Nodding Off

Libertas gazed out of the window at the side. Absent-minded, he stepped forward, moving on. Unwittingly, as he reached a staircase leading downwards, he muttered, "What should I do now?"

Coincidently, another student passed by at this moment. He threw a puzzled gaze at Libertas before he hesitatingly approached. While he briefly tapped on the shoulder, he said, "Excuse me, do you need help?"

Stunned, Libertas looked at the student. Then he quickly shook his head, "No, but thank you."

"Do you really don't need any help? You look troubled. It would really be my pleasure to help you."

Smiling awkwardly, Libertas waved his hand in the air. Subsequently, he told the student, "No, don't worry. I was just a bit lost in my thoughts. I really don't need any help."

"Oh, if you say so. Then could you please help me?"

Seeing Libertas nodding, he continued to say, "Well, thank you. Do you have by chance seen my brother? Prince Anthony."

"I am sorry. I haven't seen him."

"Oh, really? Well, I am sorry to have bothered you. Farewell."

Libertas tilted his head as he looked at the departing back of the student. Whom could Prince Anthony be? Was it that arrogant boy with Maria? Looking at it, they did look similar to each other. Shrugging with his shoulders, Libertas resumed walking.

While he walked, he thought back to his initial question. What should he do now? Although he could go to rest now, he didn't like the idea of doing this now very much. He couldn't afford to do that now. Due to that spirit in his mind, he could die at any moment. Hence, should he go to the library and learn there more about spirits?

Walking out of the school, Libertas gazed at the vast field. Or should he train his body by madly running? Alternatively, he too could try to learn how to control Mana on his own.

Closing his eyes, he briefly thought about it. The school would likely teach the students how to learn Mana. The question is when. As for training? It couldn't be done in the short-run. Hence, he would have to accumulate it over a long time.

Shortly after he ruminated over it, he opened his eyes again. Decisively, he turned his gaze away from the field and walked into another direction. Softly, he muttered, "Let's go to the library for now."

Later, Libertas stood in front of a librarian. However, his expression was entirely displeased. The librarian raised his finger, waving it admonishingly at Libertas. He placed his other hand at his waist as he frankly spoke disapprovingly, "No! I said, NO! I won't give you any book about spirits. If you want to read about them, then you need to search them after all for yourselves!"

Annoyed, Libertas glanced inwards. On the first floor were no shelves, only tables, chairs and people. The shelves only started to appear on the second floor and upwards. However, as his gaze travelled upwards, following one staircase after another, he gulped in despair. He could only see endless lines of shelves filled with books. He couldn't see the roof or any walls, only books upon piles of books….

How long would he need to find a single fitting book here? Hence, he stared exasperated at the librarian. Taking a deep breath, he spoke with a suppressed voice, "Aren't you the librarian here? Isn't your task here to help us find the books we want to read?"

The librarian continued to wave his finger in front of Libertas' nose. While he shook his head, he said belittling, "I am indeed the librarian here. However, I am an adult too, and I am obliged to take care of little kids like you. Anyway, who told you about spirits? That isn't something you should have known about yet."

Glaring vexed at the librarian, Libertas clenched his fist. Then he quickly bowed unexpectedly. The librarian stared stunned at Libertas as he said in a nearly pleading and bitter voice, "Please, I beg you! I really need to know more about them!"

After hesitating for a while, his body began to tremble. Libertas gnashed his teeth as he prepared to kneel on the ground. At this moment, he deeply regretted not to ask the founder about spirits, or how he could get rid of her sister. Maybe she wouldn't have said much, or even refused, but he still could have tried. At least, he wouldn't regret it now.

As his body bowed even lower, the librarian held him all of a sudden up. Surprised, Libertas looked up, seeing the librarian sighing. With a troubled expression, the librarian ruffled restlessly through his curly hair. Then he shouted, "Aaaaaaaaah, such an annoyance! Hell, why do you want to kneel? You don't have to kneel!"

Only after shouting, did he realize, he was still in a library. Embraced, he raised his hand and yelled, "Sorry for just now. Please, continue whatever you were doing before!"

