City of Slaves

The name of the nearest city was forgotten long ago. No one has cared, but as it slowly gained reputation and fame, it gained from the folk a new name: The City of Slaves! It can't be called a glorious name under the common folk. Each day, each night, they needed to fear to be enslaved, and then sold. It was a paradise, but only for the wealthy ones. For the poor, it was hell.

On a side road to the south gate of the City of Slaves. A particular strange group of people was travelling on it. Three Humans, two Beast-men, two Succubi, and one Incubus. Weirdly enough, the demi-humans didn't restrain themselves in front of the superior humans.

Libertas asked Igor, "Igor, shouldn't someone trail behind us? Where is he?"

"He should have escaped after seeing us ambushed twice, and then kidnapped."

"Do you know how we can contact him?"

"The Mercenary-"

Judas suddenly inquired, "Don't you even know the Mercenary Guild?"

Libertas protested, "I do. Igor even hired him from there."

Judas sighed to himself, "But it doesn't seem you know how it works!"

"His Highness doesn't need to know! I-"

"W-w-w-wait! Didn't you shelter him too much? Can't you see how incompetent he has become?"

Igor glanced at the sulky pouting Libertas, "No! His Highness isn't incompetent! He is righteous and, eh… and, ah, and cute!"

Libertas smiled weakly. Though Igor did try helping him, he didn't need this type of help. He didn't want to be cute? He didn't wish to become a trap! Embarrassed he raised his hand, "Igor, stop it! It doesn't help much."

Igor scratched his neck, "Ahaha."

Libertas pointed at the tails and fur, "Besides that, could you all enter like this?"

"Libertas?! Are you changing the topic?"

Then, with a grave expression, and a stern voice, "No! I wouldn't do that! You shouldn't doubt a friend! Or am I not your friend?"

Judas lazily dismissed the statement, "Yes, yes. I believe you. Petro."

Petro flicked his finger while smiling mysteriously at Libertas. Then with a puff of smoke, Judas tail disappeared. Similarly was it with the succubi's tails, they vanished. Though, the process for the monkey-men was different.

The fur greyed, aged, and fell from their skin. The tail slowly decayed, and fell like a rotten apple to the ground, splashing into pulp. Then, as if the time was accelerated, it crumbled into ashes, drifting away in the air. Standing there, were two men with bald heads and red clothes.

They growled, "Did you had enough fun?"

Petro smiled cheekily at the monkey-men, "No."

"Give us hair!"

Petro once again flicked his finger, and hair sprouted from the bald heads. But the hair stood ramrod straight against the sky instead of falling to the ground. They glared at Petro who raised his hands. The silky hair smoothly fell to the shoulders. The monkey-men snorted as they resumed walking. Petro sighed, "Come on, just a bit of fun. Why spoil it?"

They didn't speak back, no one spoke. An unpleasant silence overcame the group. After a while, Libertas broke the silence, "So, did someone bring someone money?"

No one spoke. The unpleasant silence came back. Then finally Judas inquired, "Wasn't there 'Silver' and 'Copper' at the hideout?"

Silence. Suddenly Petro yelled, "Come on, speak! Can't anyone of you speak? Why did you all suddenly become silent? Are you mute?"

Immediately one of the Succubus retorted irritated back, "Oh you, shut the fuck up! Can't you see how you ruined our look? We chased you all the way here, and now, see what happened! Take for the devil's sake your fucking responsibility!"

"This is bullshit? For what responsibility? You chased us!"

Igor clapped his hands, "Enough with your quarrels. Please don't forget that there are still children here."

Seeing that Petro and the Succubus snorted as they starred in the opposite direction of each other, Igor smiled at Judas and Libertas, "Indeed, there was 'Silver' and 'Copper' in the hideout. I even took some. It should be enough for us to go in."

After that he told them, they have already stepped on the main road. They were already near the city gate. Merchants filled the road with their carriages. Furthermore, a grander gate was additionally prepared just for them. As such, two separate lines formed. One was grandiosely filled with splendour, magnificence, and extravagance. The other was mixed, from the reeking beggar to the better off commoner.

Standing at the edge of the main road, Igor asked Libertas, "Your Highness, do you want to directly marsh inside as royalty? Or do you want to pretend to be a commoner?"

