A secret the Founders of the Commonwealth kept veiled until today.
And now, it fell in the hands of Old Man Eudemus as he received weavings of information of a certain location within these Megalos!
His eyes were hazy as his whole life, he had been looking for a solution.
A solution to a problem of three parts.
The Three Body Problem!
At this moment, in the depths of desolation and loss, he wondered if he went to that place…would it have the answer that he sought?
He sat in contemplation for some time.
And moments after he received the weavings of a certain location, Old Man Eudemus set off alone from the Omniverse of the Protectors.
He did not know that on the other side of the Megalos, a man had raised his fist and brought down an insurmountable veil that had been filled with countless threads of white gold flames!