
Libertas took a deep breath. He once wished a peaceful life, but was it possible? Maybe if he fled from any potential trouble, however, he didn't want to escape like a coward for his entire life. He clenched his fist, as he remembered that swore to face everything the world threw at him.

He will enjoy his life while facing the troubles along the way. Where could he find a resolution to that thing in his mind? It may not be sure, but he had to give it a try! As such, determination filled his eyes as he declared, "I will join the magic academy!"

However, no one except him heard his declaration. Maria has already fallen asleep. Softly smiling, Libertas raised her on his arms. Then he carefully carried her to the campfire where her father was. When the father saw Libertas, he waved his hand, but as he saw his daughter in Libertas' arms, his movement faltered a moment. However, it was only for a short moment.

The father waited until Libertas reached him before he mischievously smiled. Then he nudged Libertas with his elbow while he whispered teasingly, "Did my daughter bother you? Or is your last wish to marry her? If you want, I will tell her to marry you. Of course, only if she is willing too. How about this?"

Libertas stared speechless at the father. Did people of this age joke about the future of their children? As such, he curiously remarked, "So, do you wish for your daughter to become a widow?"

The mischievous smiled on the father's face instantly vanished. Vexed, the father spoke sternly, "Boy, don't joke about that. This isn't funny at all! You should take your life seriously!"

After laying Maria on the ground, Libertas shrugged his shoulders, "Didn't you tell me that a spirit is trying to take over my body? And wasn't marrying your daughter your idea? If I did marry your daughter before then the spirit take over my body, wouldn't it make your daughter a widow? As such, you can't blame me. It was all your fault!"

Annoyed, the father clicked his tongue as he carried his daughter nearer to the campfire. Later he fetched a blanket and covered her daughter with it. Then he replied, "Boy, go to sleep. Don't think about what I have said today. Good night."

Later at the night as Libertas had already fallen asleep. The father sneaked up to him before he prudently took the patched blanket loosely covering Libertas away. Following a blue mist gathered around his hands. Gradually the mist formed one rune after another.

After a long while, two sets of almost identical runes floated in the air. A drop of sweat dropped to the ground as the father slightly panted. Then he gingerly took out a ring with a blue jewel in its centre out of his pocket.

Following one of the two sets of runes slowly floated towards Libertas while the other hovered above the ring. The runes floating towards Libertas quickly merged into his forehead. On the contrary to it, the second set of runes only engraved itself gradually one by one, a rune after another on the ring. It was an arduously slow process.

Then all of a sudden, the ring disintegrated into ashes. The father cursed before he quickly glanced to the forehead of Libertas. He sighed as he saw that a blue mist evaporated from the forehead into the surroundings. After taking a deep breath, a blue mist quickly gathered once more around his hands.

Soon the runes formed again. However, just as the father sigh in relief, Libertas shout loud out, and scared him out of his wits. Immediately, he grew angry at Libertas, but it saddened instantly as heard what Libertas shouted.

"NO! STOP! I didn't want! Please! Forgive me! I didn't want to kill you. It was that thing! Not me! No! NO! NOOOO! I too only wished to live!!! I meant no harm! I am sorry…"

The father sighed. What had he just gone through? Indeed, this was a cruel world. Unconsciously, he glanced towards his daughter. Sighing, he took out a medallion. Opening it, the father lowered his head to look at it. Inside was a picture depicting him and a pregnant woman.

He only silently stared at the picture for a long time. Suddenly, he sighed, and the muttered, "Honey, how are you? We, our daughter and I, are doing well here. She is still young now, but I can already see you in her. However, I won't show her the evil side of the world. I know you would have done that, but I can't. The world is just too cruel. Do you see that boy? At such a young age, he had already killed. He is like you, in more than one way. He may be a nice boy, but I don't want our daughter to become like that. I truly can't. I am sorry."

Then again, silence. The time passed quietly by until the father sighed once more. Subsequently, a blue mist gathered anew around his hands.

After a long while, the father glanced wearily around. Two sets of almost identical runes gently floated in front of him as he held a ring with a blue jewel in its centre in his hand. A set of runes had already merged into the forehead of Libertas. However, the other set of runes was still engraving itself one by one, one rune after another on the ring.

Just as the last rune nearly finished engraving itself on the ring, it disintegrated again to ashes. Vexed, the father kicked a pile of ashes on the ground. Swiftly they whirled in the air, and he coughed promptly due to that.

After he calmed down, the blue mist started once more to gather around his hands.

