Tower Defence

The words, "BATTLE START!" appeared in bright neon colors on the floating screens above the arena, signaling the beginning of the final match of the Deathly Challenger's Cup. While on the field, the ground rumbled as a horde of undead raced across barren earth.

The audience cheered.

For those watching from the safety of their seats, it really was a sight to see, the kind that made popcorn and drinks taste extra tasty. This meant more revenue for the concessionary stands which meant more soul stones for Adventour, which, luckily for everyone, made an incredibly irritable reaper slightly less irritated.

"They better destroy that cheeky little skeleton," Morgue grumbled into her mic.

Donatella slid a little further away from her partner.

"I'm sure they'll do their best," she said in a placating manner right before she added in an undertone, "Lord of Death help us all if they fail…"

But for those waiting in their rickety wooden towers, the sight of so many enemies charging toward them, well, not even Ath3na could deny the chill that was rising up her spine.

"I really wish we had time to lay some traps on the field," Ath3na said worriedly.

"Cheer up, love," Lyghtning said as she patted her friend on the back. "We're going to save the day!"

Her words were echoed by her fans back in the arena, although Lyghtning didn't know that.

"Bastards are fifty yards away!" Bully the Kid called from above.

"Wait for it!" Ath3na called back.

A few seconds later, Bully yelled again, "Forty yards away!"

"Wait for it!" Ath3na repeated her command.

"Thirty-five!" Bully called.

"Wait just a little more!" Ath3na replied.

"Thirty!" Bully yelled urgently.

Ath3na raised her spear forward. "Open fire!"


The sound of an explosion reached her ears. The smell of something burning wafted down to her nose. Then Ath3na saw the fireball explode out the top of the tower. It trailed the sky like a comet and exploded down on the ground thirty yards away.


Hellfire and brimstone spread out of the impact zone, bathing several zombies in unholy flames.

Back in the arena, the audience let out a cheer.

"Keep firing and don't let up, Bully!" Ath3na ordered.

"Yeah-yeah," Bully replied. "Tell me something I don't know."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bully the Kid launched fireball after fireball at the enemy, culling more and more of the fodder that wasn't smart enough or quick enough to get out of the way.

On the large board standing where the ring once stood, Ath3na's symbol was constantly earning more and more points.

"Team Alpha earns another one point in this first exchange of hostilities," Donatella announced. "They've earned sixteen points total so far!"

Team Bravo follows suit," Morgue added while sounding a little less aggravated. "They've got eleven points now…"

"They're off to a good start," Donatella agreed.

"Killing zombies and reanimated shadow beasts are all well and good but the Grave Warriors and Skull Knights are nearly on them," Morgue countered. "Let's see how these two teams stack up against the elites."

Morgue's foreshadowing of what was to come did not disappoint the fans one bit. Neither Team Alpha nor Team Beta was willing to give any ground to the invaders.

"Liberty Belle, you're up!" Ath3na commanded. "Lyghtning and I will back you, Oh!siris will cover our backs and heal us when we need it."

"Just let me at 'em, sugah." Liberty Belle hefted her war hammer over her shoulder. "Time to start the tires and light the fires."

Liberty Belle was the first to step out of team Alpha's watchtower. She gazed out into that burning field, felt the wind brush against her cheeks, and then smiled.

She raised her fist high and yelled, "Spectral Shield!"

Three ethereal rings appeared around Liberty Belle's body, one on the head, a second one around her chest, and the final ring wrapped around her hips.

For the Ath3na's benefit, Liberty Belle gave her a quick explanation of [SPECTRAL SHIELD].

"The more damage I do, the more powerful my shield grows… up to thirty percent stronger," she explained quickly.

"That's convenient… how long does it last?" Ath3na asked.

She and Lyghtning had just stepped out of the watchtower and were in the midst of readying themselves too.

"As long as I keep up my attacks and I'm not interrupted, sugah," Liberty Belle answered.

"Good, you just face forward. Lyghtning and I will manage the sides," Ath3na replied. Then she turned to her friend. "How are your hands?"

"I've got full use of my left hand although it's one finger down… three fingers are broken on the right hand though," Lyghtning admitted.

"Don't use Blade Song any more, Lyght," Ath3na said. "We need both your blades singing tonight."

Lyghtning nodded. "I'm ready, love."

"If y'all are done chatting," Liberty Belle glanced over her shoulder, "Our dates to the rodeo have come calling."

Liberty Bell wasn't one to wait for the danger to crash into her. She preferred meeting danger head-on.

