A Heart! I

The True Severed Heart of Infinity!

This was the beat that was spreading out across the Megalos like a bell- as if it was letting its birth be known!

The complexity of this Pathway to the True Source of Infinity was unfathomably grand as when others looked at the brilliant blue light, they could not properly estimate its complexity.

It seemed to be as big or as small as their complexities could understand it- and at times it didn't even emanate any complexity at all.

But it was there.

It was radiant!

|Your True Severed Heart of Infinity is capable of infusing a Severed Infinitum Engine onto certain complex weavings of existence.|

|Your True Severed Heart of Infinity has granted you a Limited Infinitum Weaving of Complexity. A minute, hour, day, or week may not pass without your complexity undergoing a random, significant burst of elevation that will be supported entirely by the True Severed Heart of Infinity.|
