
The moment he stepped foot back outside the Nest of Maggots he found that the sky had already turned into night and the dead assassins had been cleanly disposed of whilst Yushiro stood guard outside the entrance alongside several dozen members of the Onmitsukido. He also took note of Kasumi's familiar face who once directly served and shadowed him during his time as the Commander of the Punishment Force. She quickly took note of his growth and blushed fidgeting in place not knowing why she suddenly felt embarrassed and giddy inside.

Yushiro beamed when Kishin returned and questioned, "So? How did it go? Learn anything useful?"

Kishin nodded and started walking off. "Yushiro. I'm going to join the hunt for the Bounts now. Can you do me a favor?"

Yushiro pouted when he heard Kishin ask for a favor. "You never change. Hmpf."

Kishin smirked and continued, "I'll take that as a yes."

Yushiro sighed in defeat and crossed his arms. "Alright, what do you need?"

"I need you to remain here and watch over Ran'Tao. Apparently the assassins were really sent to kill her. She's important to somebody and I'm willing to bet it's someone of Nobility."

Yushiro narrowed his eyes in caution. "Nobility? You think someone from a Noble Clan is targeting her?"

"That's right. Only someone who has a lot of money and influence would be able to hire such skilled assassins where they even dared to infiltrate the heart of the Onmitsukido."

Yushiro frowned as he was also someone of Nobility. In fact he was someone who bore the name of one of the 4 most prestigious Houses in all of Soul Society. If the matter had to do with Nobility then he felt the matter was more serious than he had originally thought. Without missing a beat he immediately nodded in agreement. "Alright. I'll watch over Ran'Tao. Personally."

Kishin nodded in appreciation. "Thanks."


He disappeared immediately after with one powerful step of Shunpo shocking all of the members of the Onmitsukido present. As Kishin dashed towards Northern Rukongai he flipped open his denreishinki and started tracking Rukia's movements once more.

"Looks like she's up by Kusajishi, the 79th district of Northern Rukongai." He furrowed his brow as he slowly fell down towards the ground. "Guess I should pick up the pace." The second his foot touched the ground he contracted his muscles and kicked off the grassy floor speeding off into the distance at breakneck speeds. Most likely only two individuals in all of the Soul Society would be able to keep up with him. They were the Head Captain and Captain Soi Fon. As he drew nearer to Rukia's location he felt the air of a battle taking place from the strong fluctuations of reiatsu in the area causing him to frown.

This is Rukia's reiatsu...and Ichigo's as well?

He soon got close enough where he heard Rukia shout, "Tsugi No Mai, Hakuren!"


The loud sound of a white icy wave burst in the air as Kishin took note of the giant icy glacier peaking out above the trees just a few hundred feet away. It was then he also caught sight of a man who had dashed above in the air to avoid being hit by Rukia's attack. They were tall and well built with short white hair. They sported a brown colored trench coat with a gray dress shirt and red tie with matching black pants. A scar ran down the left side of their chin. Kishin immediately guessed that this person was Jin Kariya, the aforementioned leader of the Bounts.

"UWAAAAH!" The sound of Ichigo shouting in the distance echoed loudly in the air as Kishin took note that the strawberry headed Human had already entered his Bankai and was fighting Kariya midair. With a somewhat intrigued look on his face he elected to hide his presence and watch the outcome of the battle.

Just then Ichigo shouted, "Getsuga...TENSHO!"

Kariya narrowed his eyes in caution and placed his palm in front of him whilst shouting in counter, "Wind Licht Schneide!" A powerful blade of wind flew out from the Bount leader's hands and crashed into Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho neutralizing the attack. It was at this moment that Rukia had appeared from beneath Kariya's form whilst he was still in the air and performed a horizontal slash whilst saying, "Some No Mai, Tsukishiro!"


