The Marquess

Even though Libertas knew his talent was horrible, he didn't expect that he didn't have any talent at all. He sighed. The short evaluation written on the paper said it too clearly to misunderstood:

[Imaginary World Report

Flexibility: None

Resistance: None

Resilience: None

Result: Good for Nothing

The Imaginary World showed no sign of Flexibility as no distortion was seen, its rigidity is of no worth. As a high rigidity requires a high value of Resistance which it doesn't have. It could be seen on the instant forming of cracks in the Imaginary World. The Resilience isn't worth mentioning, the cracks didn't show a single sign of recovery.

The Imaginary World has no potential.]

Libertas sighed again before he starred at Igor, "Will you leave everything behind for me?"

There was no hesitation in his reply, "Don't forget, Your Highness, you saved my life and I will repay with my life!"

A light smile surfaced on Libertas, "Then go pack and do what you must! We will leave soon!"

"Your Highness, as the Crown Prince you can't leave like this."

"Follow me!"

"Your Highness, you should eat first, wasting food isn't a good habit."


As he started to eat, he slowly lost himself in thought. What does he want to do? What does want to accomplish? He thought back in his life, it was full of ups and downs, although there were more downs than ups. He sighed as he placed a spoonful in his mouth. Instead of going through all the hassle, why can't he just lay on the labour of others? With this, his plan for the future slowly formed. He as a lazy Lord who ruled over his subject, while enjoying life to his fullest. He decided to throw his past suffering away and embraced his new life.

Together they walked out of the door, along the corridor, then into another until they reached the Study-Room of His Majesty. With a mischievous smile directed at Igor, Libertas knocked at the door. After a while, the door was opened and the same butler with the monocle peeked out of the door. He snorted, visibly displeased at seeing him.

"His Majesty is busy, if it isn't urgent, please leave."

"It is urgent! I request an audience as the Crown Prince and not as his Son. I should have the right to see his Majesty!"


"Let him in!"

His Majesty commanded from the inside. The butler let the Crown Prince in but closed the door fast enough that Igor remained outside. His Majesty stood with his back to Libertas with a table between them. He didn't turn around and gazed out of a window, as he spoke, "Why did you come seeing me?"

With his word, an unknown force spread out which forced Libertas on his knees. As soon as he spotted a fiery red pearl on the table the temperature around Libertas increased. Slowly but surely to the burning point until the table ignited. The fire spread like a demon trying to devour him. It seemed to laugh diabolical and with a quick 'step' it turning the 'walked' path into ash. It was in front of Libertas, sweeping its claws, attempting to burn him into a part of its glorious path of ashes.


The moment the claw touched a single hair of Libertas an angry but tired mew sounded. The flames flooded, the ashes whirled and everything returned before the fire broke out. It was all just an Illusion… or maybe not. There was single hair, showing marks of a slight scorching. Furthermore sweats has wetted his back.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, Your Majesty."

Libertas swallowed. If he didn't hear wrong, there seemed to be glee and relieve in his Majesty's voice. He rigidly closed his eyes, while he faced the rug, fearing the 'Illusion' which was likely released by the red pearl. In his fear, he didn't even question the mew, at least for now. After he took a deep breath to calm himself, he addressed the reason for his coming.

"Your Majesty, as you know my Talent for Cultivation is next to none. I am not someone fitting to be the future ruler of this Kingdom. I would like to resign my position as the Crown Prince, I believe my little brother would be more fitting as the Crown Prince. His gift for Cultivation is peerless, not like mine. All I would like to request from your Majesty is a fief. Then, perhaps, I can assist my brother in his future ruling."

His Majesty turned around surprised. His mouth agape, before turning into a slight smile and his eyes squinted. He picked up the fiery red pearl, then he played with it for a while. Thereafter, he threw it in the air, it scattered into fine particle. Though he didn't notice the crack on the pearl, he saw the swear on Libertas bent back. He muttered softly, "Useless." after he turned around again.

"So be it. From today onward, you shall no longer be the Crown Prince. Hereby, I grant you a marquessate and appoint you as Marquess! Go now, I will prepare everything for your journey. Tomorrow morning, wait at the East Gate!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty"

After Libertas walked out, His Majesty moved to sit on his chair, as he rubbed his stiff neck. He looked at the pile of paper he still needed to sign, he sighed. Shaking his head, he pulled a map out of a shelf under the table and spread it out. After glancing at the map, he picked a document out of another shelf. His mouth curled diabolically.

"Why do you think he wanted a fief?"

The Butler moved closer to view the document and the map. As he remedied the position of his monocle, he replied, "Your Majesty, his Highness was since young smarter than his peer. He is someone stubborn who isn't easily willing to give up, as long as he saw a single possible way. Though he isn't someone great at ruling over others, he may think he was great. Due to his nature of helping others, the others started to help him. Moreover, he is known as someone who likes to repay his favour, even though he forgets them swiftly, but others didn't care much about that. For now, I believe he mistook this, as his talent for governing."

His Majesty sat back on his chair, stretching relaxed. In contrast, his mind worked furiously to create a plan, while taking another view in.

"So, what will he do with his fief?"

"It may be unlikely, but he may become a hassle in the future. Slowly, in the dark, he can build a force to usurp his brother once Your Majesty passes away. It can be described as a problem in the bud. I recommend killing the bud early before it can cause trouble, Your Majesty."

"Haha, do you truly believe a child could think this scheming? At least I don't believe it. At the end he is my flesh and blood, I can't just kill him in cold blood as I have done with others. Besides that, he may be a Bastard, but he hasn't lost his use yet. The church…"

At the marketplace was grand Statue of a Hero piercing with his sword a Demon King. He held with both hands a sword, one stabbed the Demon King and the other a Bat. The one which stabbed the Demon King was a plain sword with a crack. It was unknown if the crack was intended or not. The one which killed the bat had, in contrast, an extravagant flair.

Libertas starred at the Portrayal of a Hero killing a Demon King. Somehow both, the Hero and the Demon King were eerily familiar. Where could he have possibly seen a Sword-wielder and a Vampire? Though he dismissed this feeling of familiarity when he saw Igor running to him.

"Your Highness, everything was sold."

"Good! Did you prepare everything I told you?"

"No, I couldn't find someone willing to secretly trail behind us, or Mercenaries ready to take up the task to protect us. It may because the coming journey is to an unknown destination."

"Sigh, take a step back in our demands. They at least need to be prepared to follow us until we reach the next city."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Libertas gazed at the crowd in the bustling marketplace. The seller shouted, advertising their products to attract the buyers, vying against their neighbouring stall. Kids laughed at the clowns and were awed by the street magicians. Reluctant beauties were dragged away from lovely accessories, as they were too poor. Rich young masters flaunted their wealth bestowed by their parents. Vigorous, but drunk men were in their delusion saving a young minstrel, and would be living with her happily ever after.

Life could be this easy, but why was it always troublesome and full of hassle? Friends, Families, Interaction. All of this can had one lead to happiness, but at the same time, they brought in all the hassle. Without sadness, there won't be happiness. Without trouble, there won't be cosiness. Could happiness lay in how he coped with his trouble? Should he enjoy it as part of his life?

Libertas chuckled, while he shook his head. Mockingly he thought if he enjoyed pain, wouldn't he be crazy? Who would enjoy trouble and sadness? He moved on with a little more confident steps toward his future, burying his old self as 'XXX' and fully embracing his self as 'Libertas'. He stretched his hand out and greeted the fellows following behind Igor.

"Good day, Gentlemen. I am Libertas, nice to meet you!"