A new Beginning (2)

Waves crashed against a shore. A colony of seagulls flew around in the sky until they suddenly dived down one by one. Small fishes peeked out of their beaks. The crisp laughter from a little girl could be heard on the road nearby. Then a gentle shout sounded from there, "Slower! Don't run too fast! Wait for your old daddy!"

A little girl rushed to the beach with an old man leisurely following behind. The sand under their feet crunched loudly. After taking in the breathtaking sight of seemingly endless water, she turned around while waving a branch in her hand around. She yelled lively at the man, "Faster! Daddy, faster!"

The man smiled inwardly but showed an angry expression. While waving a fist in the air, he shouted playfully back, "If daddy catch you, then-"

However, before he could finish speaking, the girl burst out laughing even louder, and she ran happily even faster from her daddy away. A faint smile emerged on the man's face as he lovingly watched the girl running around the beach. His fist dropped from the sky, and he leisurely continued to chase after her.

She tripped, falling on her nose. Behind her, she could hear her father laughing. Tears gathered into her eyes until she nearly cried yet she didn't. Instead of crying, she had angrily taken her branch, intending to poke something. Nevertheless, before she could poke, her eyes widened in shock. She had tripped over a boy.

His wet black hair covered his delicate childish face. Blood had stained the torn clothes, as the holes in it revealed a clean white skin under it. Strangely, only the clothes had the blood staining it. Eventually, out of curiosity, she had poked that boy.

Suddenly the boy opened his eyes, scaring her. The branch fell out of her hand, and she stepped back. He muttered, "Where am I?"

The girl tried to take the branch back with her shaking, but as the boy stood up, she ran frightened behind her father's back. The boy turned around, looking at them. The father laughed as he gently patted the hair of his daughter. Then he spoke with a soothing voice, "Don't be scared. He isn't a monster. He is like you, a human and a child."

After saying that, the man turned to the boy, "Little friend, where are you coming from? Do you know where your parents or relatives are? If you don't know how about travelling with us? We are going to the capital. You don't need to be scar-"

The man had slowly walked towards Libertas, but all of a sudden, he halted. His voice grew grave as he asked, "Who are you? And what are you doing?"

The boy looked dumbfounded at them. Do they not recognize him? After staring at each other for a while, the boy realized something. They really haven't recognized him. Understanding this, he smiled weakly. It was a new beginning without any attachments. Without any hesitation, he spoke carefree, "I am Libertas, just a nobody. And I am not doing anything else beside speaking with you? Can you now tell me, where I am?"

The man pushed his daughter back behind him, as she tried to peek at the boy. Angrily, she pouted at her father but didn't say anything. The man raised his hand. A blue mist gathered around his hand. He then continued to speak gravely, "I don't know who you are and I won't force you to tell me, but if you are a risk to my daughter, I won't hesitate. I won't give you any troubles. However, you can't give me any too, all right?"

Libertas stared stunned at the man, then frowned. He looked around. There weren't any humans or even signs of civilization here except them. Hence, he carefully asked, "Can I come with you to the capital?"


All at once, there was silence. No one spoke. Then the father slowly dragged her daughter warily away while his gaze never moved from Libertas. Quickly after they were far enough, the blue mist around the man's hand dispersed. While carrying his daughter in his arms, he turned around and ran.

Libertas looked once more around before he sighed. Shrugging his shoulders, he quickly chased after that man. Soon he saw a small group resting on the roadside. Two men, two carriages and four horses. Swiftly the father arrived with his daughter by their side. Panting, he told them something before the group packed up and resumed to travel further down the road.

As the father brought his daughter inside one of the carriages, he suddenly saw Libertas following them. Frowning, he shouted at Libertas, "Go away. Don't follow us!"

Libertas sighed. All of a sudden, he felt all alone, again, forsaken by everyone. Unknowingly, it became harder and harder to breathe as if a rope had gradually tightened itself around his throat. Then suddenly, he vigorously shook his head. He had decided to live, and he will live. He couldn't forgive himself if he wasted it. Surely, there were still people waiting for him somewhere in the world. He wasn't alone! Clenching his fist, Libertas began to run after the carriages.

For Friedrich, who sacrificed his own life so that Libertas could live on in this world! For Igor, who was always loyal to him! For Caesar, who always naively believed in him! Libertas couldn't give up on this chance to come back alive. If he remained here, he would likely die in the wilderness. His corpse would be left behind for the wild animals to eat until it decayed back to earth.

As such, he ran and ran. Even if the horse only trotted down the road, it was usually arduous to keep up with it over a long distance. Furthermore, Libertas needed to keep up with the horse over a long distance with his short legs. However, strangely, Libertas didn't pant even as an hour passed by with him running after the two carriages. He frowned.

Soon another hour passed by, and naturally, the father had long ago already noticed Libertas following them. However, he didn't do anything. He only glanced at him, snorted before he turned his attention back to his daughter.

Libertas wrinkled nose, how could he run this long without panting? He wasn't even tired. Nevertheless, he wasn't complaining about it, as it was rather pleasing to have a fit body. The only thing bothering him was that he didn't know why his physique suddenly improved. Was it due to the crimson liquid he drank? Or was it due to the crimson eyes? Or was it an entirely different reason?

He sighed, he couldn't find the answer over the question by only ruminating on his own. A further hour passed by as his stomach started to growl. Clenching his fist, he continued to chase after the carriages.

Another hour later, the little girl's head popped out of a carriage and gazed at Libertas. Puzzled, she turned around to her father, "Daddy, what is he doing?"

Shortly afterwards, the father led her back inside the carriage. Then his voice sounded out, "Maria, how about we play another round of chess?"


"Yeah, come."

"Yay! Daddy is the best!"

Hearing this, Libertas could only smile wryly. The sun slowly set, and the carriage ceased to travel further down the road. The father stepped out of it. He frowned as he saw Libertas still there. However, the frown quickly melted as he heard his daughter shouting, "Daddy, hungry!"

Patting on her head, the father said, "How about you go now play with your uncles? We will soon prepare dinner."


"Haha, yeah, but only a bit, all right?"


Seeing his daughter running happily to the other men, he smiled. Though, it was only for a short moment, as in the next, he turned serious. Glaring at Libertas, a blue mist gathered around his hands. His steps were heavy as he walked towards Libertas. Around ten metres away from Libertas, he halted to walk. The blue mist brightly shined as he asked, "Why are you chasing after us?"

Libertas awkwardly scratched his head before he replied, "I don't know how else I could go to the capital."

The father frowned, "You just need to go down the road, there is no need to run after us. Besides that, what are you trying to do?"

"Ehm, I am trying to follow you to the capital?"

"Do you think I am a fool? I am asking what the heck you are casting!"

Libertas was stunned. As such, he questioned perplexed, "What? Casting? I don't understand it. What are you speaking about?"

The father glared at him. However, he too was puzzled as Libertas didn't seem to fake his puzzlement. Did he think too much into it? After all, Libertas was only a child and nothing more. He took a deep breath to calm. Nevertheless, his frown didn't ease up as he spoke, "I am asking you why the heck you are constantly releasing your Mana? If you aren't casting magic, then why the heck are you doing this?"

Releasing Mana? Magic? What was happening?