Quinn Vs Quinn

Just like last time, everyone seemed to be having a tough time against their counterpart. Although their plan was to help out each other by switching opponents for a short time, it was almost like their enemies were prepared for this and made it impossible to find an opening. At times they would even move so they could block their way. Not only were their movesets the same but so were their thoughts. Making them worry that their plan might not work out as they intended.

Meanwhile, Jesk and his doppelganger didn't rely on any particular strategy, instead opting to use brute strength. Their fight wasn't too different from the gorilla having fought the grey member of his species back on the Vampire Planet, only that he and his counterpart had three pairs of hands each. Unable to overwhelm the other, they had entered a dogfight, exchanging their fists and at this rate, both the beasts would end up falling eventually.