My love in life

Layla's fingers were uncrossed and her mouth left wide open like many others that had watched the fight. They just witnessed something they didn't really understand. While Lucy had done the something similar in taking out a whole team without touching them. 

Quinn's display had a more lasting effect, as the sheer power could be seen through each of his actions, rather than something unexplainable happening.

'Quinn, how strong did you get?' Layla thought.

The fight had gone even easier then Sam had predicted and he felt like he knew the reason why. Usually, when Quinn would fight, he would do so conserving his MC. The reason for this, was the shadow was used mostly to block attacks or as a utility tool. 

On top of this, usually in fights, Quinn would have to worry about  the chance of what was coming next. When fighting bests or in a war, there was always the next thing around the corner, and using up one's MC could be the death of them.