Severed Infinitum Engine.
It showed the ridiculous effect of repeating an action as if it would never stop occurring.
At this moment, multiple Megalocides exploded out in this region where the veil between the Megalos Ynnere and Megalos Beyond was torn.
The weavings of Matter and Dark Matter in this region became richer and richer.
The gray cracks of the change…were reduced and thin as the lowered Atmospheric Weavings of Existence returned to extremely rich levels!
As all of this occurred, the only audience was the Outerversal Morphons, who heard an entity called the Inheritor of the Megalos appear and call Ozymandias a Deciever.
An imposter.
And Ozymandias did not deny it!
He even stated the words that even if the Inheritor of the Megalos was true, his weavings would remain false.
What did that mean?