The Book of Desire

Finding Jaybird wasn't very difficult as the teenage magical swordsman was already running in their direction while looking quite horrified with what he'd just left behind. 

"Guys!" he waved them over. "Holy pretzel am I glad to see you two!" 

"Are you alright, Jaybird?" Ath3na asked. 

"Ye-yeah, it's just… I had the weirdest dream ever!" he answered a little too excitedly. "It was so trippy that it couldn't have possibly been real and I figured someone was messing with me which turns out there was and it was a she and she was a demon and she was so freaking scary to look at that I—"

Lyghtning put a stop to his rambling by patting him hard on both shoulders. 

"Calm down, love," she chided. "We're not particularly interested in what kind of trippy sex dream Lust showed you." 

"S-sex dream?!" Jaybird looked quite scandalized. "I-I'm fifteen… I don't have weird dreams like that!"