A white colored circle lit up beneath Kariya as Rukia immediately Shunpo'd away after performing her technique. In less than a second later a giant column of ice rose to incredible heights in the air seemingly touching the heavens itself. Kariya however had been fast enough to move out of the range of the circle to avoid being trapped in the icy pillar. He appeared behind Rukia and thrust forth his palm as wind covered his hand, but Rukia was able to quickly twist her body to the right to avoid the attack. She then furrowed her brow in concentration and stabbed forth her Zanpakuto in a piercing strike to Kariya's chest.

"UH?!" Rukia exclaimed aloud as she felt her feet lift off of the ground before she could make it halfway through her attack.

Kariya smirked and commented, "My power is the wind itself. You may have dodged my palm strike but it is impossible for you to truly avoid my attacks. Die Shinigami!"


A powerful wind force erupted by Rukia's chest thrusting her through the air at incredible speeds. She was heading straight on a collision course for a giant boulder nearby. Kishin felt his heart skip a beat and was just about to step in when he heard her shout, "Bakudo #37: Tsuriboshi!"


Psh! Psh! Psh!

The sound of a stretchy material attaching itself to several trees nearby echoed loudly in the forest whilst a large cushion appeared behind Rukia safely reducing her speed and preventing her crash. Kariya frowned when he noted his failure to kill Rukia, but he didn't have time to think more on it as Ichigo had immediately re-engaged him in battle.

Cling! Klang! Cling!

"Kariya! What have you done with my sister! Give Karin back!"

Kariya smirked and dodged to the left avoiding a piercing stab to his shoulder before dashing back with a backflip and chanted, "Windestanz!"


The wind immediately picked up in the area as several large tornadoes fell from the sky creating a powerful sucking force in the forest.

"Urrrgh!" Ichigo groaned as he fought to remain grounded.

Rukia felt her heart race in a bit of panic at the fearsome power that Kariya just displayed, however she quickly found her calm as she wracked her brain on how to overcome their current dilemma.

"Kariya!" Ichigo shouted whilst trying his best not to get sucked up in one of the tornadoes. "Answer me! Where is Karin?!"

Kariya stood complacently in the distance watching as the two Shinigami before him struggled to remain grounded. "Your little sister is with Koga. Worry not. She will not be harmed as long as you stay out of my way. What do you say? Kurosaki Ichigo?"

"You bastard! Don't drag Karin into this!" Ichigo shouted back in response.

"It's a bit too late for that, Kurosaki Ichigo. You've been a thorn in my side this past month. My fight is with Soul Society, not you. If I return your sister to you will you give me your word that you will not interfere with me again?"

"Damn you Kariya! Destroying the Soul Society isn't the answer!"

Kariya frowned and became slightly enraged at Ichigo's words. "Then what is the answer?! Kurosaki Ichigo! You speak of ideals and morals too easily when you have no answer yourself. My rage will not be contained. I will destroy the Soul Society. If you continue to stand in my way, then I will destroy you first, Kurosaki Ichigo."

The tornado in the surrounding area soon became even fiercer causing Rukia to grit her teeth in alarm. She was already having trouble staying grounded, but now she was slowly beginning to lose her footing. Just as a tornado approached within a meter of her she had an idea flash by in her head and so she slashed with her sword and shouted, "Some No Mai, Hakuren!"


A white circle appeared at the base of the tornado and at the base of her feet. She quickly pointed to a tree in the distance and shouted, "Bakudo #4: Hainawa!"


A yellow rope extended from her hand and wrapped around the tree she pointed to before she quickly pulled and thrusted herself in that direction just in time escaping the range of her technique. The tornado that had approached her was instantly encased in a column of ice before the column shattered and broke into pieces along with the cessation of the Tornado.

It worked!

She thought to herself, however Kariya merely shook his head in the distance. "All that work to stop only one tornado out of five? I told you before didn't I? That my power is the wind itself. You CAN'T escape it."


Even though Rukia managed to destroy one tornado another one simply reformed. Ichigo grit his teeth in anger and grasped his Zanpakuto tightly whilst slashing out in a large horizontal arc shouting, "GETSUGA...TENSHO!"


