Only a Dream?

In the infirmary a stool crashed against the ground, banging loudly. A loud yell resounded through the door into the corridor, "FUCK OFF!"

Annoyed, Victor stepped out of the door behind the writing desk. He frowned and ruffled through his own hair as he looked towards the infirmary beds. Quickly, he walked towards them.

Anxious, Maria jumped between the two quarrelling boys. She stretched out her arms, fearing that they would soon fight. Then she shouted distressed, "STOP IT! Please. Don't fight against each other. Anthony, please, can you just out for now? Please? Anthony?"

Hearing her pleading voice, Anthony sighed, "Alright, I will go. If you need anything, just shout. I will rush in to help you."

After saying that, Anthony turned around with harrumph. Swiftly, he walked by the coming teacher, stepped out of the room and closed the door. Seeing this, Marcus snorted. Then he looked at Victor before he worriedly asked, "Mr Augustus, how is Libertas?"

Victor briefly nodded at Maria, then Marcus. Afterwards, he replied, "Usually, he should have been well, but if I look at him now, I am not any longer certain about that."

Promptly, Maria grabbed after Victor's hand, but Victor pulled his hand away. Worried, she looked up to Victor and asked with a quivering voice, "Why? What is happening to him?"

Uncaring, Victor shrugged with his shoulders. Subsequently, he answered, "He has suffered a lot. Look at his eyes. He clearly-"

Suddenly, Marcus interrupted, "Dead! They are dead."

Stunned, Maria exclaimed, "What?! How? Isn't he still breathing?"

Victor nodded as he explained, "Yeah, but his spirit has broken into pieces. During the whole time, you lot shouted, he was awake. However, he didn't even care a bit about that. It was as if he had lost his purpose in life. Something had likely happened in his past that he couldn't digest yet. He is on his own. I can't do anything to help him with it."

Hearing all that, Maria glanced anxiously at Libertas. His eyes were indeed open, listlessly staring at them. Looking back, she inquired distressed "Then what can we do?"

Shaking his head, Victor sighed, "I don't know. We can't see in his mind. Now, we can't even properly speak with him. How could he help him to digest everything?"

Suddenly, someone appeared out of thin air in front of him. Startled, Victor jumped back as blue mist gathered in his hand. However, as he saw the person, he knelt frightened on both of his knees. The blue mist scattered as he quickly apologized, "Founder, please pardon me. I didn't know you would come."

Nodding, she looked towards Marcus and Maria. Scared, they too plumped to their knees. Subsequently, she gazed at Libertas. Unwittingly, she muttered puzzled with a frown on her forehead, "Should killing affect one so much? Isn't it only killing?"

Following, she quickly shook her head before she looked down at Victor. Coldly, she questioned, "You have said that he will recover once has digested his past, right?

Without daring to look up, Victor answered promptly, "I am sorry, Founder, but no. Pardon me for my rudeness, but you have to know that recovery can never instantly happen. It has always been a long process, and even more so if it is the mind."

Frowning, the Founder clicked with her tongue before she waved her hand dismissively. Then she said, "Bring him to my tower. I will see what I can do."

Hearing that, Maria jumped elated up and jubilated happily. On the contrary, Marcus still knelt in front of the Founder while he thanked. After nodding, she quickly swept her gaze at Libertas before she scattered once more into blue light. Soon she vanished again from this room.

Seeing that, Victor stood back, sighing in relief. Glancing at Libertas, he asked himself, who that boy exactly was. Was that boy her illegitimate child? Or maybe even something more? Shivering, he carefully lifted Libertas before he quickly carried the boy away with the utmost care he could.

Maria and Marcus swiftly walked after Victor. Then as Victor saw Anthony waiting outside of the door, he just ignored him despite knowing his identity. Following Marcus stepped out of the door. Promptly, he sneered at Anthony before he quickly left.

Irritated, Anthony glared back at Marcus. However, before he could say anything, Maria stopped. Perplexed, he looked at her. She looked briefly to the left and then to the right before she briefly whispered what had just happened inside the infirmary.

Stunned, Anthony silently closed his mouth. Seeing this, Maria nodded and quickly rushed after the duo at the front. Shaking his head, he too quietly followed after the group. After reaching, he swiftly glanced towards Libertas. Then he softly muttered, "Did I offend the friend of the Founder's illegitimate child?"

