Jonna manning the counter with a beautiful smile on her face as she thought about the business making a killing yesterday while the sound of a door opening broke her from thoughts looking forward.

"Oh? with such a smile on your face i assume you dont get much travellers staying here?" Leon wearing merchants clothing but a change happened with his eye's no longer glowing yellow but a light blue color, changed with some minor illusion spell.

Jonna responded "Ah morning you woke up quite early unlike your freinds still passed out in their rooms as for Travellers" She sighed "No. It just ain't there at all. Few enough reasons to pass through Morthal before the war started. Now... Well, let's just say the front door doesn't get much use. Well at least until your lot came along and drum up business which i'm grateful for spending money in this shabby inn"

Leon seeing the quickly falling expression of jonna quickly changed the topic "I believe i havent told you my name right?" seeing her nod "The name is Leon i do a little bit of trading here and there. I assume you have seen the carriage at the side of the inn?"

Nodding her head "Yes i have but i wont imagine you will get much luck here, i mean there's not enough things to attract the attention of travellers here and the only reason this place is still bearable because of Jarl Idgrod who i'm thankful to her for letting falion live here"


"My brother" her face twisted into a serious expression "Don't get swept up by the stories the people make of my brother it's all false" Leon nodding and reassuring her that they won't swayed by such rumors bringing relief in her face.

Jonna remembering "Oh you should be hungry, What would like to eat?"

After a fulfilling meal Leon ordered his some of his thralls to find some work in the lumber mills while having their ear's peeled for any relevent information, While the others are sent off to do their own thing and interact with the locals and hopefully poke and prod some infromation out of them.

Exiting the inn he went to the nearby Blacksmith accompanied by one of his thralls bringing along a carriage full of ore's.


"Hahaha now this what they call luck" the blacksmith spoke obviously happy of the potential business But his face turned to serious as he put down the corundum ore in his hand "Now what's your price?"

Leon pointing at his thrall "As you can see we lack the necessary quality in our equipment, and i assume as your the only blacksmith in town your good with your craft right?"

The blacksmith pounded his chest "Of course who do you think makes the swords and armor within the Jarl's men"

"Then all the better" Clapping his hands "i will supply you with a continous supply of materials to let you focus on your craft without the worry of lacking materials while we get some gold on the side with each shipment while getting a reduction in price on any gear when we request your services"

After a series of back and forth we agreed upon 150 Gold coins per shipment and a 60% discount with any purchase, satisfied with the deal and as the sun slowly lower he headed back into the inn and there he saw Jonna speaking to a flirtatious nord woman wearing a dress with a low top that showed off her chest while her skirt revealed bits of her thigh.

"Why, good evening Jonna!" The nord woman spoke with a smirk on her face

"What can I getcha, Alva?"

Alva moving forward "Oh? What can't you get me, Sweetie?" her tongue licked her lips as her eye's roamed across Jonna's body.

Jonna steps back showing herself to be uncomfortable her eye's roamed to the door and seeing Leon her eye's brightened "I have to cut this short i need to attend to the guest's" and with rapid movement she made her way to Leon.

Alva looked at Leon and his thrall sensing something her face turned to scowl which was quickly covered as she waited until jonna is done talking.

"Good thing your arrival was timely" letting out a breath of relief she spoke with a smile.

"And why is that from what i see She has taken quite an interest in you especially in more nightly activities" Leon spoke with a chuckle but his eye's never leaving Alva's form as he thought 'So this is the vampire Huh?' Shifting his eye's back to jonna to see her a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Nevermind that I'm sure you and your friend here are Hungry for a meal"

Leon looked at his thrall who then ordered meals for the rest which jonna promptly wrote down and dashed to her kitchen.

Leon his eye's leaving the quickly dissapearing back of jonna and shifted to the approaching Alva, He signaled his thrall who then nodded and exited the inn and called upon the rest of the thralls to gather.

