Eat it!

The bloodlust could be felt in the air, and as Peter looked at all the vampires that surrounded them, each of their eyes were glowing red, saliva dripping from their hungry mouths. Some of them were covered in wounds, as they were fighting against each other just seconds ago. It was amazing how their natural instincts had come out the second they had all smelt the same thing, human blood.

Usually to Logan, vampires appear quite human in his eyes, they had emotion, high levels of intelligence, but looking at them now, they just looked like wild beasts. Where their urges had taken over every thought in their body.

It wasn't only those in the eighth family that were eyeing up Logan, but also those all around in the area as well.

"Is it a human? What is a human doing here?"

"This smell, its so sweet!!" Another screamed, piercing its own skin with it's finger nails from it's excitement.