him. What he did know was that the power that Aizen displayed was exactly as he had expected. Mighty and powerful and confident, but the power he witnessed Kishin display was shocking and amazing to say the very least. He knew Kishin had grown in power, but he never imagined that he could grow so much in power that he could react to Aizen's speed, compete with his Zanjutsu, and match his Kido. Even now as the giant black coffin stood like an unshakeable mighty pillar in the giant hall he felt that there was a chance that Kishin still hadn't died.

Since Gin felt this way then there was nothing to say of how Aizen was feeling. He also didn't think that Kishin had died just yet. In fact he didn't miss the fact that Kishin was chanting his own spell to counter his level 90 Hado attack. Unsure of what the result was he elected to remain still and simply watch the next events unfold.

How think that he has even mastered Kido in the 90' then...The question is whether his spell was strong enough to save him from my full incantation Kurohitsugi.

As if on cue the giant black coffin slowly began to dissipate revealing the contents within. There stood a large twelve-sided golden barrier with thousands and thousands of cracks all over its surface, however in the end it managed to maintain its form safely protecting Kishin inside. Kishin was also free of the six rods that bound him from Aizen's earlier binding spell. He huffed and panted as he had struggled to keep his barrier from breaking apart against the torrent of Aizen's incredibly powerful Kido spell.





Having served its purpose the golden barrier began to shatter into thousands of small pieces making a loud sound like fine china being smashed into dust. Aizen narrowed his eyes in amusement, his lips curled up into a slight smile. "To withstand my Kido. I applaud you, Chigetsu Kishin. I find now that killing you may be a waste."

Kishin took a quick second to catch his breath before refocusing his attention on Aizen. " that so? You say that as if you've already won."

Aizen let out a light chuckle. "I've just thought of something interesting. Why not join me instead? Chigetsu-kun. It's rather much more worth your while to join me than to remain a member of the Gotei 13. No, with your criminal record you are currently labeled as a traitor. You are no longer even considered a member of the Gotei 13 so why not simply start over in a new place with a clean slate? I assure you that the conditions are much better on my side."

Kishin raised his eyebrow questioningly at Aizen's offer. "Join you? Well, that is an interesting suggestion, but no thanks. If you came to me with that proposal 40 years ago then I might have actually considered it."

Aizen was inwardly intrigued as he hadn't expected Kishin to actually voice that he may have joined him at one point and time. "You say 40 years ago...what has changed since then?"

"Hmmmm…" Kishin pondered a bit before responding, "I found important people to me. I won't abandon them."

Aizen closed his eyes and sighed. "I see. Then how about this. Join me and those people whom you hold dear will remain completely untouched. I will see to it that they do not meet misfortune."

Kishin let out a sigh of his own before shaking his head. "That's a nice offer, but they are their own person. After what you've done? They'll join the efforts of Soul Society to hunt you down and kill you. In that respect I'll be dragged in as well. In the end we were set to be on opposite sides."

"My oh my. I'm disappointed, Chigetsu-kun. You have the potential to become so much more yet you tether yourself to needlessly worldly things. Friends? Family? Love? You've placed too many limiters on yourself. Without them you and I could remake the world in our image. Stand above as the world's guardians. As its leaders. As its gods."

"Remake the world? To lead? Gods? So this is what you were talking about before? You wish to rule the entire world?"

Aizen grinned at Kishin's contemptuous reaction. "Don't be so quick to judge, Chigetsu-kun. When you discover the truth of the world then I reckon that you too will come to the same conclusion that I have."

Kishin furrowed his brow. "You keep repeating things about the world. Why not just tell me yourself if you have all the answers."

Aizen merely shook his head. "The truth of the world is something that you will only believe when you discover it yourself. I can tell you, but how much of it would you believe? After all, with the passing of time the stories and information passed down through each successive generation has taken and hidden away the core of the ugly truth of the Soul Society and of how the world came to be. How much of my words would you be willing to accept as reality."

"The ugly truth of the Soul Society? You make it sound like what you're doing is some sort of act of salvation for the Soul Society."

"Oh? I can't say that you are correct, however it isn't quite wrong either."

"Your word games are getting too wordy."