Libertas glanced at the two lines, thinking. Then he shook his head, sighed, "Don't call me Your Highness any more."

He swiftly took the lead, standing behind the line full of commoners. Igor and the beast-men followed without a bit of hesitation. Petro glanced at Judas, who curiously stared at the Succubi. They frowned. The reek was unbearable for them, but after seeing that innocent child who curiously stared at them, they followed hesitatingly.

As for the innocent child, Judas, he sighed. Where was the promised fun? Of course, he chased after the others after he noticed he was far behind them. He ran forward, as he shouted, "Hey, hey! Wait for me!"

Petro smoothly followed Judas. Together they waited, stepped forward until they reached the South City Gate, and stood directly in front of it. The Guards at the Merchant's Gates lazily checked the carriage before letting them pass. Almost every merchant accidentally slipped one or two silver into the pockets of the Guards. If they didn't, the check was more rigorous than if they did.

In front of the Commoner's Gate were only two guards instead of eight like the other gate. One sat on a chair, occasionally sipping from a flask hanging from his waist. The other stood with his back straight defiantly against the sky. But his head was always lowered as if he had already given up on something.

He swiftly took ten copper coins for each person before letting them pass. Standing in front of the Guard, Igor took out eight silver coins, the worth of eighty copper coins. Though it was indeed ten 'Copper' for a 'Silver', it wasn't the same for 'Silver' to 'Gold'. A hundred 'Silver' was needed for a 'Gold'.

As such, the gold coins were never for the commoners intended but the rich ones. The wealthy merchants, the aristocracy, and of course, the royalty. Some rumours said a higher form of currency existed somewhere in this world, though, it wasn't known here. Even the currency here stemmed from the earlier force exerting their power in this kingdom.

The guard who sat comfortably in his chair stood suddenly up. It was with such a force he nearly toppled to the ground. He hiccuped, and then unsteadily swaggered towards the succubi. However, with a further hiccup, he fell onto Igor's chest. Sluggish, he took the money in the hand, stashing it away in his own pocket.

"Thanks for the money, Beauty. Wanna do it tonight?"

Igor slightly pushed the drunken Guard, and he toppled to the ground with a hic. After waiting a moment, he didn't stand up again. Seeing that, his comrade just sighed, "Ignore him and leave him alone. You all can pass."

They passed through the gate, and officially entered the City of Slaves, the most renown place for slave trading. It was 'safe' as no one dares to sell 'defective goods' as it was backed up by the royal family, His Majesty. If one dares, they will be like the stray dogs on the streets chased down.

The moment saw the scene behind the gates, Libertas instantly recognized, slaves were common goods in this city. The slave seal, a brand around the throat resembling a dog collar, was almost present everywhere. Furthermore, there was a small mark in the form of a drop of blood. More than halves of the slaves here had it on their forehead.

They always had eerily a smile plastered on their face, their eyes shimmered weakly in crimson, and their skin was pale white. These were special slaves which were only provided by the City Lord. No one knew, where he procured the slaves, but there was always more demand than supply.

Petro called one of the worker slaves with the blood mark, "Where is the Mercenary Guild?"

The worker slaves happily complied, "Sir, need to go down this street, straight to the marketplace. Down there, turn right at the third intersection, before you take the first possible road to the left. Sir, can I help you with anything else?"

"No. Go, do your work."

"Yes, Sir. Thanks, Sir."

Petro spoke to the others while he took a step forward, "Shall we go now?"

But after he noticed that no one followed him, he turned around. They were stuck at their place, glancing at the slaves, mostly the one with the blood mark. The monkey-men frowned at them. Judas and the succubi sized them curiously up. Libertas' eyes were filled with pity, disgust and repugnance. Igor shrugged his shoulders indifferently as he noticed Petro's gaze.

Igor then shook His Highness, "Your High-" In the middle of the sentence he stopped, thought for a moment, and began anew, "Your Excellency, they are all over the city. You can see them later at any time of the day."

Libertas nodded, "Yeah, I know. Let us go."

They started walking down the filled street. As they walked, they saw all kinds of busy men. Some were busy rushing to the market. Some others were busy with 'love'.