Cramming for the Exam

After Leo was done convincing the Deathbringers to suit up, and after they were all done shaking hands and left to do their own thing before the big game, Leo made his way down to his secret training area below town hall which he realized as soon as he stepped into wasn't such a secret area after all. 

"Huh, this wasn't the kind of negotiations I was expecting," Leo commented. 

"Hey, Leo-boyo," Max called happily. 

He beckoned Leo toward him with a hand so they could both watch from the sidelines as the situation in front of them got more and more out of hand. 

"So~oo, what brought this on?" Leo asked as he leaned on the wall and crossed his arms. 

"Some of them just needed to be reminded who's boss and some of them just wanted to spar with the boss," Max explained in a jovial tone. 

"Why aren't you with them then?" Leo asked. "Isn't big guns and fights your shtick?"