The Auction

Evening, near an intersection, stood a group of eight. They were in front of a grand building. Two rows of guards were positioned to guard the entrance. Standing behind them was a group of attendants. One of them stepped forward after noticing the approaching group.

"Honoured Sirs, would please show your invitation."

Then, after waiting a while, no one showed an invitation or stepped forward to explain. The attendant frowned. Seeing this, Libertas himself could only helplessly stare at the chuckling Judas. Finally, when the guards steeped towards them, did Judas flash the Deluxe VIP Card.

Immediately, the guards whistled at each other, as they stretched themselves. As for the frowning attendant, he didn't even look at the invitation before he dismissive told the group off, "Sirs, it seems the Invitation is fake."

Flamboyant he turned around with his nose high. An attendant of a prestigious business like me shouldn't be offended by a nobody like you! Judas laughed out while he held his stomach. The eyes of the guards told the attendant, you are dead. His friend and colleague ran to him, or not…

To be accurate, his friend had indeed run to him, but it was only to kick him into his crown jewels before he rushed further away. The attendant laid on the ground with one of his hand grabbed his crown jewels, as the other hand stretched out to the direction his friend, "Why, Da-"

"Honoured Sirs, please follow me, disregard this disgraceful fool."

Judas tried to restrain his roaring laughter, but an incessant muffled giggle always escaped out of his mouth. Furthermore, the sight of this attendant duo didn't help much, and as they walked by the one laying on the ground, his friend stepped over his back.

"Ah, honoured Sirs, it seems we have a lowly bug. Please move on while this humble one disposes of it! You, come here. Lead the honoured Sirs to their room!"

Judas smiled mischievously, as he attempted to crack his knuckles, "No need, no need. Let me help you to eliminate that bug."

Though it failed, the friend of attendant kneeled in front of Judas, "Honoured Sir, you really don't need to dirty yourself! Please, I beg Honoured Sir to let me do it!"

At the entrance of the building, Libertas glanced at kid, then sighed, "Judas, come! Don't play around!"

"Come on. Can't I play a little? Why spoil the fun?"

"Didn't you want to come?"

"Who told you to come with me?"

Like this did Judas and Libertas quarrel under the lead of another attendant. Petro smiled at Judas, silently following him. Beside him was Igor, he smiled, too, at Libertas. Slightly behind them were the rest. The monkey-brothers quizzically stared at the strange smiles of two adults directed at two children. If they glanced around, they saw countless pitying gazes thrown at the quarrelling kids.

When they asked the succubi beside them, were they hissed annoyed away by the succubi, "Not yet!"

As such, the monkey-brothers could only quizzically peek at the succubi, as they goggled the passing gigolos.

"Oh, if this isn't His Highness?"

The young master stepped out of a door. His walking stick in his right hand, and like always elegantly clothed. The same young man followed behind him. The young master pleasantly smiled, "Nice that you have come. Then if you would like to excuse me, I have other matters to attend. As for your two toys, let them accompany me."

Lofty, the young master walked by Libertas while fully expecting the succubi to follow behind him. Though, when the young man saw that no one followed, he tapped on the young master's shoulder. Outraged the young master turned around, yelling, "What does this mean?"

Libertas rolled his eyes. He had enough from this type of people, demanding everything but never giving anything back. Did they think the world was theirs? He sighed, "I don't have toys. Where are your eyes? Who taught you your manners?"

The young master took a deep breath, "Your Highness, do know what you are doing? Are you aware of the opportunity I give you as a fallen crown prince? Do you truly want to pass it away?"

"I don't care. Van-"

"Your Highness, sigh. You shouldn't have said that. Do you know even a dragon will lose to a snake if the fight was on its home ground?"

The young master clapped in his hands. The ceiling revealed a shaft. A mark in the form of a drop of blood glowed in the darkness. It jumped out.


Caesar jumped into Libertas' embrace, as everyone's eyes gazed at the glowing blood-mark. Libertas glanced down at Caesar's head rubbing against his chest, then he looked up again. Several bats fluttered haphazardly in the air before they flapped back into the shaft.

The young master laughed awkwardly, as frustration appeared in his eyes, "It seems we have bats here. Pardon me for the trouble, I will immediately handle it."

He rushed away. Libertas stared at the departing back, the shaft, and then his brother. With his head aching, he shook his head, "Caesar, what are you doing here?"

Indignant Caesar raised his head, "I should be asking that you! You just suddenly disappeared!"


Judas glanced at them, "Is this a quarrel between brothers?"

