Merely Forging an Apex Aeonic Lifeform! III

{A Boundary you have expanded is being elevated past the 9th Boundary Layer in the Extremity Meridians of your Vassal!}


The Clone of the Emperor Penguin had defined itself with Pride and the Nine Natural Laws!

Ultimately these were the boundaries being elevated from the 9th and into the 10th Boundary Layer as the Infinite Hyperversal Haven began to buzz with grandeur.

When the Nine Natural Laws went ever closer to Extremity, the Infinite Hyperversal Haven benefitted.

The only issue now was that the existence who bound their sources had them at the 9th Boundary Layer- contained in his Hyperversal Extremity Meridian Seeds that were simply waiting to bloom, but his Vassal was taking them to the next layer right now as his Meridians were fully established!

{An Absolute Nature of Extremity is in conflict!}

{The 10th Layer of Extremity and above require an Extremity Meridian to manifest and be utilized by your Existence freely.}