A giant black slashing strike of Getsuga erupted from Ichigo's Zanpakuto and crashed into all the tornadoes in the surrounding area cutting them all in half. Kariya furrowed his brow in dismay and immediately disappeared from his spot with great speed.

"UH?" Ichigo grunted in alarm as he was preoccupied with destroying the tornadoes to keep an eye on Kariya.

"Behind you Ichigo!" Rukia shouted in the distance.

"Die! Substitute Shinigami!" Kariya shouted in anger as he stabbed forth with his wind palm.

"Shit!" Ichigo cursed aloud as he turned around swinging his blade.


"Guh!" Ichigo groaned as the right side of his chest was pierced through, however he also managed to run his blade through Kariya's stomach. For a moment the two of them remained in that position. Blood spurted out from both of their wounds as Ichigo commented with a confident undertone, "It's over, Kariya."

Kariya frowned and responded with his own voice of confidence. "Over you say? Only for you."

"What?!" Ichigo exclaimed as streams of blue reishi particles flew from all around the area to Kariya's wounded site beginning to heal his body. It was then the sound of Rukia's voice echoed on air as she quickly chanted out, "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro!"


Kariya widened his eyes in shock as six yellow rods of light bound his waist paralyzing all his movements.

"Now Ichigo!" Rukia shouted.

"Yeah!" Ichigo shouted back in response, however Kariya gritted his teeth and generated a powerful wind barrier to erupt around him. In mere moments he successfully destroyed the six rods binding him in place just as Ichigo shouted, "Getsuga Tensho!"



A giant crater formed on the ground as Ichigo's attack had missed. Kariya stood in the middle of the air staring down at the two Shinigami. "I must admit. The two of you together make quite a team, however it's not enough to beat me. I told you. My power is the wind. So long as there is wind then I am invincible. Even your spells to bind me are futile against my power. Even if you paralyze my movements the wind is free flowing and all around us. Furthermore, you witnessed it just now didn't you? I can even absorb the reishi in the air to heal any injuries I sustain. You can't kill me. Just give up. It would be a pity for me to kill a couple such as the two of you here in the middle of nowhere. Don't you think?"

"C-C-Couple?!" Ichigo stammered aloud slightly flustered. He was unprepared for that comment as he never imagined that he and Rukia looked like a couple.

Rukia also didn't expect to hear something like that and scratched the side of her cheek whilst saying, "Errr...Ichigo and I are NOT a couple."

Kariya tilted his head to the side slightly amused. "Is that so? This past month you both have worked quite closely together to stop me. Your coordination in battle is also quite well-versed. And your hesitance just now. Ah, perhaps it is that you both have yet to come forward with your feelings. Then all the more reason for us not to fight."

Rukia shook her head in awkwardness. "That's not why I answered like that. It's just...ahem. If you want to die a decent death then you should never say something like that. Especially in front of Kishin."

At the mention of Kishin's name Ichigo immediately shuddered and quickly started waving his hand in the air defensively. "Y-Y-Yeah! Oi, Kairya you bastard! Don't say stuff that might make people confused. I-I-If he ever hears you and misunderstands and thinks that Rukia and I are close like that then-"

"Then what?" A dark sounding voice echoed from within the forest. For some odd reason everyone immediately felt a chill run down their spine. They all slowly turned to glance at the forest's edge where they took note of an individual walking out from the darkness.

Rukia immediately widened her eyes in pleasant surprise. "Kishin?"

Ichigo gulped down his saliva as he felt Kishin's murderous eyes staring down his soul. With a nervous hand he slowly waved and greeted, "Y-Yo, Kishin. Uh...when did you get here?"

Kishin glanced between Ichigo and Rukia before asking Ichigo, "You...didn't deny that you and Rukia were a couple right away."

Ichigo quickly coughed and looked away from Kishin's scary gaze. "I-uhhh, you know. I felt that there was no need to go out of my way to correct that guy's comment. Right? I mean, why bother about something like that. I-I know that you and Rukia are already together anyways. Right?"

