A teacher

What was being suggested by Sam, was a thought that hadn't once crossed Quinn's mind. 'Become a teacher?'

Kids had certain dreams growing up, but Quinn being someone who had always hated school and the teachers around him that ignored everything that happened, never thought he would be put in such a position where he could become one.

Quinn himself was soon to only become eighteen and be considered an adult by the world. It was strange to even think of himself as a teacher, and besides, he had more important pressing things to do. So why would he need to waste his time with this?

"I can tell what you're thinking, Quinn, but you should hear me out before you make up your mind. The meeting for everyone else is dismissed. If there is anything you would like to request, feel free to run it past me, and then I can run it past Quinn." Sam said, and soon after, everyone had left the room quite quickly.