Raid Prep  

[[QUEST: RACE TO THE TOP OF THE TOWER OF SORCERY] [TYPE: TEN-MAN RAID] [RANK: B-] [The Raven Queen plots the demise of Adventour from within her Tower of Sorcery, a ten-floor repository of forbidden arcane knowledge found near the top of the lowest peak of the Pitchfork mountain. Morgana, the benevolent ruler of Adventour, commands the Covens to launch a preemptive strike on the Raven Queen's forces and lay siege to the Tower of Sorcery with the goal of reaching its top floor and claiming it for Adventour.] 

[QUEST REQUIREMENTS: Participants must be part of a registered Coven. Ten members are required for each raid team. Only one raid team per Coven is allowed. Raid Teams must register at the Pitchfork Outpost by **/**/**, one week from now.] 

[QUEST REWARDS: Sorcerer's Grimoire x1, Unique Spellcaster's Relic x1, Epic Arcane Relic x2, ToS Conqueror's Trophy, ToS Exclusive Tabard for Coven, free Covenstead at ToS Outpost, and one-time Reaper's Blessing for Coven.]