The very weavings of existence here were unique.
And every moment, it felt like one was breathing in fantastical flames of existence with every breath.
There were many flames of varying colors, and each one expressed a different emotion. Some flames would dance happily while others burst with excitement, and some flames looked dwindled and dried as they bent down seeming sad.
At this moment, near the world-sized Wisp of the Flame of the Wheel of Existence, the many seas of flames held a somber atmosphere as every single one seemed to be bound down by something truly too heavy.
Nearest to them was the figure of a Prime Source Complexity.
A man whose body was tall in stature, and his back was a wide one that many could depend on. He was an entity whose eyes were as fierce as they were gentle, with his head burning with silver-gold flames.
What he did for the Singed could never be placed in a single record and explained in its entirety.