Subsequently, he turned his attention back to Libertas. Seeing that Libertas didn't continue to try to kneel, the librarian eventually took off his glasses before he rubbed his eyes. After putting it back on his nose, he stared deeply into Libertas' eyes. Then he sighed exhausted, "Why do you need to know more about them?"

Biting on his lips, Libertas shook his head. Then he said, "I, I can't tell you. Please understand it."

Narrowing the eyes, the librarian crossed his arms. Grumpy, he questioned, "Why can't you? If you tell me, I may help you find the right book. Or you can search it on your own."

Clenching the fists, Libertas spat out a single word, "Fine!"

Then he turned decisive away, walking towards the staircase. Surprised by the unexpected action, the librarian's eyes widened in bewilderment. Then with a soft sigh, he shook his head uncomprehendingly. Following, he quickly looked around, took off his glasses and wiped it with a piece of cloth. Taking a deep breath, he put the glasses back on his nose before he silently followed after that stubborn boy.

Libertas walked grumbling up on the staircase and didn't notice that someone was following behind him. Reaching the second floor, he began randomly walking around. Occasionally, he took one book and skipped through its content. Then he sighed and laid the book frustrated back in the shelve.

As Libertas took another book, another hand snatched it away from him. Frowning, he turned around, only for him to see the librarian. Annoyed, he questioned, "What do you want?"

The librarian shook his head as he saw the emerging frown on Libertas' expression. Hitting lightly on the stubborn boy's head, the librarian pointed at the top of the shelves. After seeing that the stubborn boy's gaze following his finger, he sighed, "Can't you read? Above every shelve is the topic written!"

Libertas looked up. There was indeed a topic written above the shelve. In bold words stood there, "Fairy Tales". Seeing this, Libertas scratched his head embraced while lightly coughed, "I didn't see that. Anyway, why are you here? Why do you even care about that? Shouldn't you now be dancing in joy, gloating about my foolishness? Why bother with me?"

Ignoring the questions at first, the librarian gestured for the stubborn boy to follow him. Hesitatingly, Libertas followed the man to another staircase. After a while, the librarian said stoically, "Haven't you said, my task here as the librarian is to help aimless people like you to find the books they want to read? Well, right now, I am doing precisely that. As for just now, I just did my obligation as an adult. Hence, don't think about it and let me do my work."

Even after hearing that, Libertas continued to stare suspiciously at the librarian. Nevertheless, he still followed the librarian. Soon they walked up to the third floor, swiftly passed by it and reached the fourth. Quickly, they walked further upwards, entering the fifth floor. Once there, they walked straight away to a corner.

Halting at the deepest corner before suddenly turning around, the librarian had stretched out his arms to the right and left. With a smug smile, he stated, "All this book are mainly about spirits! Tediously collected, researched, and written by our people! I proudly present the- Eh? Why are you walking away?"

Scratching the head awkwardly, Libertas approached once more the librarian. With a heavy cough, he interrupted the librarian. Then he spoke, "You scared me as you suddenly turned around. Moreover, you spread arms out like you wanted to catch me."

As the librarian heard this, his mouth twitched for a moment before his face returned to a stoic expression. Silently, he took back his hand and placed them behind his back. Subsequently, he told an annoying boy, "Whatever… Anyway, here are the books you want to read. You can take it downwards to read, or alternatively, you can read it directly here. Otherwise, you can lend it too, and it read it at home. Well then, see you later."

Promptly, the librarian headed downwards without looking back at the dumbfounded Libertas. After a while of mindless staring in the air, Libertas randomly grabbed one book. With a light smile, he sat down on the ground and began reading.

The time steadily passed and flowed away. Libertas yawned as he read the dry and dull book about spirits. Nevertheless, he still pressed on persistently, even as his will wavered due to his continuously drooping eyelids.

The pages of the book rustled softly with every turn before an eerily silence descended on the place. Soon the soft rustle of a page being turned appeared again. And then, it was eerily silent once more….


All of a sudden, a muffled bump sounded out. The book about the spirits had fallen to the ground. Soon following that, a hand dropped on the open page, and soft snoring rhythmically resounded throughout the place….

Libertas had already nodded off by now….