Angry Walter

"So, are you saying it's King Heinrich's orders? Lord Preisner."

I stared at him strongly, gritting my teeth, trying to subdue my anger, just imagining things that have been brought about by his reputation, I seriously want to punch him.

"Right! You are right! That's why eeeeeverything is fine… no matter what we do to them, in the end they are slaaaaaaaaaaves, they are merchandiseeee"

He smiled at me, his smile was so fake and creepy, his mouth was so big, it looked like it reached his ears. And that evil glint in his eyes, filled with unnecessary excitement, it's the template villain you often see in those movies, except that in flesh it looks more disgusting at how conceited he is on himself because of his wealth.


Then an idea came into my mind, in order to avert the situation, and try to solve this the way of the nobles, one that wouldn't endanger me or the children any further.

I calmed myself down and relaxed.

"Merchandise eh? Then how much are they? I would like to buy them, I need new slaves after all who can use magic."

Even though I can't forgive this man, saving the children safely is the priority, it's not that I can really overpower these knights.

In response, he puts his hand on his chin and thought as he tapped his shoe.

"Hmmm… but we already have a client for this so, No No Nooooo"

"I'll buy them twice the price."

Thinking about slaves, they wouldn't be that expensive even if they are children, buying them double their price shouldn't be much of an issue.

At my statement he wasn't surprised yet his eyes looked more excited.

"Okay, then... that would be two gold pieces per child, does Duke Mueller, have that kind of amount ready????"

"2 gold pieces! Then does that mean each child here costs a gold piece?! That's absurd!"

"Tsk… Tsk… Tsk… No… No… Nooo! These children came fresh from orphanages, they come from fallen nobles who couldn't pay debts, so in other words, these children has nooooble blooood! Therefore, they have a higher chance of wielding magic! 2 gold pieces per child or nothing!"

That amount is too much, even my pocket money at most I can spend is a gold piece, but that is right, nobles children are much more expensive than normal slaves, as they can also be used for other things.

I see, because most of the production lands are taken by Zack, Heinrich's force couldn't support the war anymore with just their coffers and imports, so now they are resorting to this? By selling noble children.

"I don't have money like that right now, but I can pay in installments, the country is far away after all, is that alright?"

Having no money right now, all I could do was to pay in installment, just like in my old world, if it's payable for years then I should be able to buy back these children, I'll think about the future after that, even if Walter would hate me for it.

"Non Non Non! If you aren't prepared to pay upfront, then it doesn't matter! Our original client will buy them upfront"

Okay, it's time to use my negotiation skills.

"But its just double the value, payable for one year, you'll be getting more money you know? Every month I'll be giving you a fraction of the amount, if its to fuel the war we can also pay by goods, if its for King Heinrich then this deal works better right? You'll save also on transportation fees."

This is already a too good to be true deal, if it's Heinrich's order this would definitely make it better for them. It all the comes down to this noble's intention.

"Hmmm… then how much would I get from this deal?"

"Huh?! What the hell are you saying, isn't this for the kingdom? To fuel the war?"

"Hmmm… if I don't get something from it, theeeen I have no merchandise to offer you, go back to your inn or where you came from. In the first place why are you even hereee?"

I forgot, nobles here are like politicians in the world I came from, just like those corrupt politicians these nobles do the same, they award bids or deals to whoever can give them a personal chunk percentage of that deal.

Negotiation is out of my options right now.

Walter… what should I do?

I crumpled my skirt that was already torn in half, as I drove my brain to think of what I can do for these children, but nothing came out.

In the first place, I came here to take them by force.

Remembering my resolve, I steeled myself and turned my hand into a fist secretly.

"You nobles only care about yourself… I know that gaining wealth is okay and all, but… gaining wealth in such a way… is unforgivable"

I looked down, trying to suppress my emotion and my fist from flying for one last time thinking of the consequences. The knights behind me have swords, and I'm already surrounded. If I make a scene here, most likely I will be captured, or worse, be slashed by those swords.

Should I just go back?

"Huh?" Preisner leaned towards me.

"Could it beeeeeeee.... You wanted to save these children?! HAHA, Don't be like that Lady Mueller! In the first place, I didn't have any intention of letting you buy them!

BECAUSE! They are sons and daughters of traitor nobles who wanted to defect!

Their parents died in front of them! RIGHT before their very eyes!

It would be DANGEROUS! To get them back to Stizriven, even in your neutral territory! That's why they will be sold to another country! No maaaaaaaaatter how much you try to buy them!"

Okay… that's it.

The last nerve broke.

With all my force I release the fist that I've been holding onto and let it fly towards the face of this pig in front of me.

As if in slow motion, I saw his face not surprised, that I was trying to punch him, in fact he was smiling as if he was waiting for me to do it, and his knights at my back coming towards me.

So he was aiming for this huh… he's going to treat me also as a traitor and sell me, or use me to blackmail my father.

I can't believe that I fell into this simple trap.

Sorry Walter, I should have listened to you.

But I'm going to make sure at least his face wouldn't be recognizable anymore.

"Youuu ugly piiig!!!"

However, as I was letting out a scream as my fist was flying towards his smiling ugly face.

I saw his head being beaten from behind, his face that was in a smile was suddenly filled with shock, unable to understand what had happened, as he started to fall face down.

Seeing him falling face forward, I stopped my attack, and from behind him, appearing as the ugly pig got out of my sight, I saw Walter, with the dawn disappearing and the sun rising at his back, coloring the skies with different hues, at his back were ships floating at the port.

His face had an emotion of utter disgust.

It turns out that he kicked Preiner at the back at his head, which was possible because of his height.

As a result, Preisner's face kissed the floor, which was a satisfying sight to see.

"Tiffania, you're right, we should have taken this business first and beaten this piece of shit first"

As the knights saw him, it surprised them, seeing their master on the floor, having a hard time to get up because he was too fat.

"You assholes! What did you do to Tiffania!"

I never saw Walter or Kazu this angry before, his voice echoed at the port, he wasn't in his princely aura, rather he looked like the supposed to be calm, collected and cold Kazu but now is looking for a fight.

He wore his all black suit and held a sword, behind him appeared the sailors who worked for the ship together with the captain who also had the same expression of him, as they crossed their arms and eyed the knights strongly.

And the knights seeing their master down, and the number of people they are against, dropped their weapons and raised their hands.

For an instant, even in this intense situation, I felt my heart beating faster and my cheeks blushing as I saw a new side of him.

I never saw him this angry for me ever before.