Lay Down Your Burdens Part 1

Black Howler's grip loosened on his sword hilt as the lure of sloth finally wormed its way into the defenses of his mind. 

"Lay — down — your — burdens," Sloth urged in the slowest possible way one could say something. 

The broken blade fell from Black Howler's hands with a loud clang on the flagstone floor where the rest of his party could be found in different stages of rest. Thorminator and Serenity were actually spooning, Liberty Belle was already snoring away, and Bulldog Alfie looked like he was dead. 

"Dammit," Black Howler grumbled. "Dammit, dammit, dammit…"

Even now he was fighting against the Sin of Sloth's influence. Even now he refused to surrender. But his eyelids refused to cooperate. They kept closing on him. 

"We should have gutted you while we had the chance," Black Howler growled.