The Theory of Everything  


"Yo, yo, yo! Coven update's going live tonight, people!" user SilentMild wrote. "I am so stoked!!!" 

User May1st added the meme [Dancing Baby in diapers meme].

"Guys! Join the Collective! We're accepting all comers who are willing to work together to improve our lives in the Abyss," user LilHyz wrote. 

User May1st added the meme [RDJ raising a glass of whiskey up]. 

"You'll definitely get a lot of recruits, Lil," user SilentMild replied. "Two thousand slots are opening in the Beta server alongside the Coven update." 

"Two thousand more people whose lives are about to change," May1st added. 

"Sh*t, that many people figured out the Easter egg at the same time?" user Grimthorn asked. 

"Probably not," user LilHyz wrote back. "I hear there's a huge waitlist of people who've already found the egg… Some of them are finally going to get their chance tonight!"