The Losers

Leo and Morgana had teleported outside Deathman Wonderland after an injured Lyghtning and Wunderkid limped out of its double front doors. 

"Hurry, Leo, or Maleagant will sense my presence…" Morgana warned. 

Leo, disguised as Maestro, rushed forward and helped the two survivors down the steps and back to where Morgana sat. 

She snapped her fingers, and the shadows began to engulf her and the others. However, before they were whisked away, the doors to the castle opened wide, revealing Death Knight Maleagant standing just inside its threshold. 

He had his chalice in one hand while his other hand was waving lazily back at them. There was a devilish smile on his face that made Morgana frown. 

"Leo, I… we… we have to murder that bastard," Morgana whispered. 

Leo nodded. "Yeah… he'll regret letting these two go." 

And then they were gone, shadow traveling back to Morgana's territory with their injured players in tow.