Instantly Caesar cried out "No! I never quarrel with my dear brother!"

Then he continued to rub his head against the chest. Awkwardly patted Libertas instinctual Caesar's head, "Attendant, bring us to our room."

"Honoured Sirs, this would be your private lobby. If anything is insufficient, please tell. This humble one will immediately set out to remedy that. I will be here, sitting on that chair."

The attendant opened a room, then pointed at a chair right to the opened door. Following, he respectively gestured to them to enter. After they entered, the door was closed.

There was a round table with six chairs around it. On each chair was a telescope placed. Fruits were inside a jade bowl, and a pot of tea laid beside that. In the front wasn't a wall, it was left empty. Due to the angle, the one downstairs can't see them, but due to it, they can't see them too. One could only see a grand stage covered with red curtains.

The succubi glanced the chairs, then at the others. Suddenly, as if a battle has started, they pounced at a chair while shouting, "My chair!"

Libertas sighed, "Who wants to stand?"

After Igor noticed that no one volunteered, patted he on Libertas shoulder, "Your High-"

Libertas exhaled once again, "It's alright. I, you, and Petro will stand. Any questions? No. Well, then sit!"

Judas sat slowly at a chair in front of Petro, "Oh, you can't find a chair? Well, it can't be helped."

Shortly, following after everyone sat except the three sat a chair, the curtains opened. A man in a suit greeted them, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the biannual auction of our 'Ancient Blood Bond House'. I, Jeffrey, am today your Moderator, and like always, it is my honour to be here."

Then, the auctioneer joked with the audience. The mood lightened a bit, as he continued with a short explanation of various rules. Bored, Libertas asked Petro about why the monkey-brother turned back, "Petro, why did they turn back today?"

"Didn't I already told you? My connection with them broke, as I was too far away."

"Yeah, you have, but I don't understand what do you mean with connection?"

"Sigh, see, the opening speech ended. Focus on the auction, not on me. If you become a Transcendent, you will know."

With the last words of the opening speech, the auction started, "Wow, is there the impatience on your faces? Then let the bidding swiftly begin!"

The first item introduced was… a slave. Altogether twenty-five were sold. The price varied from dozen Silver to a bit over a hundred. They were neatly groomed and had simple clothes. One wouldn't believe they were slaves if one didn't see the brand resembling a dog collar around their neck.

After that, art pieces have been sold. How many, or for what they were sold, Libertas didn't know. He fell asleep after the first product was introduced. As such, his last thought before he fell asleep was how the others could sit still, and listen to all this boring stuff.

"Your Excellency, please wake up."

"Igor, no. Let me sleep a little-"

Then Libertas suddenly remembered where he was, and instantly sat straight. Just now his head rested on Igor's lap. He looked around, he and Igor sat on the chairs where once the monkey-brothers were. The succubi were drowsily cuddling each other. Caesar and Judas had similar to him fallen asleep. Though, Caesar was a lot luckier than Judas.

Judas slept on the floor, snoring. On his chair sat Petro who comfortably gazing down at the stage. At least had Caesar kept his chair…

The auctioneer down there finally introduced the last product, "Ladies and Gentlemen, congratulation. You have reached the end of our biannual auction, but last not least our final slave!"

The last slave stepped out from the backstage onto the stage beside the auctioneer. It was a breathtaking girl. Long golden hair, cloud white skin, sky blue eyes, fiery red lips, and a bearing like mother earth. It was the same girl, Libertas saw in the carriage.

She looked up, gazing at their room. Her gaze swept over them. The moment when her gaze passed by Caesar and Judas, they instantly woke up. Their eyes swiftly found her and stared at her.

"Brother, you must get her!"

"Libertas, you must buy her! I-"

Judas and Petro glanced Caesar, but they ignored him once more. Judas continued to stare at Libertas, disregarding the sentence he almost spoke out. Petro shook his head with his mouth was slightly agape. He seemed to be on the verge of laughing at something absurd.

Caesar didn't notice that Judas spoke, as he urged his brother more, "Brother, please! You really must get her?"

Libertas frowned, he did notice Judas start speaking. He gazed at that girl. What was special about? In any case, he didn't see anything special about her except her beauty. He sighed, "Why?"

Stumped, Caesar stammered, "I… I can't tell you why. I…, I-"

Libertas waved his hand dismissively, "Sigh, if you can't tell it, then don't tell. You don't need to lie or use an excuse. Won't I be able to get her with just some Silver or Gold? Money isn't that important as long as you know what you are doing."

Immediately Caesar jumped at him happily, as he yelled, "Thanks, brother."