Fervent Disorder! II


The Impartial Watchers- the Faceless Lifeforms only saw this flash as a leading one among them taking on the form of a massive Earth Titan bellowed while dozens of Dark Towers erupted from him- shattered Omniverses also beginning to unfurl from him and others into a storm of complexity!

"Intelligence says she is one of the more powerful ones sitting at the Greater Source Complexity! Be careful!"


At his words, the blue-robed woman raised her brows while her eyes pulsed with cerulean complexity, her voice echoing out.

"Your information seems a bit outdated. I don't know how far back you obtained such weavings, but I'll tell you now that I am not one of the more powerful ones sitting at Greater Source Complexity as you so state. I am THE most powerful one within this stage- and that is undisputed. You all will get a taste."