After a lengthy tour of the castle, and stopping to eat, Jefferson finally showed me my room. "There you are, princess." I hate them continuously calling me that, but at that moment, I didn't really care. I ran over and plopped onto the bed. My feet were so sore. "Well then.... Um, make sure to meet Ash in the garden tomorrow, after breakfast."
"Okay!" I mumbled out as loud as possible. Even though it was hard to breath, I left my face planted into the bed.
The next morning, I found myself upright in the bed, in a nightgown. "Huh, don't remember wearing this, or moving to this part of the bed." I grabbed a rope to help me get out of bed, when a bell sounded. It scared me to the point where I fell off the bed completely. When I got back up, three maids were rushing around. One brought food, another started to make the bed, and the other brought an outfit. "Would you like me to dress you, miss Eve?" She asked in a tender voice. "No thanks. I'm sure I can manage." With that she nodded her head, set the outfit on the bed, and the three of them left. "Wow. Talk about weird." I said as I began to change clothes.
When I finished, I grabbed a sausage and a couple of grapes, and ran to the garden, where Ash stood. I finished the grapes on the way here, and had just started to eat the sausage. "You know, I could have waited longer for you to eat in your room." He called, laughing. "But that's the thing! I hate people waiting on me!" I yelled back to him, as I walked closer. "So that's the reason your out breath, isn't it, love?" I never realized he had an accent until now. "Yeah, and two things. One, don't call me love, your highness, or princess. Just call me Eve. And two, I thought you were supposed to teach me."
"Okay, Eve. And I am supposed to teach you. So, first, you and I are goin' on a little run. Try to keep up!" He yelled, running down one of the paths. "Well this boy is going to be trouble." I said to myself, as I began to catch up to him.