Before Kishin could respond Kariya slowly floated back down to the ground with an amused expression on his face. "Oh? So this is the Kishin you two were speaking of? He indeed has quite a presence." Kariya gave Kishin a once over with his eyes before commenting, "I didn't even sense you approaching. Quite impressive."

Kishin narrowed his eyes with an unappreciative look at the Bount leader. "You said that Rukia and Ichigo were quite close when they investigated you in the World of the Living correct? How so?"

Ichigo immediately panicked feeling that Kariya would exaggerate the details, but Rukia sighed and mentally slapped her forehead. She quickly walked over to Kishin and stood in front of him staring him in the eyes with an angry look. "Do you not trust me?"

Kishin immediately snapped out of his momentary daze in anger and noted the hurtful look in her gaze. "Ah...no, I do." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck apologetically. "I...didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't trust you senpai. It's just…"

"It's just what?"

Kishin sighed and looked away. "You're too cute. No one would be able to resist falling in love with you."

Everyone remained completely silent after hearing Kishin's reasoning for being so angry and jealous that it left them a bit speechless. Ichigo mentally felt like he was hit in the head with a rock at how simple and childish Kishin's answer was.

Kariya had lived a long long life but even he felt that Kishin's answer was waaay too cheesy.

As for Rukia, her cheeks lightly blushed at how straightforward Kishin could be with his words. Now she didn't know whether to stay mad at him for overreacting or to forgive him for his honest cuteness. In the end she couldn't help the laugh that escaped from her lips. "P-Pffft! Ha! Hahahaa!"

"Hey!" Kishin simply responded feeling slightly idiotic and embarrassed.

Rukia took a moment to catch her breath and wiped the tears away from her eyes. "You're...being silly." She lightly hugged him and rubbed her head into his chest. "I thought we covered this issue before I left for Karakura Town."

He hugged her back and softly grumbled, "Yeah well...it doesn't make me feel any better when a third party thinks that you're someone else's partner."

Standing nearby in awkwardness were both Ichigo and Kariya as they felt completely left out of the entire ordeal happening. Kariya smirked and turned around to leave, however before he could take more than two steps the sound of Kishin's commanding voice echoed in his ears.


Kariya turned back around and said amusedly, "What's the matter? It seems that you three have a lot to catch up on. I'll take my leave here." Without waiting for a response he immediately dashed off into the air with incredible speed, however before he could even get more than 10 meters away he quickly stopped midair and stared wide-eyed in shock at Kishin standing in front of him. A bead of sweat dripped down the Bount leader's face as he nervously commented, "You have quite the speed."

Kishin didn't bother responding as before Kariya could even act, he was slapped down into the ground.


A giant crater formed from where he fell.

"I've been given the orders to kill on sight and I've learnt of what your master plan is from Ran'Tao." Kishin said emotionlessly as he slowly fell back down to the ground.

Kariya groaned and stood back up as he absorbed the reishi in the air to recover his wounds once more like he did against Ichigo whilst wiping away the blood seeping out from the corner of his mouth. "Who exactly are you? Your speed...your power…"

Kishin merely drew his Zanpakuto and said nonchalantly, "My name is Chigetsu Kishin. Captain of the 3rd division of the Gotei 13."

"WHA-?!" Ichigo and Rukia nearly exclaimed at the same time after hearing what Kishin said. It was then that Rukia realized exactly what Kishin was wearing. As it was currently dark out and in the middle of the forest she hadn't taken notice of it at first, but after hearing what Kishin said and taking in the design of the Haori that he was wearing she knew that it was true. He had somehow become a Captain during the time when she was absent from the Soul Society.

Meanwhile Kariya glared with caution at Kishin's slow approach. "So you are a Captain of the Gotei 13? I see. Your speed and power are greater than what I imagined. So this is the true strength of a Captain of the Soul Society."

Kishin stared indifferently at Kariya and said, "True strength you say? You're too quick to judge. All I did was move a little and stretch my hand. Hardly a show of strength."

Before Kariya could respond Kishin said with a complacent tone of voice, "Wash all things in a river of blood, Sekiken Zansatsu."