In the basement of the Founder's tower, a little girl suddenly sneezed at the ground. She rubbed her nose before she continued to draw with a brush and ink on the ground. Strangely, around the ink was a faint blue light. Furthermore, although it resembled a magic circle, it wasn't a circle. It was instead an octagon. Moreover, the runes of it emitted an ancient vibe, unlike the commonly known runes.

After she has finished, she sighed and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Soon a knocking resounded from the door leading inwards. Ignoring it, she walked to the centre of the octagon. Reaching there, she drew another three magic circles. Two small ones were inside one big. Besides that, a wavelike line separated the two small magic circles. Surprisingly, it resembled the Yin-Yang symbol.

"Finally done."

Once she said that she slumped to the ground. While laying against the floor, she gazed at the roof. Frowning, she muttered to herself, "Why am I doing all of this? Isn't simpler to just forcefully level him up? No, I can't do that. Sister would immediately wake up and escape."

Subsequently, she didn't speak for a while. Time passed before she muttered to herself once more, "Why am I doing all that for him? In the end, he wouldn't advance fast enough to offer any resistance to my sister, right? He too wouldn't be a good vessel to confine my sister in, right? Then why am I doing all this? Why am I hoping for the impossible to happen?"

No one could answer this question for her. Hence, there was again a long silence. Standing exhausted up, she sighed wearily, "Emotions, such an annoyance."

Blue mist gathered around her hand as she walked towards the door. With a quick snap of her finger, a magic circle formed and vanished. Light began dancing around the little girl. Soon it covered the sight of her.

Reaching the door, the light around her faded, revealing a beautiful mature lady. She pulled the door handle and opened the door. Expressionless, she looked at the man who carried Libertas. Then her gaze wandered further down, to the little kids around the man.

A little girl looked anxiously at her while she firmly held on the sleeve of the man. A fat boy stood with his gaze down behind the man. Another boy in fine silk clothing gracefully bowed to her. She chuckled involuntarily at the strange makeup of the group before she told her butler, "Bring in the boy. Only him."

Bowing slightly, the butler then said to the man, "Please give me the kid. If you want, you can go now, or you can wait here too."

Nodding, the man gave the butler the kid. After seeing this, the Founder turned around and walked back inside the room. Then as she heard the door behind her closing, she spoke, "Lay the boy in the centre of the circle. Then you go out too."

"Yes, Milady."

The butler quickly laid Libertas in centre of the circle before he left the room. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the edge of the octagon as she turned back to a little girl. Sitting in front of it, she placed her hand down on it. She exhaled and took another deep breath. Gradually, the octagon lightened up in reverse clockwise.

The moment the whole octagon lightened up, the Yin-Yang Magic circle flashed brightly. An ink-like black light covered the room, stealing the sight from everyone….




…. Libertas dazedly opened his eyes. Where was he? What had the Founder done to him? Sitting up, he looked listlessly around. However, realizing something, his eyes instantly widened up in shock. Was everything he had recently experienced… only a dream?

Did that mean, he didn't kill? It was only a dream. He didn't kill. Heck, He didn't even reincarnate or die! He was now only twelve and not sixteen or ten! He was twelve!

After standing up from his bed, he looked once more in disbelieve around. He had his own wardrobe now. Even though there still weren't any clothes in it. Moreover, no one would hit him here. Mum or dad wasn't here, only the teacher, who adopted him shortly after the police had taken his mum away. Although he only lived here for a week, this place felt a lot more like home than his old place.

Opening the wardrobe, he saw his own reflection in the mirror. His unkempt had fallen into his pale face, nearly covering the almost black eyes. The slight bony appearance stuck unpleasant out to the eyes. Nevertheless, it was his, showing him that he wasn't any longer Libertas.

Despite that, they both looked similar, but they definitely weren't the same person. Libertas had killed, but he didn't do it! He was clearly XXX…. He was clearly Mires and not Libertas! Realizing that, he sighed in relief. Everything about Libertas could only be a dream.

His listless eyes began to liven up again. However, as he then thoughts of the bullies at school, his eyes dimmed once more. Suddenly a knocking resounded. Frightened, he stared at the door. Slowly, it creaked open. The sunlight through from the window on the face of man steeping in.

Instantly, his eyes widened in shock. How could this be?