A Dream of a Different Tune! II

But the Great Segregator could see the shock and confusion on the Great Mother herself as her body began pulsing with obsidian light, her form of an infinity symbol beginning to glow as if even she was affected by this rising complexity.

After the brief period of impending doom of her Severed Domain, the moment of stability allowed the Great Segregator to feel a sense of rising horror and shock as from the depths of her weavings, she felt ridiculously complex weavings of Existence arise and begin to proliferate in a way she could have never imagined.

A type of complexity of existence that she seemed far away from.

It rose and began to seethe within her as the moment she stabilized her Severed Domain, she began to feel the boons that came with the ridiculous weavings unfolding within her.

At this moment, she felt like she finally understood as her Severed Domain…seemed to only be getting utilized as a conduit.