His Zanpakuto quickly transformed into its Shikai release state causing Ichigo to widen his eyes with intrigue. He had only seen Kishin release his Shikai once, but that was when he was under the influence of his Hollow. As for Rukia, she knew about the true abilities of Kishin's Zanpakuto as he had told her about them before, but she had never seen them in actual use before. Obviously because his abilities were too deadly to simply be used around for show and tell.

Kariya could feel a palpable tangible tension in the air as he stared at the ominous blade in Kishin's hand. No. Even without the sword Kishin himself exuded a pressure that Kariya felt was like staring into a dark abyss not knowing what lay in the shadows. Not knowing if he would ever be able to see the light of day. It was a feeling that tortured the mind. The aura that Kishin gave off was like being constantly hunted day and night without rest with one wrong move leading to death. It was a feeling of living in constant fear of not knowing which breath would be the last. That was the type of pressure, the type of aura, the type of presence that Kariya felt from Kishin. And it terrified him. He never imagined that he could feel fear like this. Even back when he was a child watching his brethren hunted and killed by Shinigami.

No! I won't back down here! I won't lose!

Kariya gritted his teeth and mustered his courage as he got in a combat stance and shouted, "Don't underestimate me!"


"UH?!" Kariya questioned in shock as he lost sight of Kishin. The noise of something being sliced and struck echoed in his ears. Then...


"AHHHH!" He started shouting in agony a split second later as his right arm had been completely sliced off just now. Blood came spurting forth from his wound. As he knelt down to the ground trying to catch his breath he focused on gathering the reishi particles in the air to heal himself. It was at this moment that Kishin turned to Rukia and said with a soft and somewhat pleading gaze in his eyes, "Senpai. Please close your eyes and plug your ears."

Rukia felt her heart skip a beat not knowing why she felt slightly scared even though Kishin said those words with genuine sincerity. Without missing a beat and not even glancing at Kariya, Kishin spoke just one single word, "Guren."

"Wha-?!" The wound that had begun to close up around Kariya's arm due to his absorption of reishi particles had soon began to throb in pain. He frowned in confusion seeing that he had already closed up the injury and yet the pain was only getting worse.

"What's happening?!" He questioned aloud in alarm, however he soon realized that something was terribly wrong as he began to feel a stabbing pain from the site of where his arm was cut. "What did you to m-UH?!"


Kariya couldn't finish his sentence as the wound he just finished healing had burst right back open, however this time blood didn't spew out. No. It seemed to have become a liquid crystal in the shape of a lotus flower! Yes. His blood was protruding out of his arm in the shape of a blood lotus. The petals of that blood lotus were as sharp as swords as it pierced and punctured his body in multiple places. That was only the beginning of Kariya's agonizing pain as after the first blood lotus appeared, it continued to grow as more and more blood lotuses began to blossom out from within his body.

"AHHHH! AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHH! Help me! Ah! What is this?! What did you do to me?! AHHHHH!" Kariya screamed and fell to the ground in extreme agony as the large crimson lotuses made of his blood ripped open his skin and flesh from the site of his shoulder whilst the smaller blood lotuses that were aggregating to that site pierced and punctured the internal muscles, nerves, tendons, and organs of Kariya's body killing him from the inside out. And as those smaller ones began to grow in size by aggregating more of Kariya's blood, they too burst open the seams of the Bount leader's flesh ripping open his body more and more.

His blood curdling screams echoed into the night of the forest. It was a horrifying sound that sent chills down Ichigo and Rukia's very soul. They both stood completely still and silent too shocked at what they were seeing. It wasn't long before the forest returned to its quiet stillness. No. It was even quieter than before. No creature made a single sound as if the fear that death himself was still lingering nearby. The crescent moon shone brightly overhead as the cloud that had covered it before had moved away. It gave illumination to the tranquil forest and shined its silver light upon the beautiful crimson colored lotuses that protruded several meters up from the ground, however there was always a certain air of danger to things too beautiful. And that fact was never more true than in this moment as down below the base of the multiple towering beautiful crimson blood lotuses laid an unrecognizable corpse of mangled flesh and bones.