The next day. The sun was slowly rising to the sky. Libertas tiredly stretched himself before he rubbed his eyes. Then he glanced around to look for the father. He chuckled as he saw the father dragging her daughter with him.

"Daddy, stop. Maria, still sleepy. Just a bit longer."

"No, the sun is already rising! If I let you sleep, you wouldn't even think of waking up!"

"But daddy, he hasn't woken up yet too!"

"Ah, really? Is the young lady now independent and didn't need her daddy any longer? Besides that, doesn't he now seems wide awake?"

Maria glanced to Libertas before she angrily pouted and turned her head away. Then she stomped rowdily to one of the carriages. However, shortly after she had entered the carriage, was she already jumping out of it again. Following she stomped to the other carriage with a cute blush on her face. The father laughed.

Subsequently, the father spoke to Libertas, "Isn't she cute? Sometimes I really wonder about how such an adorable little creature could exist in this world! And you don't even know about mine disbelieve in how I, a rustic old man like myself, could have created such a heavenly-"

Suddenly Maria little head popped out of the carriage as she yelled, "Dad, stop it! I can hear you!"

"All right, all right, sweetheart. Did you see how humble and shy she was?"

Annoyed, Maria jumped out of the carriage and stepped on her father's foot before she quickly ran back. The father smile foolishly d again after his daughter. However, before the father could open his mouth to prattle on about his daughter, Libertas quickly spoke up, "Wait a minute!"

The father looked puzzled at him, "Yeah, what is?"

Instantly was there a short moment of awkward silence. No one spoke, as the father was waiting for Libertas to say something while Libertas was currently thinking of a question. He had first talked before he began thinking. Eventually, Libertas started to speak slowly, as to buy himself more time, "So, are we going to continue travelling? Can I be of help anywhere here?"

After the father shot a strange gaze at Libertas, he waved his hand dismissive. Then he told Libertas, "Just get on the carriage and look after my daughter. There is nothing here for you to do. Go on now. I am busy!"

As Libertas walked towards the carriage, he thought to himself, who couldn't stop to prattle on about his daughter? It was obviously not him! Well, it didn't matter now since that had already happened.

How nice would it be, if he had such a lovingly father? He had heard once of the saying, the love of a father was endless towards his children. However, he didn't and couldn't believe it. All of a sudden, Libertas felt terrible melancholic. Had there ever been a time where he loved his parents? Maybe, but he couldn't remember it. How foolish must he had been at that time?

Entering the carriage, Libertas saw that Maria had pulled a blanket over herself and had continued to sleep. Chuckling to himself, Libertas gently brushed the streak of hair away from her wrinkling nose. Then he sat down before he leaned back. He closed his eyes and waited.

"Oh, did you both fall asleep? Ha, the kids nowadays."

As Libertas opened his eyes, he saw the father disappointingly shaking his head. Indignant, he spoke up, "Who fell asleep? Only your daughter is asleep!"

While the father was sitting down beside Libertas, he retorted similar displeased, "Can you stop always bringing up my daughter? She is innocent!"

"No problem, but aren't I innocent too? Besides that, what is with your eyebags? Didn't you sleep tonight?"

Annoyed, the father harrumphed as he rolled his eyes. Due to whom had I not gained any sleep? Besides that, didn't you have eyebags too? Closing his eyes, he unwittingly clenched his fist as he raised it at the same time. Just when he wished to hit the boy, he remembered, he had a ring with a blue jewel in its centre. As such, he forced himself to hold back. Slowly, he lowered the fist again.

However, he was stunned as he opened his eyes again. Although he had already lowered his fist, he could perceive hidden in the eyes of Libertas hints of sadness and indifference. Gazing into these eyes, the father could feel a pang of pain in his heart. He couldn't help but think what would he have done if one day his daughter had such eyes. It was even saddening to think of this.

The father sighed, "I know that I shouldn't ask about this, yet I can't help myself but feel the obligation to ask about that. It isn't my obligation to help you. However, as a father myself, I can't bear to neglect this. Still, if you don't want to tell, you don't need to. It is just an offering."

Libertas shrugged his shoulders as he questioned, "What do you want to ask? Just ask away, there is no reason for hitting around the bush."

The father first stared deeply into Libertas' eyes for a short while before he asked his question, "Child, I am asking you if you are willing to tell me about your past."

At this moment, the carriage under them rumbled. It had started to drive further down the street, and soon they disappeared on the distant horizon.