The new title

Quinn read the quest text a few times. He thought if he read it enough, it might change, but it didn't seem to be the case, and when checking the system, it would stare at him as a reminder.

'I can't even hide it. Is it just going to stay there forever?'

"Either this system thinks a lot of you, or It's trying to kill you," Vincent said, reading the same questline. Becoming King was something even Vincent was not able to do. It was something he never wished either, but if someone asked him if it was possible, he would never claim it was possible.

"I think I might agree with you there," Quinn replied. "I mean, I've been completing these quests because the system has been rewarding me, and usually, with each quest completed, the reward has made me stronger. Maybe it's the only thing it can suggest after becoming a leader."

Seeing the quest did make him run a few scenarios through his mind.