Kishin finally turned around and stared at the beauty of his work before he deactivated his Shikai and sheathed his Zanpakuto. He didn't dare face Rukia in this moment as he felt nervous and insecure. He didn't want Rukia to fear him or hate him or find him horrifying or something of that like. He had told her the abilities that his Zanpakuto possessed before, but hearing it and seeing it were two very different things. His heart began to throb in fear and pain not knowing what to say.

Still, no one spoke a word as it remained deathly quiet within the forest. Finally, Kishin mustered the courage to ask as the tone in his voice was heartbreakingly bitter. "Do you think...I'm a monster now...senpai…"

He felt his heart breaking a bit more as he waited for several minutes yet Rukia never replied. Just then his fingers twitched as he felt the familiar warmth of her smooth silky hands laced against his own. Without saying anything she brought his hand and placed it gently against her cheek.

Kishin slowly lifted his head and glanced at her pure violet eyes. They shone even more beautifully in the light of the moon. He wanted to say something but Rukia beat him to the punch as she gave him a hopelessly loving look. "Baka...did you seriously think I would think any less of you just because of your power? What am I going to do with you."


Well, some interesting developments are underway. Karin's gotten involved? What will become of her now that she's been exposed to so much more of the Soul Society's existence and knowing what Ichigo is. Kariya died pretty painfully...What about Ran'Tao? What will become of her? And what is really the significance of the founding members of the Gotei 13? Especially Nakayama Hama and Kasumioji Kanata? What of the Great Hollow War and this place known as the Canyon of Rift and Sorrow?

For now Kishin has gained some answers and knowledge of some history behind the Gotei 13 and the Soul Society, but this also leads to more questions and curiosities.


-Kishin = 185cm or 6ft and 0.8in

-Rukia = 144cm or 4ft and 8.6in

-Ichigo = 175cm or 5ft and 8.9in

-Inmate = 210cm or 6ft and 10.7in

APPROXIMATE TIMELINE: Hope this helps put things into a bit of perspective and hope I fit the timing of things to make sense...

-Yamamoto establishes Shinigami Academy (~2100 years ago)

-Gotei 13 established (~1000 years ago)

-Shinigami war with Quincys (~1000 years ago)

-The Great Hollow War (~870 years ago)

-Ran'Tao joins division 4 under Captain Nakayama (~600 years ago)

-Captain Nakayama dies (~590 years ago)

-Ran'Tao and other researchers experiment on eternality/immortality and creation of the Bounts (~570 years ago)

-Eradication of most Quincys (~200 years ago)

-Vanishing Souls Incident/Visored creation/Urahara and Yoruichi disappear (~110 years ago)

-Rukia is adopted into the Kuchiki Clan (~60-50 years ago)

-Kishin reincarnates (~50-40 years ago)

-Isshin is exiled (~25-20 years ago)

-Ichigo is born (~16-15 years ago)

-Masaki dies/Auswahlen (~10-9 years ago)

-Sokyoku Execution and Aizen/Gin/Tosen defects (~1-2 months ago)

-Bount insurgents enter Soul Society (~1-2 days ago)

-Kishin/Kinji/Amagai become Captains (Early this morning. Time left until Hogyoku fully awakens = ~3 months)

*Jokaisho (Emblem of Buddhaksetra): A powerful large spherical looking device that was used by Ran'Tao and her fellow scientists to control the generation of reishi for their experiments. They were sealed away by the Kido Corp under the command of the Central 46 Chamber all around the Seireitei.

*Canyon of Rift and Sorrow: A location somewhere far beyond the 80th districts of Rukongai in the Wild Lands of Soul Society where The Great Hollow War took place 870 years ago.

