This is our King?

It took a few hours for them to finally reach the planet, and honestly Quinn was quite pleased by the fact for more reasons than one. He had felt really uncomfortable around all the vampires. Whenever he would walk past, they would give him glares here and there.

At the same time, others would get out of his way or leave the room when he entered. Not that Quinn was the talkative type or anything, but it was clear they were treating him differently, and the thing was he knew it wasn't because they were being rude, it was the opposite.

"I guess that's what it's like to be King? I'm happy that everyone on the Cursed faction treats me well, and surprisingly, I'm happy that he's here as well." Quinn said, looking up at Jesk.

The ship was landing, and Quinn was waiting to get off by the back of the ship where the ramp would descend. By his side was Jesk, who felt like the only person he could talk to.