Something Wicked This Way Comes  

"We're nearly there, sir," Jaybird said to his master as he helped him walk back to the entrance of Fel Rock Cavern's mine. "I see the dreary light of the outside just a little further ahead…"

Black Howler had pushed himself past his limit against the [Abomination], draining what little life Jaybird's minor healing potion had given him. His own soul core was nearly depleted as well. Ironic that he'd almost shared a similar fate that his rival, Ath3na, had just survived.

"We'll take a long rest in the Dark Forest before heading back to Adventour," Black Howler said. "Give ourselves a chance to heal…"

"Roger-roger, sir," Jaybird agreed.

His arm was draped over Jaybird's shoulders, and he leaned heavily on the younger man while they moved onward. At their slow pace, it was another ten minutes before they finally made it out of the mine and onto the outcropping of rock were the mine's entrance was located. This shelf jutted out of the sloped wall of a rocky hill that was around twenty feet above the forest floor.

Jaybird helped his master lean against the wall for support so he would be free to walk around and take their bearings. He gazed up at the dark cloud next. Forks of teal-colored lightning streaked across them, bringing a bit of illumination to their surroundings which included the canopy of trees below.

"Um, sir," Jaybird's eyes were glued to the ground below them. "There's only one ongoing event in the game now, right?"

"Yes… the Deathly Challenger's Cup," Black Howler answered tiredly. "Why?"

"Because there's a lot of movement down below," Jaybird said worriedly.

Black Howler raised an eyebrow at his apprentice. "What?"

"Holy pretzel," Jaybird whispered just loud enough for his master to hear him. "I think… I think an army of monsters is on its way to Adventour…"

Black Howler moved quickly despite the protest of his aching muscles. But he needed to see what Jaybird was seeing — and as he glanced down below, his eyes widened with disbelief.

Jaybird, who was observing his master said, "Um, I don't think we can take those guys on our own, sir…"

"What are you on about, kid," Black Howler asked distractedly.

"I've seen that hungry look on your face before, sir," Jaybird answered knowingly. "You're probably itching to test your strength on those things below… but..."

Jaybird sighed heavily.

"We can't pick a fight with them, sir… not beat up like we are," Jaybird warned.

"I know," Black Howler answered.

"Oh, good, cool," Jaybird sighed with relief.

"Besides, this is just the tail-end of a larger force… heading down there now would be suicide," Black Howler crouched down.

Jaybird followed his lead before asking the question. "H…how much larger, sir?"

Black Howler's brow furrowed ever so slightly. "Watch our backs, kid… I need to send a message back to Adventour…"


"Is this for real?" Leo asked in confusion. "Tell me this is one of you guys pulling my leg…"

He was back in the monitor room and looking over a report McCloud had given him while surrounded by a few members of his team.

"Why would we want to pull your leg?" Agatha asked.

"Um, if it's leg pulling you want… I think I have a few Bed Creepers in my QA team do it for you," Bront replied.

"No, Bront," Leo sighed. "It's just a figure of speech… I just really need someone to tell me that this is a joke."

Leo glanced up from the report in his hand to the werewolf who'd given it to him.

"It is most certainly not a joke, Game Master," McCloud answered. "Crimsonback isn't one to lie and we've received a second verification from another source within Dark Forest…"

"Who's the source?" Leo asked.

McCloud had his eyes glued to the administrator window between him and Leo.

"Black Howler," he answered after checking. "I believe he's currently on a retrieval quest in the eastern regions of the Dark Forest…"

"And he saw Maleagant's forces too?" Leo pressed. "How big of a group are we talking?"

McCloud checked his window again. Leo could see him counting under his breath.

"The forces Crimsonback's Wildling Hunt engaged was two hundred strong… all of them undead," McCloud reported. "They'd whittled the enemy's numbers down to half before they lost the battle and had to make their escape…"

Leo plopped back down on his chair and massaged his brow with the fingers of one hand. "A hundred undead…"

He looked up at McCloud, his brow furrowing.

"Do we know who's leading this hundred-man enemy raid team?" he asked.

McCloud reviewed his window a third time before answering. "A lesser lich called Mr. Bones… Intel says he's one of Death Knight Maleagant's top advisors…"

"Oh, Lord of Death, that was a brilliant move," Agatha exclaimed.

Leo turned around to see what she was seeing on the floating mirrors.

"What did I miss?" Leo asked.

"Argonaut just broke out of Wunderkid's Illusion Field by punching his own face with one of his armored fists," Agatha replied. "And as soon as he's free, he throws his shield straight at the Blood Bard's gut… Oh, Lord of Death, that looked very painful."

"Sh*t," Leo hissed.

He was missing the second match of the semifinals because of McCloud's report.

"Don't worry, Game Master," Agatha replied after she saw the irritation appear on his face. "You can watch the fight in the streams along with the rest of the humans who've subscribed to the Abyss' official Twitcher channel…"

"Watching it live is way more fun than watching a replay," Leo sighed.

He turned his attentions back on McCloud.

"So… when will this raid party arrive?" Leo asked.

"I believe they'll be within sight of Adventour by nightfall, Game Master," McCloud answered.

Leo glanced up at the ceiling.

"Really… I can never tell night from day in this place," Leo replied.

Leo's ears caught Donatella's voice through the screens. She'd just announced that Argonaut managed to prevent Wunderkid from casting [BRAINWASH] on him.

"Argonaut has just unleashed a flurry of blows that continues to prevent Wunderkid from casting any songs that might put him under Wunderkid's control," Donatella reported.

"And~~d Wunderkid retaliates with Cutting Verse!" Morgue chimed in. "He is quite good at bashing people, isn't he?"

Leo's brow furrowed even more. How could he be missing such an interesting match?

"How would you like to proceed with our defense of the city, Game Master?" McCloud asked.

There it was again — the decision on how to do battle was Leo's to make as if he knew the first thing about warfare and battle tactics outside of games and movies. And yet he still managed to place that boyish grin on his face when he replied, "We could just send all the players out to beat the crap out of them... ten thousand against a hundred is a pretty safe bet. Yeah, let's go with—"

"—And~~d Wunderkid goes down~~n!" Donatella announced. "Argonaut just beat him into unconsciousness with his fists!"

Hearing those words sent a stray thought floating across the surface of Leo's mindscape. Argonaut had won. He would face Ath3na in the finals — the finals. And like a flash of inspiration, an idea sparked to life inside Leo's brain, causing his grin to widen and feel more genuine.

"Hey, McCloud… how much time would you need to prepare if I decide to change the format of the final round?" Leo asked.

McCloud wolfish eyes narrowed slightly. "I…it'll depend on what you have in mind, Game Master."

Leo glanced back at the mirrors reflecting that reflected the vision of the Evil Eyes flying around the arena.

Argonaut was still in the ring with his fist raised in the air in triumph. The audience was going wild with their cheers.

"Whatever I'm planning… do you think you can make the changes to the event's structure before nightfall?" Leo pressed.

"Most certainly," McCloud said, sounding a little too sure. "My team can manage whatever you throw our way, Game Master."

Leo got up from his chair and patted the werewolf on the shoulder.

"I like that go-getter attitude," he chuckled. "Alright, gather your team… I'll make the announcement in the ring myself."

Leo made his way out the door, and after a second of worry flashing across his own face, McCloud ran after him while yelling at Leo's back, "What announcement?"