Bount Insurgents (Last, First):

1. Kariya Jin

2. Koga Go

3. Ichinose Maki (Defected Shinigami from 11th division)

Short History of the Gotei 13 Captains (Last, First): Currently active/Predecessors

1. Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni (Founding Member, Active)

2. Soi Fon (Active)/Shihoin Yoruichi (Alive)/Founding Member?

3. Chigetsu Kishin (Active)/Ichimaru Gin (Alive, Defected)/Otoribashi Rose (Alive, Visored)/Founding Member?

4. Unohana Retsu (Active, Sometime after Nakayama's death)/Nakayama Hama (Founding Member, Deceased)

5. Amagai Shusuke (Active)/Aizen Sosuke (Alive, Defected)/Hirako Shinji (Alive, Visored)/Founding Member?

6. Kuchiki Byakuya (Active)/Kuchiki Ginrei (Deceased)/Founding Member?

7. Sajin Komamura (Active)/Aikawa Love (Alive, Visored)/Founding Member?

8. Kyoraku Shunsui (Active)/Kasumioji Kanata (Founding Member)

9. Tsunayashiro Kinji (Active)/Tosen Kaname (Alive, Defected)/Muguruma Kensei (Alive, Visored)/Founding Member?

10. Hitsugaya Toshiro (Active)/Shiba Isshin (Alive, Exiled)/Founding Member?

11. Zaraki Kenpachi (Active)/Azashiro Soya (Alive, Muken, 8th Kenpachi)/Unohana Retsu (Alive, Founding Member, 1st Kenpachi)

12. Kurotsuchi Mayuri (Active)/Urahara Kisuke (Alive, Exiled)/Founding Member?

13. Ukitake Jushiro (Active)/Founding Member?

Not a comprehensive list as some names and some information has yet to be revealed in the story so far, but the important note is that Nakayama Hama was a founding member of the Gotei 13 as well as the first 4th division Captain and Kasumioji Kanata was a founding member and the first 8th division Captain.

KIDO (Demon Way): Original Spell/Incantation

-Bakudo #4: Hainawa (Crawling Rope)

-Bakudo #37: Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)

-Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro (Six Rods of Light) Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!

Rukia's Zanpakuto: Sode No Shirayuki (Sleeved White Snow)

Shikai Release Command: Dance

Shikai Appearance: Her Zanpakuto transforms into a color that is completely white. The blade, hilt, and guard included. The guard also transforms into a hollow snowflake-like pattern and a long white ribbon extends from the end of the pommel.

Shikai Abilities:

1. Some No Mai, Tsukishiro (First Dance, White Moon): Rukia slashes horizontally with her sword and creates a white circle on the ground beside her. That circle lights up with a white light and freezes everything in its influence including anything stationed above the circle creating a towering column of ice that reaches high into the sky.

2. Tsugi No Mai, Hakuren (Next dance, White Ripple): Rukia performs and vertical downward stabbing motion towards the ground 4 times creating ice particles to float in front of her and a large white circle to light up beneath her. She then points her blade in the direction of her intended target(s) and a burst of freezing ice fires out in that direction flash freezing everything in her line of attack.

Ichigo's Zanpakuto: Zangetsu (Slaying Moon)

Shikai Release Command: Always in Shikai Release state.

Shikai Appearance: It has no handle or guard and simply has white bandage cloths wrapped around the hilt. The blade itself is as tall as Ichigo himself. It somewhat represents that of an oversized khyber knife with the top half of the blade black in color and the bottom half white in color.

Shikai Abilities:

1. Getsuga Tensho (Moon Fang Heaven Piercer): Ichigo fuels his reiatsu into his Zanpakuto and fires it out creating a giant amplified swing of his sword. His Getsuga is blue in color.

Bankai: Tensa Zangetsu (Heaven Chain Slaying Moon)

Bankai Appearance: In this form Ichigo's shihakusho transforms into a black slim fitted long coat and his Zanpakuto shrinks into the form of a black colored katana. The guard takes on the shape of a manji and the handle has red colored diamond patterns on it.

Bankai Abilities:

1. All of Ichigo's physical abilities are enhanced by having his reiatsu condensed into the cloak and blade of his Bankai granting him greater speed, strength, reaction, jumping, throwing, etc.