Alva not missing such movements still confidently walked up in front off Leon while showing a flirtatious smile " Well hello, Handsome why don't spend some ALONE time together" Making sure to get her point across

Leon nodding his head as he directed her to his room and swiftly locking the door behind him and placing a small illusion spell in the room to mask the conversation happening within, Turning to look back at alva he saw the rims of her eyes turn to a yellow collor as her fangs in her mouth protruded grabbing his hand with her sharp claws and with a hostile tone "This is a warning to ya, I know what you are and this towns blood belong to us, Now leave!! after your done with your business here the last thing we need is for the cattle to know of our presence"

Leon face darkened his tone shifted as he uttered the words "Let Go!" The room dropped in temperature as Alva's felt her hands grow numb she quickly let go of her grip and looked at Leon cautiously her hands ready to throw out a spell as soon as he make a move.

Leon looked at her hand "Put that down before you attract the attention of the mage" She hesitates but ultimately lowered her hand and dispelled the magic within her hand.

Leaning upon the wall "Lets first set some things straight, i dont care whatever plan you have in store for this town as long as you don't bother me or my men and i in turn wont bother you and your cohorts acceptable right?" She nodded her head "And next a word of warning for your recent activities, Visions or in this case dreams well at least plans of it are being shown to the residents of morthal and the focus is a male redguard fighting the monsters off the town..


"Ding ding ding You are correct"

Her eye's narrow in suspicion "And Why would i believe you?"

Shaking his head "Cause there's no benefit in making up such a story and let's do say what i have spoken to you was true that would mean something or someone has a way too show our nightly activities without us being the wiser while the people of morthal may not act on it not believing such a thing is going to happen and will rather it to be mere dreams but a seed has already planted within the minds of the people"

Alva lowered her head in silence then looking up and nodding "i'll tell my group of such happenings while i did hear some people having such dreams of different nature i believe it to be only dreams but if what you say is true then we need to find the cause of it and fast" Changing back to her more human appearance "i'll see what can we do to varify your claims until then farewell" Leon unlocking the room and dispelling the illusion she left the room with the same flirtatious look she arrived in while winking at jonna who was serving the rest of the thralls before leaving the inn..

Leon smirked and went to one of his thralls signalling him, The thrall nodded swiftly gobbling up the food in the table and swiftly left the inn as he tried to follow the woman back to her lair.

Leon showing a smile at jonna who spoke "You should be careful of Alva"

"And why is that?"

"Her lover is Hroggar who is said to be a kinslayer, While there is no proof he did such an act, It was suspicious that when his wife and daughter died in a fire, He moved in with that woman the next day"

"I'll be sure to heed your advise"

After a round of drinking he gathered the rest of his thralls and learn of their findings, Some was able to find work on the mill, others went out to hunt and make small relations selling pelts and meat and the rest who he ordered to migle with the populace told him about the rumors of Hroggar and the burned down house and its mysteries letting the thalls to leave his room he was left to his thoughts 'Now that the vampires here no off my existence what is the next step, While i gave them the story of dreams and such and pointing them to the direction of falion who is a threath labled in bold markings after all a mage wise enough to be able to cure vampirism should be powerful enough to cause quite a bit of destruction especially to vampires, So how can i turn this to my advantage, with my little story Alva and her fellow vampires should now be fully monitoring falion and if they were to so happen to just fight each other i could just come in and clean up the survivors, But if it were only that easy Falion has a bigger purpose here whatever he is protecting this town againts should be bigger then mere vampires especially when he claims that he traveled the planes of Oblivion, and met Daedra and even Dwemer. While he was studying "life-extending magics" even if those claims are false or not he still at high level of attainment in conjuration i can only imagine what kind of abominations he summons when the call for a fight arises....

Shaking his head 'For now all i can do is wait for the movements of the vampires' feeling a thirst within him he called upon a female within the ranks of his thralls and promtly taking her to his bed where he satiated his hunger for blood and other nightly activities....