"Heh. Very well. Then allow me to give you some direction. Should you survive, I advise you to search the hidden archives of the Tsunayashiro Great Noble Clan. Perhaps you'll find something...interesting."

"Tsunayashiro Clan? What the...exactly what's going o-Tch!"


Aizen cut Kishin's sentence short as he dashed forward and slashed with his Zanpakuto forcing Kishin to defend with his own.

"Bastard, I didn't take you for one to interrupt when someone is talking."

Aizen smirked and slashed several times aiming for Kishin's neck, chest, leg, and arm. Kishin took a quick step back just far enough to avoid the slash to his neck before he raised his Zanpakuto to defend against the slash to his chest. He then swung his Zanpakuto downwards to block the slash at his leg before raising up his katana to block the attack to his arm.


A high pitched noise of their metal blades scratching against one another pierced and echoed in the giant hall.

"I have already told you all that you need to know about this matter, Chigetsu-kun. There is no longer a need to speak on the subject. I look forward to what the future holds when you come to learn the truth."

Kishin grunted and pushed off against Aizen's blade before swinging down towards Aizen's head.


Aizen quickly parried the strike before thrusting out his blade in a piercing stab. Kishin moved slightly to his right and spun in a quick motion whilst swinging his sword in a wide sweeping arc letting the momentum build up in his slashing strike.


Aizen raised his Zanpakuto to the left side of his body, easily defending against the attack.


A burst of wind erupted from the contact point of their blades due to the force behind Kishin's strike. Aizen's hair and Haori fluttered in the wind, however he didn't budge an inch from his spot. He smirked and tightened his grip on his Zanpakuto before applying incredible strength in his arm and slashed against Kishin's blade.


The force of the strike from Aizen's attack sent Kishin skidding across the room on his feet. Smoke rose out from the side of Kishin's feet as he had applied incredible pressure to his legs to hold his form onto the ground so as not to be sent flying off from Aizen's attack. After skidding across the giant room for several dozens of meters he finally stopped and glared at Aizen.

Aizen merely grinned and took up a relaxed stance as he commented, "Come now Chigetsu-kun. You don't truly believe that you can defeat me with only your Shikai now do you? To not even utilize your Hollowfication against me is quite insulting. Furthermore, with your level of skill then surely you've acquired your Bankai by now. Is there a reason why you're holding back? Perhaps you wish to stall for time? A fruitless endeavor. I assure you that no matter how much time you plan to stall for it is simply meaningless. I have already won."

Kishin furrowed his brow. "You've already won huh? What makes you say that?"

"Hehehe, like I said before our fight. I shall explain in due time. Since it appears that you are still capable of fighting then you should utilize your trump cards now. Your Shikai alone is meaningless against me. I am already aware of its abilities. It's true that the powers of your Zanpakuto are deadly, however they have one very obvious weakness. You must be able to cut your target for your abilities to be effective. Unfortunately my skills in Zanjutsu are greater than yours. I'm sure you've discovered this fact already."

Kishin gritted his teeth cursing Aizen in his head.

Tch. I hate to admit it but the bastard's got a point. My skill in Zanjutsu is pretty damn good...but I'm still lacking compared to him. And his physical strength...he's been holding back against me. No choice.

Kishin let out a soft sigh before straightening his posture. "Well, I can't argue with your logic there. You've got a point, Aizen." He slightly lifted his Zanpakuto to his side and said nonchalantly, "Ban...kai…"


A fierce and violent wind erupted around Kishin as his murderous cold reiatsu rolled off of his body. Aizen narrowed his eyes greatly intrigued as he stared at the transformation taking place. A red crescent moon appeared on the center of Kishin's forehead whilst red lotus flower tattoos appeared on the back of Kishin's hands, the top of his feet, and the middle of back.

Clang! Clink! Clank!

