Aggressive Negotiations  

"Let's do this the same way our players do but from top to botttom," Morgana insisted. 

Leo, who didn't unlike the idea of a final quality assurance test before they officially launched the Deathman's Wonderland raid to the masses, reminded McCloud to ensure the SRS system was working for their four-man team so that they could get the full experience which included item drops. 

"What is this SRS system?" Bastilla asked. 

"Substitute Reaper System," McCloud answered quite energetically. 

There followed a long explanation of what the SRS system was and how it worked, an explanation that was eventually shortened abruptly by Morgana's pronounced yawn. 

"Send her the cliff notes," Morgana insisted. "Now's a time for action." 

As soon as they were out the double doors, their first opponent was already waiting for them.