The Cursed leaders back again

Although it had been a while since Nate had discovered the main Dalki base, he wasn't instructed to step on the planet on his own; instead, he was called to another planet to change the type of ship they would be using for this battle.

Instead of the small combat ship, they would use one of the medium-sized vessels deployed in this area from the main Cursed ship.

Currently, he was waiting patiently, having moved away from the main Dalki ship.

For one, he was worried that if he stayed around too long, the enemy might dispatch forces to attack him. A space fight wasn't exactly in his best interest, and the Dalki ships were just as good if not better than those that earth had, which was why Humans preferred combat on the planets rather than in space.

At the same time, a large uncrewed drone ship was monitoring the planet. It was also being used to get an energy reading from the planet. Because of this, it didn't matter if Nate let it out of his sight or not.