Yellow eyes

There wasn't much time for settling down. The newcomers from the Cursed faction had already seen the whole castle, and also each had a room to stay in. This resulted in a slight divide between the two groups, as those that hailed from the Cursed ship had chosen to go live on the third floor, whereas the students all lived on the second.

There were a few exceptions to this though, as Erin stayed on the same floor as the students, due to her often going to train with them. Wanting to be near her, both Layla and Cia had also decided to select rooms on the second floor.

Of course, it wasn't a massive problem, it was easy enough for any member of any group to just go up or down one floor.

Right now, the boys and Linda had gathered together in one room to discuss the recent events. Paul was no longer part of his group, as he had already been swept up by Leo to get familiar with his new knightly duties.