2. Getsuga Tensho (Moon Fang Heaven Piercer): Ichigo fuels his reiatsu into his Zanpakuto and fires it out creating a giant amplified swing of his sword. His Getsuga is black in color with a red tint.

Kishin's Zanpakuto: Sekiken Zansatsu (Blade of Crimson Carnage)

Shikai Release Command: Wash all things in a river of blood.

Shikai Appearance: A completely black colored double edged katana with blood stain marks on the bottom portion of the sharpened edge up to the tip. The hilt of the blade is obsidian black in color with 5 blood red lotus flower patterns carved on both sides. The guard of the hilt takes the shape of four obsidian colored crescent shaped moons that sparkle with a hint of crimson red. The crescent shaped guard on the top and bottom have the concavity of the moon faced towards the center of the hilt and blade while on the left and on the right side of the hilt the crescent shaped moons have the concavity facing outwards and away from the hilt and blade. The blade itself is approximately 90cm long.

Shikai Abilities:

1. Saku (Cleave): Kishin channels some blood and reiatsu into his Zanpakuto and fires out a red crescent blade at his target. The more blood he infuses the harder, stronger, and sharper his attack becomes. The more reiatsu he infuses the faster and more aura and Kido-like his attack becomes. He has the ability to change the trajectory of this technique one time after it is fired.

2. Shitsuyona Shukketsu (Relentless Bleeding): When activated his blade glows a subtle hint of crimson red. Whatever he cuts, no matter how shallow the cut is, it will grow and spread until one end of the cut loops around and meets with the other end of the cut. The wound created by this ability will continue to cause the target to bleed profusely. It will not clot or slow down. With each passing second more and more blood bleeds out faster and faster until the target bleeds to death.

3. Guren (Crimson Lotus): When Kishin cuts his target with the bloodstained edge of his katana it creates an infected wound on their body. When he activates this technique the targets blood around the site of the infected wound clumps together and forms a dense and hardened sharp crimson colored blood lotus. That blood lotus grows by continuously aggregating more and more of the targets blood tearing and puncturing the target's internal organs and ripping open their flesh and body. The blood lotus only stops growing when the target has no more blood left to offer leaving them left as only a pile of tarnished flesh and bones.

4. Nomu (Drink): This ability is both passive and active. Every time Kishin's blade comes into contact with blood, some of that blood is absorbed into his Zanpakuto and stored inside the lotus flower patterns carved on the hilt of his sword. There are a total of 10 lotus flower patterns carved on the hilt of his katana. The more blood stored inside a lotus flower the more crimson red it shines. Kishin can use the blood stored in the lotus flowers to fuel his blood based abilities like Saku or he can convert it into compatible blood and absorb it into his body to replenish his own blood loss. As long as his blade is in contact with blood, he can actively force the blade to absorb the blood at a faster rate than its normal passive state does. An advantage granted by this ability is the fact that he can reabsorb the blood he used for his Saku technique as long as the attack has yet to dissipate.

Bankai: Akai Shi No Zencho (The Omen of Red Death)

Bankai Appearance: There is no difference in the appearance of Kishin's Zanpakuto except for the fact that there is a red blood mist that flows out from his blade. That blood mist does not stray more than 5 meters away from the blade. Kishin also gains a red crescent moon tattoo on the center of his forehead as well as lotus flower tattoos on the back of his hands, the top of his feet, and a large one on his back. Black colored shackles with short broken black chains also appear around his neck, his wrists, and his ankles.

Bankai Abilities:

1. The abilities of his Shikai are still able to be utilized in his Bankai form. The blood mist around Kishin's Zanpakuto can absorb the blood around him and fuel his Zanpakuto powers or siphon the blood back into his body.

2. Chi Nagare Kawa (Blood Flowing River): A river of blood erupts from Kishin's Zanpakuto 100 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 20 meters deep engulfing all within its violent wave. It washes all things it touches into blood before everything dissipates into a large cloud of red bloody mist. Other secrets of this ability are currently N/A.