"Bull Rush!" she yelled.

Like a mad bull, Liberty Belle barreled forward and slammed right into the lead attacker's chest with her helmet, a grave warrior with a war hammer of its own. Her attack sent it crashing back into the arms of its fellow warriors.

This sudden disorientation with her enemies gave her a momentary advantage, one she was quick to capitalize on.

She slammed her hammer on the ground. "Battle Stomp!"

An explosive force spread out of the impact point, causing the grave warriors around her to fall to the ground.

"Anytime now, ladies!" Liberty Belle called.

"Thanks for leaving these beasts knackered, love!" Lyghtning jumped in with her shortswords raised. "Allow me to deal the finishing blow!"

She stabbed the downed foes again and again, killing them swiftly and earning her team three points per kill.

"Lyghtning just earned her team another fifteen points," Donatella announced.

"That was as easy as stealing candy from a baby," Liberty Belle said approvingly.

She failed to see the skull knight bearing down on her. Luckily, her spectral shield blocked the slash of his broadsword.

"I reckon you don't know how to sweet talk women, skull," she said just before she sent her hammer slamming into the side of the skull's face. "Here, have a taste of my ugly stick! It might make you more agreeable."

"I have no idea what you just said, but it sounded brilliant," Lyghtning commented as she slashed into the gut of another grave warrior that had popped up on Liberty Belle's blindside. "I've got your back!"

"Mighty kind of you, Lyghtning!" Liberty Belle replied.

She slammed her war hammer into the chest of the skull knight that attacked her and finally ended its life.

"On your left!" Ath3na warned.

Liberty Belle turned to her left but Ath3na had already pierced a second skull warrior's chest with her spear.

"Duck!" Liberty Belle warned her back.

Ath3na ducked just in time for Liberty Belle's war hammer slammed a third skull warrior in the right shoulder, effectively repelling the attack it launched on Ath3na. Not that she needed help to dodge anyone's attack, but Ath3na was grateful nonetheless.

"Thank you," she said at the same time as she placed her hand onto that third skull knight's brow. "Life-Draining Touch!"

On the other side of Liberty Belle, Lyghtning had just been stabbed in the shoulder by a grave warrior's throwing ax.

"Bloody hell!" she yelled.

Her pain was short-lived however as healing energy wrapped around her and quickly restored her shoulder even before blood could spill out of the wound.

"Appreciate the assist, Oh!siris!" she called over her shoulder.

Oh!siris was standing just outside the watchtower's entrance with one glowing hand raised in her direction.

"It is nothing," he answered modestly. "As it seems you are the only one who needs my healing."

Lyghtning glanced over to her other two teammates and noticed what Oh!siris was referring to.

Liberty Belle's armor was bloodied but the black blood caking her breastplate didn't belong to her. They were splatters from the wounds she inflicted on the many foes running straight into her.

"Come on! Come on!" Liberty Belle laughed. "I've got a hankering for more smashed skulls!"

Ath3na, on the other hand, flitted in and out of her corporeal form as she dodged one attack after another. With Red Death in one hand piercing through a swath of enemies, her other hand was free to steal the lives of others.

Both women were grinning wildly while they fought. Battle lust had obviously claimed them.

The sight of her friend going all out despite her fears of substance abuse caused Lyghtning's brow to furrow. Still, this was probably not the time to stop her.

"Keep your heals ready just in case, Oh!siris," Lyghtning replied worriedly. "Those two will need you soon enough."

Lyghtning gazed out onto the field that was still crawling with foes.

"It's going to be a long night," she said.

"Oi! We've got trouble!" Bully the Kid yelled from above.

Lyghtning followed his hand as it pointed south. She frowned as she caught sight of something unexpected.

"Bloody hell!" she yelled. "Ath3na… Argonaut's making a break for Mr. Bones!"

As if on cue, Donatella's voice echoed through the air. "Argonaut's just abandoned their defensive position… he and his entire team are making a beeline toward the enemy commander!"

"About damn time," Morgue cut in. "Murder that arrogant fool in the name of Adventour!"

"Ath3na!" Lyghtning yelled again.

The urgent tone of Lyghtning's call brought Ath3na out of her stupor, her mind clearing quickly enough for her to make her decision.

"Bully, get down here! We're going after them!" she ordered.

Lyghtning moved to her side.

"What about the town?" she asked.

"Slay the boss, save the town," Ath3na answered. "So into the breach we go!"