The jangling sound of black shackles with short broken black chains resonated in the giant hall as they appeared clasped around Kishin's neck, his wrists, and his ankles. The blade of his Shikai remained unchanged as it still appeared completely black in color as a double edged bladed katana with red blood stain marks on the bottom half of the sword. The guard remained black in color with tints of crimson red. Its shape retained the look of four crescent moons whilst the hilt of the blade was still black with five red lotus flower patterns engraved on both sides of the handle, however there was one distinct difference that Kishin's Zanpakuto had that it didn't have in its Shikai form. And that was the ominous red blood mist that continuously diffused out from the razor sharp blade. The peculiar thing about the bloody mist was that it never strayed more than 5 meters around the sword.

"Akai Shi No Zencho." Kishin said with a dark confident sounding voice that resonated throughout the giant hall.

Aizen narrowed his eyes in caution, feeling an ominous and bloodthirsty presence roll off from Kishin's body. "Oh? Akai Shi No Zencho is it? So this is your Bankai. Its appearance is quite...interesting…"

"Heh. Getting cold feet? Too late!"


Kishin arrived before Aizen and swung down with his blade only to miss as Aizen cautiously avoided being hit. Just as Aizen landed on the ground in the distance Kishin swung his blade in that direction and shouted, "Chi Nagare Kawa!"


A giant river of pure blood 100 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 20 meters deep flowed out from Kishin's blade washing everything in its path into blood. Aizen widened his eyes in both shock and curiosity as he instantly made the decision to Shunpo far away to his left ensuring that he wasn't engulfed in Kishin's technique. A mere instant later and the entire river of the violent flowing blood completely dissipated into a giant cloud of bloody mist before disappearing completely, however left in its wake was a 100 meter long 10 meter wide and 20 meter deep cavity as if everything that was in the path of the river was washed away.

Aizen furrowed his brow and curiously stared at Kishin. "An intriguing ability...and quite devastating. Your Bankai has the power to generate a river of blood that can destroy all things in its path be it physical matter or reishi by assimilating it into blood. And if my guess is correct then I assume that it has some other ability that has to do with the blood mist flowing forth from your Zanpakuto."

Kishin mentally cursed and praised Aizen for his intuition and intellect.

What a not only discern a portion of the ability of my Zanpakuto but to also correctly guess that there's a connection with the blood mist around my sword and that of my attack. And all that from observing only one strike.

Aizen smirked and commented, "You've elected to show me your Bankai, surely you don't plan to back down now? I must admit that the power of your Bankai is fearsome and I reckon that there are even more secrets that it possesses, however even still, to not utilize your full power after all this time? You'll only end up dead, Chigetsu-kun."

Kishin furrowed his brow feeling somewhat uneasy at Aizen's words.

Why is he taunting me like this? I thought he'd want to stall for more time and discern more of my Bankai's abilities he in a rush to reach Hinamori? Perhaps he's not as confident as he lets on?

Kishin was snapped out of his thoughts as he ducked and dodged a slash from Aizen's Zanpakuto. He then countered and swung his own Zanpakuto aiming right for Aizen whilst also shouting, "Saku!"


A bloody crimson blade flew out from his sword forcing Aizen to dash into the air to avoid being hit. "So the abilities of your Shikai can still be utilized in your Bankai? I see. I suppose I should have expected it as your Zanpakuto didn't quite change its appearance."

Just as the crimson blade missed its mark it sharply turned and changed directions flying at Aizen once more. Aizen narrowed his eyes and swung down with his blade while shouting, "Zangerin!"

Kishin stared indifferently and slashed at the air in Aizen's direction whilst he was busy defending against Kishin's Saku technique.

"Chi Nagare Kawa!"


Once more a giant bloody river roared through the air causing Aizen to frown and shout, "Hado #89: Hyoga Seiran!"


A large icy wave flowed out from Aizen's hand and smashed right into the giant bloody river of Kishin's attack, however the icy Kido spell stood no chance and was immediately disintegrated becoming part of the bloody attack. Aizen did however manage to buy himself just enough time to find his footing and dash off to the side to avoid being engulfed in the ominous red river.


Once more the bloody attack turned into a mist of blood as Kishin slashed out with his sword and shouted, "Saku!"


Another bloody blade flew out towards Aizen causing him to narrow his eyes and blur away with Shunpo. This time he arrived behind Kishin and slashed down with his sword aiming for Kishin's shoulder, however Kishin raised his left hand and utilized the shackle around his wrist to block.