A grandiose stellar obsidian gleaming throne that he sat on, and a flaming stellar obsidian crown above him as they both radiated a terrifying Regnum!
A terrifying dignity.
He adorned all of this as naturally, such a Regnum caused countless stellar black threads that turned into gorgeous rivers seemingly extending to the horizon of the Megalos to form- and these rivers held dense waves of Dark Matter, but they also held significant weavings of Matter too!
With such a type of dignity.
With such a Regnum.
Ozymandias looked towards the Inheritor of the Megalos and imposed an Inquisition of the Severed Regnum!
He questioned the very existence of the Megalos Mountain of the Beyonder as its entire makeup was Dark Matter.
And such a weaving came under even greater scrutiny from the Inquisition of the Severed Regnum!
Did it have a True Source? Even a Pathway towards a True Source?