Luminaries versus the Judges Part II  

Black Howler stepped forward, and as he did, the sword in his hands emitted a loud humming sound quite similar to what a light-saber makes when it moves through the air. The sound of it made Black Howler grin as he always fancied becoming a Jedi

"Joe!" Black Howler yelled as he dashed forward. 

It was a very obvious signal — and an extra lame battle cry to boot — but at least Dragon Joe wouldn't miss the meaning in hearing his name. 

Dragon Joe answered back with, "One second!" 

Then with a mighty heave, he yanked at the scales in his hand, forcing Lady Justice to stumble forward. At the same time, Dragon Joe stepped to the right to avoid the clash that was coming. 

The Scales of Judgment wasn't about to be defeated just like that though, and despite the many deep gauges on her metallic body, she looked like she was raring to have a go at the new arrival. Her wide grin told Black Howler as much.