The Grand Assembly

A busy sight could be seen across the four peaks of the Frozen Kingdom as nobilities moved around rapidly, convening towards the huge hall at the center of King's Crown for a Grand Assembly. 

Many were apprehensive as they could see the signs of the full preparation of an all-out war, with battalions of mercenaries and adventurers being grouped with soldiers ready to move out. 

The throngs of humans and beastmen usually packing the streets below the four peaks were oddly silent as the air seemed to become stifling and oppressive. The demons that everyone was talking about were arriving. How many of them would be able to survive through this?

The King's voice would address the entire kingdom. Magical devices that passed the soundwaves from the floating King's Crown all the way to the smallest niches of the Frozen Kingdom would get to hear the words of their ruler. The soldier, the mercenaries, adventures, and the common people would all be getting addressed.